...So I saw the pistol roadmap...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Crywalker, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. Playful Pony

    Damn, I did it again! I even forgot to question your gender preferences and mental age, not to mention making the asumption that all of your past videogaming experience is rooted in the Call of Duty franchise. I have truly failed as a citizen of the internets. Honestly though, if I know I'm wrong I won't go on some mad rant to cover my tracks. I'm not so full of my own hubris that I cannot see the truth for what it is, and this one is not a matter of opinion. I was wrong, and I hate to jump on some poor induvidual for no reason!

    EDIT: Can't believe that word went under the knife, it's a word even my grandmother wouldn't hesitate to use.
  2. ExarRazor

    the return of shotflitrators, but this time, they're NC only!

    hurray!! /sarcasm

    i'd be fine with a shotgun pistol, but ONLY if infiltrators dont have access to it. shotfiltrators were removed for a reason. they were broken and unfair.
  3. Skadi

    Where the **** did i complain? Calm your rageboner down NC im not attacking your non existant weapons.
    I was stating that what you said was idiotic, because based on all evidence given with the games current pistols and shotguns, that pistol will be effective beyond "50cm", all shotguns and pistols are effective within 5m, if you expect more you want a highly OP weapon.
  4. Verisimilituder

    I'd like to see the VS with Beta-Lasher-style Pistols; just emits a constant beam. They'd look awesome and also be deliciously easy to spot.
  5. riker

    i can just see the conversation

    hey guys!
    i thought of a new gun!
    oooo what is it?
    the plasma pistol form halo!
    dude that thing sucks dick
    i know!! itll be perfect for the vanu!!!
    oh and i have another idea!! lets make the TR pistol auto matic!!
    ok we could go with that good idea
    and lets bring back the magshot from ps1!!!!


    TR: cool automatic, plasma pistol sucks i wouldnt worry about this, another shotgun? really? dont we get killed by them enough already?
    VS: fffffffffffffffuk! why do we get the ****** pistols?!! aw crap ANOTHER shotgun? and an automatic? really?

    please sony make the vanu pistol worth something and i seriously doubt the nc want another shotgun, GIVE THEM RAILGUNS LIKE THE SHOULD HAVE!!!
  6. ChaosRender

    How is it fair the TR get a bolt action and a automatic and NC don't? I personally don't care who gets what, but it is all unfair depending on how it is used. Shotguns are worthless after on a few meters, a automatic is not. So how about we just make all the pistols joint pool and leave it that that?
  7. Cheap_Shot

    the mag pistol was a rail gun but with shrapnel look at the reload animation your take the whole front part of the pistol off to reload it i miss that animation actually it felt like i had the staple from hell.