So camos won't be account-wide?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Aralakh, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. Aralakh

    Judging by the FAQ this appeared to be the case, and I have to say it's rather disappointing. I purchased the recent limited-time Clover camos on only my NC character, because it only seemed to make sense that they'd be unlocked account-wide when that update rolls in. I really hope SOE changes their minds on this.
  2. Littleman

    If camos aren't account wide, they can just scrap the whole account unlocks system now. Most people don't have multiple toons in the same empire, and frankly, camos and composite armors/helmets are about the only things that aren't empire specific. I think you're just misinterpreting it.
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  3. Chipskream

    If I had known that camos wouldnt be accountwide, I wouldnt have bought them. The roadmap thread stated something along the lines of 'available to every character than can utilize them'. Man I am mad as hell.
  4. Brusilov [TR]

    I really don't want to jump on this bandwagon... But I will actually be disappointed if all these rumors are true.

    What happened to "if it has the same name, then it will be unlocked cross faction and account wide"
  5. Aralakh

    Yeah, reading that camos would be restricted only to other characters of that faction really made me question the whole point of it. It seems like a very small minority of items will truly be account-wide across factions, and that's disappointing as hell.
  6. cfnz

    Yeah, that's a short-sighted decision. Camo was something that I've not purchased yet but have been considering, I think I'll give it a miss now. As I play all three factions, the amount of money it'll cost me to get one permanent continent specific camo for each characters armour, vehicles and weapons is laughably high.
  7. illgot

    I've been waiting for account wide so all my camos will be shared. What ever. Wont bother with camos either. So I have nixed boosts due to them not being account wide, most weapons due to the constant nerf before new version, now camo and other fluff becauce they are character specific. If true, no reason for me to stick around.
  8. DuckSauce

    Pretty sure this applies to the Empire-specific colored camos, like Urban Forest, Digital and Zebra. Regular ones like Sandy Scrub should be shared fine. I think.
  9. Peebuddy

    Why would anyone play the same faction on different accounts? I seems very redundant to me
  10. turtlestation

    "Any items specific to an Empire will not be available on other Empires’ characters."

    Stuff like Pine Forest camo or Indar Scrub isn't Empire-specific, if SOE doesn't unlock these they are flat out lying.
  11. Chipskream

    "We would like items purchased with Station Cash to be unlocked across all characters on the account that can utilize them. This change would be retroactive to prior purchases."

    They already ARE flat out lying.
  12. Kujo

    I'm pretty sure you guys are misunderstanding because you're taking it out of context. Consider the question when reading the answer with camos mentioned:

    Basically, the point to take away from that answer is that they're trying to say that everything aside from consumable items will be available on a character of the same empire. They probably only mentioned camos because they wanted to point how how single use camos will not be shared.
    Since this is talking about customizations and that's what camos are, I'm pretty sure this answer further proves the point that camos will be shared across empires. Except for the empire specific camos, of course.
  13. ent|ty

    I hope everyone remembers this the next time some developer tries the Pay2Win payment model ever again.
    We didnt ask for this, we don't need this, we dont need cloud games, we dont need pay 2 play... let's stop this crap once and for all and do not support another company who wants $1000 to play a $60 game.
  14. Tenebrae Aeterna

    Come again?

    Not sure if you're implying PS2 has done this or not...because it hasn't...
  15. -McOden-

    It's completely unacceptable, and the only way they'll get away with it is if we let them. We all know SOE folds to whoever crys the most, just look how balance is going..
  16. cfnz

    Valid points. The FAQ is a little bit too specific in some areas and lacking information in others. This should become much clearer tomorrow.
  17. Trucky

    I would be so dissapointed if i couldnt use my camos in my other characters, would be so sad.
  18. ColdCheezePizza

    if my Clover, Indar Rock, Esamir armor/weapon/vehicle camos won't unlock across all factions, I'm done putting another red cent into this game. I dont care if they release bacon camo, Im done paying.