So I saw this video...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NewSith, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. NewSith

    This one:

    Is it worth returning to for a solo player? I kinda quit PS2 after I left my outfit and realised that the game is terrible for solo play, compared to, say, PS1. Did anything change in that regard or is it still "find a HUGE outfit if you want it to be fun" situation?
  2. DrakeFang

    I can't speak for your preferences, but ever since I left my outfit (all the politic-ing was grating my nerves) I've been playing solo or with 1 or 2 people and still enjoying myself.

    I think it's still going to be more fun if you have a good group (everything is), but Solo play is entertaining enough.

    Try it yourself and see what you think. It's still free after all.
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  3. Diggsano

    Don't do it, Planetside2 comes death nearer, step by step..... if you don't have wasted time or money or both before...just don't... also as solo it will be even more frustrating....

    I am telling just the truth (my side).

    I play this game because i have wasted way too much mone,time and playing with an outfit.
  4. Lemposs

    PS1 was fun solo? That is certainly the first time I have heard that.
    I'd say go for it, it is about as fun as something like Battlefield is on your own.
  5. FieldMarshall

    PS1 had tons of fun (subjective ofcourse) things a solo player could do to impact the battlefield:
    Running routers, fortifying bases, virusing enemy bases, draining enemy bases, destroying enemy spawn tubes, hacking enemy vehicles, setting up ams's, installing modules, destroying generators, setting up deployables, supplying bases with NTU, REK disabling enemy vehicles, capturing towers, setting up and upgrading aegis shields, running llu's, ghost draining bases and much much more.

    Besides the usual revive/heal/ams support, PS2 doesent really have much fun or impacting solo stuff at least compared to PS1.
    But its free, so you dont have anything to loose other than your time by trying it again.
  6. ZDarkShadowsZ

    Personally I think it depends on the type of fun you're looking to have should you return. Apart from a very short time with an outfit and occasionally playing with a friend, I never not play this game solo and I always have a lot of fun doing so.

    Unlike being in an outfit, you represent you. Whatever actions you take, they are yours. You're not judged to be a specific type of player depending on the outfit tag you wear and for me personally, that's always been a huge benefit. I very much doubt people on my server will recognise me or acknowledge my achievements because I often play solo, but I know that there have been numerous times where I have a massive sense of personal achievement when I kill that last medic about to throw a res grenade on a nearly capped friendly base which then saved it at those very last few seconds, flanking enemies and killing support roles allowing the rest of the team to push up, or playing with a friend and suiciding ourselves into key Sunderer positions that had been plaguing a friendly base for half an hour or more. Although these things can be accomplished with a squad/outfit, in some ways there's more freedom in how the task is carried out because actions are dictated by the individual themselves and not by someone else.

    The construction system is quite fun though I will say that it certainly feels like it's something best done within a squad/outfit if you want it done properly. Whenever I tried to set up a base solo it was quite difficult primarily if my Hive was active as it can take time for friendlies to assist without decent communication. That said, there have been times when I've either just driven around dropping off Cortium top-ups to friendly player-made bases, or I'll help out in adding some extra important buildings such as AV turrets, skywalls, modules etc. It's especially fun to help out other randoms build and defend a base, especially if it's well positioned, well constructed and under somewhat heavy attack.
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  7. Thor04

    Pretty much this. There is just nothing to play for at this moment. Moment you get something started continent gets locked and lattice is just pathetic at this point. It is good if you want to shoot at some stuff but that is about it.
  8. D4rk50ul

    We have a lot of fun in a small outfit. A squad of 6 can take on huge numbers if they are smart about it. As a solo player you could focus on anti vehicle which most factions lack, or be a nuisance hacking forward base terminals and disrupting the lattice cap chains.
  9. FeralBoy

    I wouldn't say it's terrible but there is no doubt that PS1 had far more impactful activities for the lone wolf than PS2 does. That being said I have all kinds of fun soloing in PS2. But then again I do love 'shooting stuff'. You can make loads of certs as an Engineer or Medic without being squadded while still helping your faction and immediate team mates.
  10. Liewec123

    for a solo player not much has changed, player made bases can be completely ignored.
    just fight for the lattice as you always have :)
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  11. Scatterblak

    BR 103 here, never played with an outfit, never felt the need. Have a few friends online, and one friend that I'll get on the phone with and we'll squad up, but never needed to be part of a specific outfit to have a good time. Just my experience.
  12. breeje

    yes now is the time to play PS2
    i play solo and in outfit squads and have fun in both game styles

    don't join a random squads pick a outfit, learn what players are good leaders and play only with them
    if you can't play with them go solo
    i prefer a single squad, good organized trying to make a difference while using unconventional tactics
    and solo harasser or infill