So, about the Reaver vortek rotary nerf

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ned, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. MasterTater

    Dmg has to be the same as any other rotary - can not be that the enemy ESF gets killed by 3/4 of a mag which is actually fired before the first bullet impacts and the enemy ESF can react.

    Skillfree to approach an unalarmed enemy ESF and kill it with not even a single magazin while the enemy does hardly have a chance to react and fight back.

    Pure unbalanced and NC favoring bullsheit which might have been correct back in beta where the Reaver was more slugish and more heavier armored than the Mos/Scythe but that isnt the case anymmore and the guns aiming has even been improved.

    So equal out rotary dmg when ESF maneuverability is already ironed out.
    Dont remove downsides and leaves the comparable overpowered upsides which where given to balance out the already removed downsides.
  2. MasterTater

    FAKE. Pretty simple and even worse - the main part here is which side faces the enemy the most often.

    Completely worthless images as long as you dont show the typical angle by which aircrafts are being attacked. from and AND ground.

    In this case the Scythe has the biggest disadvantage by large.
  3. Phazaar

    Absolutely hilarious. They finally fix the offset that 'was never a contributing factor' according to all TR+VS, and suddenly the Vortek is OP.


    I love you guys. So much.
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  4. Greddy

    Tweak: keep the same damage, and RoF.

    Default magazine: tone down to 30
    Cert upgrade: 34, 38, 42 and the last to 45 when fully certed.

    That way you need to atleast spend 2 cert upgrade on mag to one clip esf. but still retain the same dps.
  5. Bobby Shaftoe

    Vortek was always OP, just the majority of 'pilots' were, are and always will be terrible.

    Decent pilots across all factions will have similar accuracy stats, guess who wins? The one with the gun that requires the least hits.

    The Reaver stock gun was easily comparable to the Hailstorm, I've gone 50+ k/d in a stock Reaver and Trailed Vortek with the alleged 'offset problem' having never used it before, it was faceroll easymode.
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  6. TheBillOf3D

    I know how it's done. Nanites!
  7. DashRendar

    NC favoring? Tell me, in what ways currently is the NC the "favored" faction in any way? In any way. At all. Ever. Cause anything remotely unique that we did have at one point has been relentlessly nerfed again and again patch after patch while our enemies keep getting new OP toys. We have nothing left that isn't NS that hasn't been nerfed in the past 2 months.

    Finally as our pilots have been saying for 7 months we have gotten our dreadful nosegun fixed (and so did you :| ) after 7 months of "man Reavers are so easy to take down I almost feel bad, teehee" and "Reavers are fine you just need to learn to fly noob" and suddenly its "Reavers are total OP EZ mode devs choice teachers pet favorite child my dog can win fix pls" when we have finally come close to being "balanced" so I say to everyone crying "learn to play" because it's been said to Reaver pilots for months since release. We can't even enjoy the gift we've been given because of constant whining and the kneejerk dev response to nerf anything NC before a moments notice.
  8. Phazaar

    Keep up the hilarity, please.

    I'd be far happier to have the M18 Rotary than the Vortek. Heavy hitting A2A rounds? Genius. Much rather +50% fire rate and almost identical TTK.

    Anyway, don't stop the QQ, it's keeping everyone distracted from the ACTUAL OP nosegun. Gonna keep using this baby till the cows come home (and it's not the AH before you get your panties in a bunch).
  9. Fumblewatt

    Vortex got nerfed due to being OP so will Vortek!
  10. PyroPaul

    if you believe that then you're not a pilot.
  11. sindz

    I just want the buff to VS bullet velocity. :eek:
  12. DashRendar

    I'm supporting this, but I'm also supporting giving the Hailstorm laser bullet drop to match the other fighters as well, like the VS snipers have the same bullet drop as NC/TR. Projectile speed is a damn dirty way of balancing something in a projectile based game. It's also why the Lockdown Bursters are so damn OP and why Lockdown Bursters should have never happened... but it did.
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  13. sindz

    By all means, bullet drop means absolutely nothing in ESF's. You can't hit anything from a range anyhow.
  14. PyroPaul

    Because they 'fixed' something that wasn't broken....

    The only flaw was Shot Convergence.
    which is what they should of removed.

    Infact, if you even go back and read up on all the little threads about how the reaver's weapon is 'off-set' every single statement, argument, and criticism comes down that the game attempts to converge the shots to the cross-hair causing for some weird shot patterns.
  15. Stigma

    Actual numbers:

    Raw DPS difference: 6466,6/5925 = 9,1%
    Damage pr mag difference with magazine upgrades: 17460/14220 = 22,8%
    both of these are in the vorteks favor, and I am not able to find anything that the M18 is better at in terms of actual numbers.

    Why anyone would swap from the vortek to the M18 I could not say, given that the M18 appears to be a straight downgrade in all areas with no redeeming qualities. I wouldn't call it a strategic move to be sure.

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  16. llPendragon

    I can see the COF causing enough shots to miss to make this normal anyway. Anyone know where I can compare the COF for the weapons?
  17. Stigma

    I can't make what you say make sense with the numbers:

    As far as I can see, reaver vortek >>> scythe hailstorm > mossie M18, and that is just straight up numerical downgrades in all categories. There doesn't seem to be a single thing that say, the M18 is better than the vortek at doing.

    M18 vs vortek:
    Raw DPS difference: 6466,6/5925 = 9,1%
    Damage pr mag difference with magazine upgrades: 17460/14220 = 22,8%
    Its not insignificant.
    (im not perfect so if I've made any calculation mistakes anywher or I'm using outdates data, let me know)

    How you managed to place the hailstorm on top of the M18 and vortek in your "ranking" you will have to explain in more detail I think.

  18. Stigma

  19. lilleAllan

    I think the bit of extra damage is fair considering the large Reaver hitbox.
    You're gonna put a few extra rounds into the reaver due to it being much easier to hit, so it's fairly balanced imo.
    Note: I fly both reaver and mossie.
  20. sindz

    Numbers are good in theory, but when hailstorm bullet velocity is slower than m18, m18 is better. Unless you are shooting an afk target.