So does anyoneone else feel like the new screen mocks you each time you don't get a kill?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wobberjockey, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. cruczi

    I would like SOE to put some more work into these tips, like:

    Pro tip: to kill your enemy, simply point and click
    Pro tip: l2p
    Pro tip: it's easier to maintain a high k/d if you're in a vehicle and part of the overpopulated faction
    Pro tip: try winning the fight instead
  2. minhalexus

    L2P, there are very few situations in which I die with no kills. (usually suicides or TK's)

    I don't think there is anything to complain about here.
    This new death screen allows me to track how many kills i got on this particular death. (its nice to know)
    The kill cam doesnt help a player with 40 battle ranks of experience. Its a fine addition for new players.
    Although they can remove the killcam for snipers though.

    No SOE this new death screen is fine, just allow 'Mouse Buttons' to be considered a key to continue.
  3. Wyll

    We read the pro tips over squad/outfit chat in a goofy voice. It amuses us.

    I am waiting for the devs to add a "Wa wa wa waaaahhhhh" sound to the death screen along with a "Thanks for playing, fresh meat!" message.
    • Up x 1
  4. Wobberjockey

    yea i do a lot of hi risk high reward stuff, as well as being the guy to throw that EMP/flash/conc. so i often die in order to get that nade off.

    does it get points? not often. does it help the team? often.

    and you know what. i feel that GLaDOS was less demeaning that than screen in situations like that,

    as far as i can tell. they are not.

    especially the friendly medic tips. then again the waterson VS has friendly medics that just stand on your corpse and keep shooting, so...

    actually spoke with the new guys in our outfit (true newbies, br 15 ish, first character) they find the death screen does not help them at all. in fact they find the game harder now since they can be hunted down by higher BR's easier.
  5. Serevn

    I just glance at the minimap if an infiltrator killed me, then I smash spacebar. I ignore everything else.
  6. iller

    I didn't used to ever do this... but now I do b/c the game told me it was pro :cool:

    [IMG], PROTIPs, ... ????... [IMG]
  7. Richardsonnn

    We need more tips I think

    "Avoid bullets. Those are bad!"
    "Shoot him in the face!"
  8. minhalexus


    How does the new death screen let higher BR hunt down new players?

    If your are referring to the kill cam, then no it does not.
    A high BR player would know from where he had been killed from regardless of the new death screen or not. (hit detector)

    The new deathscreen actually only helps the new players, since it gives tips and a small idea where they had been killed from.

    You whole argument is pretty much:

    I dont want to see the deathscreen tell me that i did not get any kills, so remove the feature.
    Just get better and you'll be happy on how many kills you got.

    All i can say is L2P, neither did i notice a drop nor rise in my KD because of this deathscreen.

    The hit detector is a much better advantage than the death screen since it lets you know where you're being shot from while you're alive.

    A high BR player benefits more from the hit-detector than he does from the new deathscreen. (its just a fact)
  9. Wobberjockey

    you failed to read the context in my quote


    and how does it help higher BR's hunt them down? well hm. a low BR gets the drop on a high BR. they don't know where the best cover it yet, what the best tactics for the are are, heck they are still getting a handle on the scale of the game.

    and the high br knows the are like the back of his hand.

    you should be able to figure this one out.
  10. Hoki

    "You stopped sniping and started spamming darts, repairing maxes, distributing ammo, and rezzing people??

    Stop being bad, you baddy bad n00bwad!"
  11. minhalexus

    I honestly dont know what you're trying to say here.

    Are you suggesting to bring in another 'New Death Screen'?
    Honestly its a deathscreen, the new deathscreen is definitely more informative than the old death screen. Death screens are not exactly supposed to TEACH the new players how to play.

    If new players arent finding the extra info this deathscreen provides as useful, sucks for them.

    Its absurd to say that its the Death Screen's fault that high BR players are getting the low BR players.

    This kind of thing is true for most online games, you need to learn the game by playing it, not reading tips.

    Death-screen is not exactly supposed to impose an advantage or disadvantage over any player, be it high level or low level.

