[Suggestion] Sniper Rifle attachment: Straight-pull bolt

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Vesperia, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. Vesperia

    If you are an avid BF3 player then I'm sure you've already used the straight-pull bolt attachment for your bolt action rifles. For those of you who haven't, it's a pretty straightforward concept.

    Do you ever get tired of those pesky LA's flying away just before you can pull the bolt back and finish them off?
    Or those infiltrators in the rocks that you can't seem to find anymore?

    Just adding this simple attachment to all bolt action rifles will make sniping-from very long distances-a little bit easier. Instead of having to zoom out to pull the bolt you will just pull the bolt back (straight) and keep firing. Also this might make people actually get a second attachment to their rifle. Let's be honest, who would actually use a fore grip on a bolt action rifle? Or a flashlight to snipe people half a mile away.

    P.S. I forgot to mention VS sniper rifles don't even have bolts...not sure why they have to zoom out but this should definitely be a thing.
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  2. Vesperia

    Bump.. *crickets*
  3. VoidC

    I don't know if this feature is needed. If at all it should have some drawbacks as most weapon attachments.
    One of them could be ~ 25 % longer reload.
    The most strangest thing (or call it ugly) is that Vanu bolt actions are described as plasma weapons with bullet drop, so that you have to smash on the battery for the next shot. Here is a suggestion for bolt similar movement:
  4. Rigsta

    Sure, why not? Though if I'm honest I'd rather see scope sway reduced and hold-breath time increased - they have a much bigger effect on my sniping than having to scope-out for follow-up shots.
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  5. Vesperia

    Not quite sure what your arguement is.. I am well aware of the fact that VS weapons are battery powered and yes, they have bullet drop. It should be noted that the bullet drop of VS guns is slightly less than the other factions. Also I was just pointing out that VS guns dont have actual "bolts" but I think the concept of a straight bull bolt for their guns would be similar (smash the battery back in without having to un-scope.

    Do scopes have drawbacks? No
    Does the fore grip have a drawback? No
    Flashlight? No
    Laser Sigh? No

    The only "drawback" if you could call it that, is that it would cost certs. It would just require some commitment like every other attachment.
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  6. VoidC

    Not considering specific weapons, each attachment has its drawbacks.
    Scopes: Each scope has its effective specific range.
    Grip: you can't mount a laser dot, reduced hip fire accuracy.
    Flashlight: you give up a rail slot for more spotlight (no grip, no laser dot)
    Suppressor: decreases speed
    Compensator: increases hip fire COF
    HVA: increases recoil
    SPA: bad at long range

    I like your idea, but as I said it should have a small drawback as counterbalance.
    (25% longer reload for example, since you can't see the bolt and the whole concentration is on your scope)

    I would like to see flash suppressor for reducing warning range on the mini map. One of the reason we don't have it, is probably because of the fact that bolt action rifles are not auto weapons, so that means no drawback for bolt action rifles. Thats why we got suppressor instead (less bullet speed, same bullet drop that is already significant at lower ranges due to longer travel time).
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  7. ThElement078

    yes, good idea, i like it
  8. Scan

    BF3 is a diffrent game from this one. It had alot more cover.

    A straightpullbolt in this game would probably give us too much of an advantage over players crossing the field. I suppose if that's what you want, you should opt to get the semi-auto rifles.

    What you are suggesting, is in fact, a slow firing semi-auto sniperrifle, with the damage of a bolt-action rifle.
  9. m44v

    what, more stuff for improve sniping? are you serious?
  10. MadcowwithSwineFlu

    I would give 1000 smeds for a prone stance and a bipod.
  11. Hellhammer

    I'd trade a longer reload time for a straight-pull bolt action attachment
  12. Quor

    Rail attachments and sight attachments tend not to have drawbacks, aside from the limitation on view with an IRNV scope anyway, as well as the underslung attachments on certain carbines and AR's.

    But barrel attachments and ammos have tradeoffs. Compensators increase the weight of the weapon, reducing hipfire CoF accuracy whenever you are full autoing, suppressors decrease bullet velocity and increase bullet drop (except for VS re: the drop) and flash suppressors slightly increase full auto recoil. HVA ammo slightly increases vertical recoil while SPA hits minimum damage distance sooner.

    But the difference is, all of those somehow directly improve and aspect of the gun, making it easier to use under certain circumstances. You're asking to make it so you don't de-scope when you fire a shot from a bolt-action sniper rifle, which changes how the weapon performs under certain circumstances, specifically scoped in this case.

    The issue is, while other tradeoff attachments have some kind of negative, it tends to be in an area of the weapons function outside of where the attachment functions. So you don't use a compensator if you're planning to hipfire a lot, and you don't use HVA if you plan on mid-range ADS firing or if you don't want more vertical recoil. But there are times, places, and circumstances where you still want those things. As it stands now, adding this bolt-action upgrade would be exactly that; a pure upgrade.

    Hence, the purpose of the decreased fire rate is to provide some kind of choice, keeping in line with the sidegrade style of certing that SOE is aiming for with this game. Nothing is a "pure" upgrade without cost, unless the cost comes at the lack of other attachments (as you get with scopes and most rail attachments). De-scoping after each bolt shot is part of the tradeoff of going bolt instead of semi-auto, so you'll need something that makes people think instead of just blindly going "Well, got my 100 certs, time to upgrade my bolt-action!"

    So in this case, the fire rate reduction makes sense. Your character is being careful to engage the bolt so as not to lose sight of where they are aiming. And given that hipfiring a bolt-action sniper rifle is out of the question in terms of actual play, there isn't really any other place you could add a tradeoff to. I think a 20 or 25% increase in re-fire time would be perfect, and would give you a tactical choice to make. Are you more worried about losing your target? Then get the bolt upgrade. Are you not concerned with that, or need the faster fire rate? Then go without.
  13. EvaJones


    Bolt-Action sniper rifles reward precision aim with high damage. The need for precision aim is reduced significantly if you don't have to zoom out in order to fire again. I would be okay with different rifle models, ones without the capacity to two-hit people with body shots, had straight-pull bolts, but not the current high-damaging sniper rifles. 2hit kills are too strong if you can track a moving enemy between shots.