So about this hotfix...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PanzerShrimp, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. PanzerShrimp

    I'm going to throw it out there....and say you weren't suppose to remove ALL projectiles from tanks/lightings/turrets.

    Because that's what you did LOL.
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  2. RobotNixon

    yup, just got in a 1v1 battle with another tank...just kinda scratching paint...if that
  3. Tapioca Express

    time to play ye olde bumper cars with these glorified taxis ey?
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  4. SFS Lovenought



    This fanbase just loves to whine about everything, it seems.
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  5. Hatamoto

    Omfg .. Is this for real?
  6. Skadi

    Bet prowler still wins cause of Vulcan lolz
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  7. PanzerShrimp

    no ones whining in here? LOL fail Vanu fanboy.
  8. SFS Lovenought

  9. Thagyr

    I for one welcome Bumpercarside 2.
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  10. Gisgo

    No wait a moment... the fury on my flash is working fine.
    See you later, im gonna farm tanks before the server goes down again :D.
  11. Killjoy2503

    so wait, another hotfix, that unintentionally breaks other stuff -_-

  12. DoctorWhose

    Not surprised, its SOE we are dealing with here.
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  13. Khainin

    Lol it's human nature to make mistakes and I am very forgiving usually. But when there is a hotfix to fix something and it in turn breaks something so.........very obvious,its so sad its almost hilarious. Not sure whos job it is to test for stuff like this, but maybe SOE should find someone else. Or just realize that a test server is in their best interests.
  14. SFS Lovenought

    I would laugh so hard if it turns out they accidentally made the shells super slow.

    That would be amazingly funny.
  15. Serval

    Magriders can still fire, I believe.
  16. Otulien

    Well, I suppose for the time being until SOE wakes up, Enjoy watching your anus being exploded to thousands of bits while excrement spurts out of the great gaping hole that used to be your neck, surrounded in an aura of magrider plasma.

    On the other hand, Free vasectomies for everyone! ... ?
  17. Khainin

    Lol, well enjoy the gift from the devs Vanu. You should be rolling all the servers since you have the only tanks that work. haha.
  18. Skadi

  19. Grotpar

    This is what they call a Hotbreak.
  20. JP_Russell

    This is clearly an opportunity for an NC outfit and TR outfit to pull a bunch of single-manned Vanguards and Prowlers, throw 'em at each other, and determine once and for all who really does have the better bumper cars.

    No, really, somebody should do this.