    I honestly liked how the new deathscreen tells the amount of XP you receive each death and your upcoming medals.
  12. Latrodectus

    The new screen shelters you from the image of your body being teabagged, so it's kind of a wash.
  13. Niller

    I need a pro tip that tells me that left mouse isn't "Any key" I keep spamming it to get out of the death screen.
  14. Azarga

    Pro-tips without "git gud or git rekt" or "l2p" in them are not really pro. Needs to be fixed NAO.
  15. Wobberjockey

    clearly KDR is the only stat the matters anymore.
    SOE's own death screen says so.

    ok... let's go through this step by step. shall we?
    1 the death screen and SKill map change was partially prompted by SOe's exit serves from PS indicating that new playewrs were overwhelmingingly leaving because of 'random deaths'.

    now we all know that there are no random deaths. vehicle solisions causing spontanious deaths aside.
    that means low situational awareness got the player killed.

    2. Higby is on record here and on reddit stating that the new map is supposed to help new players by pointing out angles you can get shot from. SOE has also been trying to shove the awareness implant down our throat that will auto spot anyone who shoots at you ( ANOTHER implant that the community reviles as a whole) for obstenibly the same purpose.

    new player retention is an admirable goal. but indicating where you got shot from does little to help a new player NOT make that mistake a second time. it does not tell them how to counter a Light assault. an infiltrator, a tank, a lib, etc.

    i have polled the new players in my outfit, and they have all agreed that the new deathscreen really does not provide them any information, useful in staying alive. i.e. the new screen FAILS it's stated purpose.

    now. as an EXPERIENCED player, I can now tell where i was shot from, and usually based SOLEY on direction, tell where the shot came from, if f i wasn't aware already. inother words this change, which was designed to help new players, actually helps the experienced players MORE because we already have the situational awareness and map knowlege necessary to make full use of it. in other words, it makes experienced players a bigger threat.

    now. when it comes to flanking maneuvers, it can completely eliminate any advantage that new player has, because when they try the smart and tactical correct option of flanking the said of a large fight to get at the back lines, as soon as a player respawns (usualy close to where they died, since you are trying to destroy spawns) they are aware that there is a flanker near by (usuallyclose) and that the fatal blow DID NOT come from the main battle. so they hunt the flanking force down and kill it.

    so. now the system is failing on 2 fronts. The kill map does not assist new players, and it assists advanced players
    the fact that the game is taunting you when you fail to get a kill (as opposed to taking other actions that aid your faction such as reses, heals, repairs, resupplies, pulling a sundy, defending that sundy, placing radar sensors, etc.) is just the icing on the cake for encouraging bad new player behavior.

    so you're right it's not SUPPOSED to provide an advantage. but it does.
    it IS supposed to teach... and right now it does so poorly.

    and it's instilling bad habits that we as outfits have to BREAK inorder to overcome population balances on our individual servers inorder to play properly as a faction, because like it or not, we survive based on the skill of our medics, and foot bound engineers.

    because skygods and armored warriors can't cap points.
  16. minhalexus

    Honestly when i started this game, i was just enjoying the first person shooter and watching the mass battles. (most of my deaths piled up at this point)

    Then slowly i started out learning the game (not from tips) but by experience. (there were still experienced players to kill me then)

    Honestly it was not hard for me to figure that you counter air by sitting in the turrets. Anything that says AA basically is for countering libs. The game will break if new players can easily kill good liberators.
    And you kill a vehicle by shooting rocket launchers at them Or sit in a AV turret.
    And you can always spawn your own tank to damage that vehicle.

    If you are a new player, i suggest that you play in large fights cuz you do not need maps in those fights, just follow allies around and they will show you enemies.

    What are you suggesting here?
    Do you want the death screen to tell exactly how you were killed? Cuz there were loads of opposition on this topic.
    This deathscreen is better than the old death screen. - IMO

    But yeah, they could still give you tips on how to avoid whatever killed you.
  17. Wobberjockey

    ideally, i'd see the minimap portion of the death screen removed and replaced with 2 zoomable target shilouettes.

    one would be showing where the rounds landed on you (and potentially in what order) with the kill shot a different color. perhaps white and Red for example. shotgun rounds would all be counted together. new players can also be shown a simple hit indicator showing where you were shot from
    the other showing where my shots landed on the target i was last shooting and there name. this would also be solid proof to new players that the player that killed them was or was not the target they were shooting. (which may help reduce accusations)

    the rest of the screen is ok. it could use some tweaking or deemphasis on kills, but nothing about it is OMG it needs to go... other than that bloody minimap.