So nc type weapons are not poplular with br100's lol

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Odin, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. Odin

    Look at every chart Higby listed, not one nc type gun is the most or even second most used for any class or any empire other than ha, but nc ha's don't have access to a high rof gun or they would use it. Devs don't listen to even their own data nc guns are ****e in 90% of the combat that happens in this game, which is tower fights and bases. High rof is king devs get your head out of your *** and give nc ha's a high rof gun. don't tell me faction flavor either as all the other classes have access to higher than 650 rof guns...
    If I was developing a game and had data that showed a overwhelming number of the end game people totally stopped using a weapon type (other than small sample size people auraxium farmers) I would ******* fix it.
    Shouldn't one 167 or 200 damage gun be popular or even most popular if the damn game was balanced?
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  2. Huishe

    Hey, look at TR heavy stats, one of the most popular LMG is actually NS one.
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  3. Odin

    Don't bring up spm or sph stats either they are useless with small sample sizes or people just using the weapon till they auraxium it. And too many other factors are involved, medi revives, engies repairing etc.
    But hey they can shove this faction flavor up their *** now with infantry weapons I am done with it.
  4. Odin

    Yes Huishe and the overwhelmingly top used 2 weapons are your fastest firing of course. Same with every other class and empire.
  5. Ryme

    So NC can't receive buffs because "top" NC players don't use NC weapons?
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  6. Aegie

    I think this is just more convergent evidence that the developers have not balanced the ROF*damage per shot equation by weighing damage per shot too heavily and ROF too lightly.
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  7. Odin

    I would like to think they can fix nc weapons to be more useful (cyclone smg is popular because it doesn't lose a dps race to anything) but rof is so good in every fps ever made I don't know how they missed that idea.
    But good point Aegie
  8. JesNC

    The 4 top weapon and (more realistically, the JH result is probably skewed) the top 3 LMGs for NC heavies are all NC-flair weapons.

    The SAW is only 4th place because it's lacking in CQC, but we all knew that. We also all knew the Reaper and AXC were ****, and so does SOE (they're getting changed right now).

    For medics, all the top SPM weapons are in the 167 dmg family, and the Gauss Rifle only scores 3rd because -again- CQC.

    What is the point of this thread? NC weapons being fubar'ed? I don't buy it.

    PS: I you want to extract anything useful from those graphs, take my advice and don't bother. There are too few variables to form any kind of conclusion out of them and assumptions make you look bad.
  9. Odin

    I wouldn't care if they increased rof or fixed all 167 damage guns for all empires to fix this ****. Just balance the damn infantry weapons.
    People carrying a slow firing weapon working their way to a base, tower, cap point are at a huge disadvantage when they arrive, it seems Luperza, Higby and the rest of them are oblivious to this. The br100's that play their game are not.
    SoE has touted they listen to the playerbase well listen to your own data and fix it...
  10. Odin

    Jesnc you don't have to "buy it" the br100's have shown you. Spm etc is useless only equip percentage.
    And yes nc ha's use nc type guns durr, they don't have access to anything else rofl

    Look at medic and LA, overwhelmingly fast firing guns are 5x more popular than anything else even when (in the gd7fs case) its the worst fast firing gun in the game.

    SPM is useless data in these charts, get that through your head, medics healing, engies repairing bases taken, people using boosts is all involved. As well as people only using them to auraxium the weapon (definitely the case for many weapons). The sample size is also way too small for most of the weapons with high spm.
    If 100,000 people use a weapon and 600 people use another the chances of the spm being a lot higher for the 600 is huge, sample size is everything.

    To put this another way, do you think br100's haven't figured out what weapons work and which ones do not after playing the game for so long?
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  11. Scudmungus

  12. Odin

    Yeah many nc feel our "nc weapons are ****" data shows the entire population of endgame players agrees by not using them.
    Gasp wow tough to figure this one out.
    But I digress, after being shown data like this. The wds scores, the last in spm and sph for every class, the last in alerts won, the last in kd ratio across 300,000 players and the last in every vehicle category the nc is fine and were just whiners and the data (all of it) is pointing at nothing. As Luperza would put it were just not "using our weapons to their strengths" and we need to l2p.
    Looks like all the br 100's are wrong too including the vs and tr who have access to 167 damage weapons but rarely use them.
    Its like arguing with a carrot on these forums, you get nowhere.
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  13. Bankrotas

    Great, forums don't work normally now for me :/
  14. Gustavo M

    NS op
  15. JesNC

    Right, on the pretense that one could actually read something out of this graphs....

    a) BR100s are no authority on weapon performance, just because they use something doesn't mean it's awesomesauce. There just players with a lot of playtime, not special snowflakes.

    b) equip% is an indicator for player opinion at best, SPM would be an indicator for performance if you could factor out ribbons/bonuses/membership. That aside, the graph doesn't even say how equip% is calculated. Lifetime? Last 2 months? If it's the latter, the No.1s in equip% might be the most godawful weapons that most players left alone until br100 to auraxium them the last.

    This, Ladies and Gentlemen, is why people are reluctant to release statistics to the public. Someone will always try to make a point where none are to be made.
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  16. Odin

    Yeah the ns is popular you mean after 50% of the 100's use the carv and msr-w lol
  17. TheFamilyGhost

    Did anyone else sense the rage in the OP's post?

    I wonder if he died right before posting.
  18. Odin

    Yeah I am talking to u from the nether. I am raging a bit I will admit, I am tired of every data point showing the devs their balance is terrible and nothing is being done or were trolled an basically told l2p.
    The majority of highest br players in the game all choose high rof weapons but it must be that they are all clueless and need to l2p too.
  19. Odin

    When data (all of it) points to a problem there is usually a problem. Looks like a duck, sounds like a duck....its usually a duck Jessnc
  20. GhostAvatar

    Let me get this right. You can use a small sample size data source to ***** about NC weapons. But others can not use the same data source to debate your standpoint? Then this thread is pretty much pointless and nothing to do with being constructive in any way.
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