Sniper rifles vs MAX

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by a4555in, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. CrashB111

    >Sniper starts shooting my MAX
    >Look for the flash in the distance
    >Spam the ever loving **** out of that location with dual fractures
  2. JudgeDeath

    If your target is ZOE max and you can take headshots .. its well worth it.
  3. Campagne

    I've personally killed many MAXes with my Longshot with the main reason being that they are arrogant. Send them a slap across the face in the form of a few headshots so that they come after you. Lead them into a wide open area and utilize your cloak by hiding in the middle of the field while you line up your shot. The MAX will have little to no success in hitting you and will often try to run when on low heath. If they try to flee, you've already gotten the exp. Excellent for killing the one MAX shooting down of your friendly aircrafts and/or killing off your faction's vehicle presence. :D
  4. Delta102

    To elaborate on what he said... skip to 1:40.
    • Up x 1
  5. Xasapis

    Top tier nano-repair in a MAX + a bit of cover = wasted sniper ammo. In most cases, nano repair fixes faster the damage done to my moving MAX.
  6. Fang7.62

    Headshots with bolt action snipers tend to be annyoing but I'm usually running nanite repairs in the field so It isnt such problem. AV mana and phoenix are true max sniping tools :D
  7. a4555in

    Ty all for the replies. One more question: how much of a difference do suppressors make in terms of killing power when equipped on bolt actions?
    Are you using a suppressor in your video Delta102?
  8. Vixxing

    Its fun and good practise! (also its distracting, might give a friendly LA or the medic the second he needs to C4 it) a good but risky way for a sniper to contribute to team...
  9. Xasapis

    They make a huge difference in bullet drop, at least on non sniper weapons. Also the damage degradation comes faster. I'm not really playing sniper to have an educated opinion, sorry.
  10. Mustarde

    That was my video and no, we were not running suppressors.

    All bolt actions hit the same minimum falloff damage of 550. Suppressors reduce the distance it takes to reach falloff, and when you are sniping in a large group, there is no point in handicapping yourself when everyone already knows where you are at (12-14 sniper rifles worth of tracer fire is not subtle).

    When I have a full squad (12), I assume 2-3 volleys to kill the average max. Our outfit researched this on the test server, and came up with the same numbers that another poster here had made regarding number of shots to kill a max, both head and body. If everyone is aiming at the same target, I assume 10% miss rate, 10% headshot rate, 80% body shot rate and it will take 2 volleys with no kinetic armor, 3 volleys with max kinetic armor. If that target starts running around, or hits charge, they have a decent chance of getting away or requiring more volleys.

    The ideal situations to do this were back when every tower had 10-12 burster maxes just chilling on the pads farming AA exp. Nowadays I see less and less of that. The only time it is useful to use group tactics to snipe a max is when the Mattherson VS decide to footzerg a platoon worth of ZOE maxes from one base to the next and you are already setup to defend.

    When I'm not in an organized infiltrator group, I only shoot at maxes who look like they are injured. Maxes generally behave confidently, moving in aggressive patterns looking for something to kill. When you see them taking cover, looking for an engineer, or playing cautiously, you should start hitting them in the head.