So bursters buffed, notice anything else?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Odin, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Odin

    Noticed a dual burster can shred a esf now in under 3 seconds, noticed the flares have been nerfed by almost 50%.
    anyone notice any other last minute stuff.
    Really annoyed at the flares nerf, 3000 certs to use flares every 25 seconds instead of 15. So basically air to air combat is a complete joke, someone with air to air pods just runs around destroying people with 0 skill or effort, very sad imho.
    What was wrong with rewarding skill and aim?
    Now any person can pick up a2a pods and completely negate any skill from the equation. The buff to a2a was already tough with a 15 second flare but this is rediculous.
  2. Ghostfox

    Doesn't surprise me about the burster. Considering that ESF pilots have had a chance to pick up composite armor(for the most part).

    There needs to be a fine balance adjustment to find the right spot. IMO I felt that, towards the end of Beta, that the ESF could achieve a bit too much defense with both flares and composite armor maxed.
  3. Kubor

    I only managed about an hour of play last night.

    I had a Dual Burster and it didn't seem that much different to how it was at the end of beta. I still couldn't outright kill anything and hitting fast moving targets was a real challenge due to the massive CoF.

    Was there a pacth a few hours after release?
  4. Ranik

    Burster was not buffed. Skyguard however was nerfed.

    AA remains a joke.
  5. Odin

    The bursters damage was buffed bro, have you even tried it. It still has crappier range but when something comes into range, it dies much much faster.
    Go test it yourself.
  6. Tenzek

    I think it's just that you're just seeing the difference between ESF that don't have the armor upgrades this early compared to ESF that had a lot more cert points behind them.

    I have been flying a Scythe and using a dual burster MAX, and I haven't noticed that bursters are any better from either side.
  7. Ranik

    After having used it today, there is no actual or noticeable difference. So maybe you think it changed, but not really

    You don't have composite armor. That's probably why you think they got buffed. Give it a week and you'll have your old unkillable ESF back
  8. BengalTiger

    So they both nerfed the weaker AA unit and gave it a really high price tag?
  9. Odin

    Nah i never used composite, always used the repair, i was using dual burster mainly tonight and noticed a big difference.
  10. Ranik

    Yep. The CoF is large enough to be quite inaccurate, and the proximity detonation is basically non existant unless it's a direct hit.

    Then it's all in your head. As others were doing the same thing with no results
  11. Kediec

    No it hasn't been buffed . I have had a dual burster since the servers came up . As others have said , the only difference atm is that ESF don't have any composite armour , so damage " appears " to have been buffed . AA max is still as it was in beta , so is Skyguard .
    Once ESF get composite armour again , we'll be back to Planetside 1 Air domination imo .
  12. Titan6

    I dunno. The Skyguards rounds move soooooooo slow... You basically have to lead your target without seeing it. (It would be out of your field of view.
  13. Wahooo

    Skyguard is not the same as Beta. SG is damn near worthless. Burster is doing ok but yeah once composite armor comes back it is going to be an effective hard nerf. The limited range now is horrible though and I can't believe how much ammo I used tonight on the SG shooting at hovering libs/reavers.

    I was raging so hard about the SG tonight. Stuck with it and stuck with it just to prove to myself it wasn't me and I needed to practice. NOPE thing is crap.
  14. Elbryan

    I like the flare nerf. Now ESF pilots have to choose if they want to be air superiority fighters or fifty-fifty between a2g and a2a.

    Pilots who have specced to air superiority fighters, should have the edge in a2a fights.
  15. Metallideth

    Generators are in bases that weren't there previously.

    Tanks really have a hard time going up hills, seems like more so than before.

    Some base layouts or base clutter changed.

    Capture times are tweaked than what they were at before end of beta
  16. Odin

    There is no edge it just nerfed any skill involved in dogfights...
  17. Promethieus

    Pretty sure bursters weren't buffed. You're just no longer facing completely armored ESFs.
  18. Trysaeder

    Completely reasonable, except air superiority now means "look at enemy and click when you hear beeping", which really dumbs down the air combat. They've done it again, with the nerf to autocannons to bring them below the level of HMGs and now this. Air combat should not be dependent on who has the A2A missiles, it should be decided by skill. Making A2A missiles lolgg pushes this game towards pay to win, as anyone with the missiles has a significantly easier time killing fighters since they'll always hit.
  19. Flukeman62

    TR ESF is faster and the basic gun does more damage to fighters
  20. Elbryan

    What happens when both ESFs have A2A missiles?

    I don't like what people are suggesting; to have air superiority fighter that's also a bomber.

    All bombers should need escort/protection from anti-air fighters.

    How it should be (and Imo is atm):

    A2A ESF:
    + Great for A2A
    - No A2G capabilities

    A2G ESF:
    +/- limited A2A capabilities
    +/- limited A2G capabilities

    + Great for A2G
    - No A2A capabilities


    How ESF pilots want it to be:

    + Great for A2A
    + Great for G2A
    - ?