So how long before lockdown gets nerfed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jrv, Apr 25, 2013.

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  1. Teegeeack

    You should be happy, Nyscha. Everyone will be wearing flak armour now, meaning more headshots for infiltrators.
  2. BluescalesNZ

    I wonder if they'll get extended mags?
  3. Cyridius

    How tragic that an ability that makes me totally immobile and vulnerable to everything in this game except aircraft is going to....


    Make me powerful against aircraft!
  4. Teegeeack

    Can only really see MAX grenade launchers being useful in situations where you are greatly outnumbered. Say a small number of people defending a biolab from enemy squads. Get up on the roofs and spam grenades down.
  5. Betrix5068

    NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF!!! should do less damage then normal grenades at arount 1/6
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  6. RomulusX

    JGood already said the Max weapons are nowhere near their correct damage output
  7. GhostAvatar

    Ahhhh, I take it you have used the prowlers ability then.
  8. PurpleOtter

    Definitely, It's almost impossible to put place the grenades with any precision. This is going to be a "Hey let's lob a few grenades in that doorway and pray they actually hit something" weapon. You can just give up any CQB with them, they bounce away from you and then you are a sitting duck unless the other arm is set up as AI.
  9. VengeanceD

    This is a joke. I can see all the noobs drooling on this crap.
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  10. Shinrah

    Exactly what this game needs, more spammable weapons! The sheer irony of their MLG quest....hlol:rolleyes:
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  11. bNy_

    Just remove the MAX class.
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  12. Prodigal

    After seeing this I googled for the TDK scene where Lucius Fox says: "This is wrong".

    Sadly I coudlnt find it.
  13. KAHR-Alpha

    Oh dear, if a dev sees this, please rethink, we don't need that thing...
  14. Roamcel

    Given that possibly 100% of cheaters use ESFs to farm, this is an awesome and welcome addition to the game.
    Right now, anti air IS ****.
    But not only ****. More like **** ****.

    Finally some AA that can be called like so.

    In PS1, Air was balanced because one air vehicle (even when piloted by a cheater) risked greatly when going 1 vs 1 against a heavy soldier with an anti vehicular weapon.
    In this version, a cheater in an esf kills infantry without even being scratched.

    So this AA powerup is more than welcome.
    I'd rather have more cheaters in tanks than in air vehicles, which are far more dangerous.
  15. JudgeDeath

  16. bobzebrick

    Exactly this, no hope for this game. Too many **** eaters waiting to be fed more OP weapons with their wallets open... as if SOE isn't going to milk you all.
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  17. Sinist

    Thumper and Rocklet, OK

    MAX versions of them, BAD idea.

    I hope these weapons never make it to live. If they do, my killcount is going to skyrocket.
  18. omni2

    so you think that ZOE has no downside ? :)
  19. Dvine


    3 of those will clear a biolab or any capture point faster than you could crap your pants at the other end..

    Crown Attack? Just get an engi and stand in cover on an airpad and lob grenades ad infinitum at the people climbing uphill..

    Flak armor maxed? NP! The 3rd grenade will splatter you aroundte whole rooom anyway..

    Just frickin no...
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  20. SizeDoesMatt


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