So devs... you just cant stop nerfing the Infiltrators?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Ravenorth, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. Ravenorth

    I dont even want to start with the upcoming sniper nerf, there is enough threads about that, but lets talk about this new recon dart visualization on the minimap...

    It was recently made possible to see enemy recon darts on the minimap if you looked carefully, but it wasnt too obvious. Well... clearly it wasnt enough for devs, after the latest PU you can clearly see them without any trouble, alerting every single enemy of your presence. Sure we got range increased also, which was really unnecessary, darts were already enough powerful and didnt need any more range, at least not with a price like this.


    Devs I have to admit, you have a really twisted image of what stealth class is supposed to be, instead of actually being stealthy you seem to focus your every effort to make them as obvious as possible. Like a loud cloak that alerts everyone within 100m isn´t making it hard enough to infiltrate, but now we have to deal with our own tool which can alert every single player on the whole damn hex who just happens to look at their map... Did I forgot mention that we cant even hide in the dark, like every other class, because you put lights on our suits? I wonder how long it will take until you put flashing sound emitting warning beacons on our suits.

    The darts used to offer a great way to infiltrate enemy bases without making everyone aware of your presence with using your loud cloak, because you could choose the rights paths by looking at enemy positions on the map to stay undetected. It was made a bit harder after they made the darts slightly visible for enemies, still not too hard, but now trying it is just utterly pointless. And again why this feature wasnt implemented on every radar in the game? Why enemy vehicles with proximity/scout radar dont blip, so you could know to avoid their proximity?

    Get rid of this change, or if you really insist it to stay(like you obviously do) then limit it somehow, there is multiple ways to make it differently:

    • Vehicles dont have to see them, I dont want to start avoiding random tanks, harassers and esf who just happens to drive/fly by when I have fired my dart, especially when Im totally defenseless against them.
    • There is no need to see enemy dart that is 200m+ away from you...
    • Make it seeing them possible for certain classes only, like Infiltrators, then they could warn their teammates that they are being scanned.
    • Make special tool, or suit lot especially for detecting enemy radar signals.
    • Remove the possibility to see darts on the map, but add notification on hud when you are being scanned by enemy radar. This would at least not give out the location where the dart was fired.

    Just stop making changes that no one asks for and for once listen your Infiltrator community.
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  2. K2k4

    I can tell an infiltrator is around because:
    He pings the mini map, notifying me of his relative location.
    He makes unique sounds when he cloaks, alerting me of his presence and relative location
    He shimmers against the background but doesn't glow my faction color.
    He has a sniper rifle and makes a very distinct sound.
    He is crouching in the rocks outside of the base or some other semi obvious place.

    I am actually starting to think this class is the least stealthy class...
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  3. MajiinBuu

    A nerf?
    The infiltrator dart's effective range was TRIPLED!
    Whether enemies can see it or not, they are also on the minimap for all allies within a 150 meter radius.
    On the picture you provided, you can bet every green triangle was a red dot on their map.
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  4. deggy

    I don't hunt Infiltrators who put out darts. I could care less. You're crying over nothing.

    Also, this has been around for months now. I'm not sure how you managed to miss it for all that time if it's really so game-breaking.
  5. GunsmithJoe

    Holy crap, man. I thought the devs were clueless about how an infil should work, but now I see they're actually going out of their way to remove all playability from it. Why not just remove the entire class from the game? Seriously, what point is there to an infiltrator/sniper that can neither infiltrate nor snipe?
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  6. WTSherman

    The way I read it, there was no change to the scanning range. It's just that now allies can see whatever it does pick up from 150 meters away.

    So you can't scan a whole base with one dart, but the whole base does see whatever you do scan. Still downloading the patch though, so that's just my interpretation of the patch notes.
  7. Ravenorth

    If the price I have to pay for it is to make every single enemy on the hex to be alerted of my presence, then I´d rather not pay it. Darts used to be great help for infiltrating, but now they´ve made them useless for it. The only thing they are good now is spamming them in big fights for your teammates to provide the location of enemy, which was enough viable before the PU. They´ve taken one functionality away and buffed another, which is the wrong one, since it doesnt help us to infiltrate.

