So, how many TRAF does it take...

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by Dimachaerus, Mar 12, 2013.

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  1. Dimachaerus

    To remove 8 BDM guys from Frostbite Harbor on Esamir last night?

    About three squads.

    Thanks for the 65 certs and progress on my Falcon MAX auraxium medal! Was a fun little fight for the first 45 minutes. GG.
  2. Ammathor

    How many NC Platoons does it take to remove HSTL from Space Baltimore?

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  3. Shanther

    How many NC and TR platoons does it take to take a Bio Lab from the VS? It seems 3 waves of MAX crashes isn't enough... =/

  4. zib1911

    Ok so you posted a NC post in the recruitment forums about how awesome 8 of your guys are?

    Thats nice I am glad that you guys are using the forums to build coordination and teamwork on our server, wait your just being childish, my bad.
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  5. Dimachaerus

    Touchy much? Lol!

    Just a bit of ribbing between foes. You aren't even TRAF, so why get uppity?

    Also, I'm dying to know, what do you mean by "building coordination and teamwork on our server" ? We're on opposite sides, we will NEVER work together.
  6. Boomotang

    Coordination between factions can make some pretty sweet events....
  7. Dimachaerus

    Better dead, than Red!

    Ahem, anyways... a bit of smack is always part of any online game, some people tend to take it farrrrr too seriously though. Wish we had actual server specific forums beyond just these.
  8. Vendettta

    TRAF sucks. One of those noobs tried to TK me today so I owned his ***... So then I get killed by one of the other people in his clan and the next thing I know i'm in a massive TK war against their whole clan. Even though it was like 3-4 versus 1 most of the time, I still got about 11 kills (and multiple weapon locks) on them, 3 on just their leader, before they finally seemed to give it up. rofl
  9. Deathcapt

    seems like a lot of infighting on the TR side.

    I've only ever seen br1 alts intentionally team kill on NC. We're all just about freedom man.
  10. NaySayer

  11. drNovikov

    Well, when I was fighting 2 TR lightnings and almost killed them, they had to bring 2 mozziez and a lib to kill me.

    I feel sorry for most TR outfits, because they are so used to spawnfarming that they literally don't know what to do if they are not sitting in a cowardtank and spaming a spawnroom with HE shells. 2C4 + a rocket -- sunderer is down, then a concussion grenade + my LMG -- cap room is clear, unless they don't have a lot more people.

    They have to pull 20 cowardtanks and 30 lolpods to fight 2-3 NC pubs =)
  12. Total_Overkill

    Im stealing this...
  13. drNovikov

    You're welcome =)
  14. Vendettta

    You have no idea... The drama is like Days of Our ******* Lives everyday. The main reason why we have problems taking continents sometimes is because half the big outfits can't get along long enough to coordinate with each other. If we could get our sh-t together we would dominate Waterson all the time.
  15. Haterade

    Who is BDM again? Just curious.
  16. Dagonlives

    I keep hearing about this BDM group, but I never see them. Some of the NC outfits some to seriously overrate themselves so I'd be interested in seeing if this claim is true. So far the only NC outfit that has really stood out in terms of 'holy **** these guys can shoot' in my mind is UN1T.
  17. DG-MOD-02

    I am going to close this down as this is not a recruitment post.
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