Snipers, Don't be that guy...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by pascalli, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. pascalli

    "Hey that looks like a cool sniping spot, I think I'll snipe 1 foot in front of him"


    This happened like 5 times tonight. I'm lining up a head shot then all I see in my scope is butt. To make matters worse the spot stealer then rattles off a shot every second like they have a Lasher. Might as well put up a big neon sign that says "Snipers are over here".

    So fellow snipers, don't be that guy. Find your own spot.
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  2. Meliorist

    You should mark your sniping spots with urine, that should keep any competitors at bay.
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  3. GoyoElGringo

    I like to put a MANA turret in front of snipers.
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  4. gigastar

    You could also leave a deposit of feces unburied at each location to assert your dominance.
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  5. Horrida Messor

    The thing that pisses me off more than this - is when this "genius" snipers are popping in front of mine cropsshair literally a milisecond before bullet leaves the barrel - usually resulting in TK :mad:
    oh and also there are not only "genius" infiltrators - worst offenders in this case are freaking MAXes especially equipped with Dual Vortexes....:mad:
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  6. NovaAustralis

    Y NO [PSA] !?

  7. Epic High Five

    If the bush wookie niche in a fight is oversatured, grab your low zoom no-sway quick bolt BASR and snipe up close and on the move! Could always use more high alpha up close and you'll rake in the spot exp if you've got any beacons at all or a high rank recon dart gun.
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  8. Roll Fizzlebeef

    Ghost / SAS-R / TSAR-42 Master race!

    You can either pad your stats 250+ meters away from harm... or you can actually use skill and have fun playing this game.

    (Not gonna lie though. I'm having a lot of fun playing with the Railjack and Phaseshift.)
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  9. ncDieseL

    This doesn't just happen with snipers, it happens with all classes.

    Put my MANA turret down, next engine puts his ahead of mine, or a MAX stands in front of me.

    Line up a shot through a window, just as I start burst firing another guy comes along and stands INSIDE of me, like actually clips in to me and I shoot him in the head by accident.

    Seriously people, if someone got to a position first, let them have it!
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  10. Vikingo

    Normally I get a huge Light Assault @ss in my scope though, everytime I play with the thought to acctually pull the trigger.
  11. Kinan Eldari

    My solution for people like this -- and invariably, they will be using a semi-auto sniper, therefore getting few to no kills, giving up both our positions and getting us both lead sandwiches to the teeth -- I execute them right there and move on to a different spot. I have no tolerance for people like this.
  12. Sulsa

    Actually, that sniper spot sucks. Take his position and you just 'skylighted' yourself and every observant enemy within 300m will see you. Violence will be arriving a millisecond later...

    But to play along because this happens to me many times :mad: On the plus side, sometimes after a shot, some LA will come flying up with me and I think the enemy thinks that the shot came from him and I bug out and they don't keep looking for me...
    At least that's how I play out how cool I am in my own head... :eek:
  13. Saool

    The same could be said when have three shooting out of a window and some idiot decides to jump into the window and fill it with one plinky gun where you have three LMGs before. Or fireing through a field and some plank stands right in front. I honestly wonder if they ever think about that is behind them...

    ..right before I spot that enemy I was gunning for and shoot right through the idiot in the window. They will move... or then will die.
  14. Winfield

    This reminds me of the people who run to a window when you're already on it, shooting out. In about a millisecond you receive a TK from said moron just because he's propably going "OH THAT LOOKS LIKE A GOOD SPOT, I'LL GET ON IT!"
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  15. Wecomeinpeace

    Haha great thread.

    Now while i would never do something as ******** as the guy in the pic, i admittedly sometimes run into a friendly firing squad lined up who mow me down. Rarely, but it happens.
    The reason for that is the combination of playing as infil with the arena layout of the bases. Most of the time, playing as infil, you play like you would play an arena shooter, like Quake or UT. You find a "route" through the base that you keep on travelling, ususally involving all the good spots, like where the redeemer is or the quad damage...damn wait, see, wrong game.
    And this means sometimes disregarding the actual frontlines, so you might end up running into your own men filling you with lead when you didn't pay 100% attention.
  16. Latrodectus

    This problem isn't just contained to the Infiltrator class either. I had an incident at Hvar Tech Plant last night that I swear I wish I was making up. I'm sitting on a rock, sniping at people as they come across the bridge from Indar Bay Point. Out of nowhere, along comes a Heavy Assault who proceeds to stand directly in front of me and, I sh*t you not, begins opening fire with his PUMP ACTION SHOTGUN. After he gets off about three shots he comes under fire of a hail of bullets and tank shells, and I had to move almost immediately.

    I've never been more..."dumbfounded."
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  17. Mortucus

    i just tell them in area voice to piss off or ill kill them same as when i set up an engi turret guarding a door or hall way if they get in my way i kill them my outfit knows better then to stand in front of a player with a chain gun
    in fact as engi they use the turret as a wall to hide behind i shoot and drop ammo they live behind me it works and they dont die lol
  18. z1967

    That one heavy assault that lets his full auto extended mag 200 round LMG rip for like half a minute next to the sneakier sniper that actually can use a weapon at that range.
  19. Chowley

    He was probably just being an arsehole trying to get you to move along, the respect for snipers in combined arms games isnt very high.
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  20. geekrider

    Oh oh. I can relate to this. Also happens with other classes. Like when I was at Nanite Subterranean thingamajiggy. We're locked down in the spawn room. And I'm trying to throw some rockets down range. But nooooo. Some idiot wants to jump in front of it.