    If you´d actually read my post you´d know that I knew that enemy darts were visible before the PU. Previously they were just slightly visible on the map, many people hardly paid attention for them, but now they are highly visible, everyone in the hex can see them by just looking at the map. I already had today multiple ESF circling around the area where my dart was and its never happened before. None of them didnt have scout radar either, since they didnt know my exact location.
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  8. deggy

    So you're telling me you've never been circled by ESFs before? Ever?

    I'm telling you, vehicle drivers could care less about your dart. Infiltrators aren't a threat to vehicles.
  9. CuteBeaver

    IMO this is made for the PlayStation4 crowd.
    It also is probably done for MLG and the future casters who will be covering the matches.

    Try using them as a lure... Like how a decoy grenade was supposed to work... **shrug**. I am not trying to totally defend the changes but you can manipulate enemies with them if you try. It was possible to do it previously now its allot more effective. Issue being of course this is not helping dirrectly with infiltration and being sneaky. However it is giving use wider radar spans, and allowing us to manipulate enemies.
  10. Ravenorth

    Like I told, they weren't circling around me, but my dart, I was already further away. You really think that people care are we a threat or not? They kill us anyway just because we are enemy, if you dont do so then you have my respect, but dont expect me to believe that majority of vehicle players are like you, I´ve been hunted enough by vehicles to know that.
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  11. Tenebrae Aeterna

    It's a double edged sword.

    You can now bait enemies with your darts, luring them into a room and your line of fire. Beaver seems to be very keen on this concept, and I can easily see how well it works as I've used it myself. It does, however, ensure that the enemy knows you're around...and is quite crippling to use if you're actually attempting to be stealthy without much support to back you up.

    It's just something we'll have to switch gears with and use a different way. As it stands, I now use it for nothing more than extra experience gain, firing it off into areas I know there will be mobs of infantry running around. It helps out a bit with those in the area, scores me movement bonuses.

    I'd like to use it to bait more often, but with my computer the way it is...this update hasn't helped my FPS much. I'm still fairly terrible in CQC.
  12. tproter

    --- And the least useful...
  13. MajiinBuu

  14. IIXianderII

    What he is saying is that you used to have to be close to the dart to actually see the enemies it is picking up. The update makes it so that you can be 150m from the dart and if you zoom out your minimap you will still see what it is picking up.
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  15. WTSherman

    Yep, just finished downloading the patch and I can confirm that's what happened.

    Scanning range is still the same, the difference is how far your dart is visible. So, a sniper sitting 150m away can see your dart now, but your dart can't see him.
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  16. Astraka

    Eh. Played quite a bit today and didn't notice a change in how well I was able to stomp people. If anything this makes it easier for me to avoid running into Darted areas, and lets me know I need to play it safer if running into a Darted area is unavoidable. I'm not sure I like the actual graphic they've used, but that may be me just being used to the old one.
  17. Ravenorth

    Well, avoiding the dart areas was possible before also, you just had to pay more attention on the map to notice it, which is something that everyone doesnt do, but now its just too obvious.
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  18. Astraka

    Knowing an Infiltrator shot a Recon Dart in the area is no more damning to your Infiltrating then the cloak sound, the telltale sounds of SMG fire, etc. Can you give me a situation where this new Dart Ping actively hinders your ability to do your job? I honestly can't, and haven't felt a significant change to my abilities since its previous iteration came out months ago.

    I mean at first it startled me because it was something new, and I'll be the first to admit that I thought out loud, "Man that makes it a little too easy to see". But after playing for a few hours I quickly realized that it didn't do anything. I was still able to do what I do regardless. If anything this is a buff to Infiltrators, albeit a weak one, because we know when to be on our toes.
  19. MajiinBuu

    Oh poo. I logged on today to find the range was the same :(
  20. Sworaven

    Oh no! If only someone tried to carefully explain to you what the change actually was;).

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