[Suggestion] Sniper feels more and more useless

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SparrowTail, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. MrIDoK

    VS bolt-action rifles do have bullet drop. Only the semi-auto sniper rifles have no drop but lower minimum damage.

    I agree with the OP. I could understand if nano5 blocked only the low-damage bolt actions at a good distance (100+ meters), but currently the situation is hilarious.
    Bolt-actions are designed for very long range, but to be effective (aka killing) you have to be close enough that the enemy can retaliate with pretty much every other weapon. That's why i'm using a lot more my semi-auto scout rifle than my rams 50.
  2. TheFullCologne

    carbine guy can move around and not stand still in the open, ya? logic that...
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  3. gloowa

    i logic'd that and still see no way of carabine guy retaliating against sniper guy. until there is, bye.
  4. TheFullCologne

    ahah i bet youre one of those poor carbine guys... learn to play
  5. gloowa

    dunno what you are talking about now? you want to tell me that carabine is somehow better long range weapon than sniper rifle or something? because otherwise your argument "learn to play" makes no sense. ("learn to play", wow, how very deep. must have took you long time to come up with that one)
  6. TheFullCologne

    i thought u said byebye? yet u return for more...

    point is, sniper headshots should always OHK or at max it should only take 2 hits with nano 5. PA shotties ohk at close range (point and click) so why cant snipers do this? and the argument that it is unfair because 'carbine players' cannot do anything against them is invalid, as snipers cant do ANYTHING against vehicles for now.
  7. Bine

    First, no infantry unit besides the MAX has survived a bullet to the head from my bolt action sniper. I forget which one it is, but its the one the TR had released early. I have *Never* had an infantry unit survive a headshot before. Ever.

    Second, the ONLY one hit kill in this game should be a high powered weapon to the skull. If they have shields up that is. If there are no shields, then any medium power weapon (carbine, rifle, whatever.) should 1 hit kill to the skull. I do not care for any weapon that kills in one shot without requiring a headshot. Thats not skill, thats easy mode. Those pump shotguns? BS. Any infantry gun should *NOT* one shot kill. Not without it being a headshot.
  8. Tristan

    Hint: It's because most snipers actually are pretty useless, not because you can't OHK some troops.
  9. Nocturnal7x

    Regardless of how you've felt, the sniper has always been useless. Stop sniping and ptfo :D
  10. Valena

    Ah, I see what you are. You're the kind of player who is overly sensitive to death. You probably think that anything that kills you that isn't a 1v1, face to face duel is unfair becuase you didn't have a chance to fight back, but then your chest swells with pride when you get the drop on an unsuspecting player and you feel like a badass when you kill a guy who didn't have time to return fire.

    You've probably never even played a sniper before. I can tell because you're blindly thinking of the issue from only the perspective of the target of a sniper. So I tell you what; go and play a sniper for the next 24 hours. Use only bolt action rifles and try to flank your enemy. Go and see for yourself just how often people with carbines fight back.

    If nothing else, it will provide you with some much needed perspective.
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  11. Maidere

    I'm kinda ok with sniping inf's being useless.
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  12. Duvenel

    When did nanoweave get buffed?...
  13. gloowa

    You sir, completely miss my point. It's not about death, it's not about kills, it's about being able to.

    Yes i did

    Already done. Didn't play for 24 hours (only have so much gaming time each day) more like an hour. I used the cheap 100 certs bolt action. I missed much (most) of my shots, got some kills on bodyshots, hit headshot about 3 times, only one guy survived - overshielded HA. None of them responded in any way. I finally got killed (indirecly) by smg infil that made his way behind me, knifed me once and spooked me so much that i ran off the cliff -_-.

    I still stand behind my opinion. You are certainly welcome to disagree with it, i don't think i will change my opinion, as well as you are not very likely to change yours. Let's just agree that we disagree and stop arguing while we still exchange arguments, before that turns into flame.

    Why? because you say so?

    as i already said, because no matter what is your class, against shotty user, you can retaliate/kill him/do damage.
    against sniper, you must be sniper yourself. it's not that hard to understand i think?

    First of all, this discussion is about balance between infantry. We are talking about balancing an infantry abaility vs infantry gun. Has nothing to do with vehicles.

    And between infantry, sniper is the only weapon that gives you ability to be able to engage enemy from such distance that he can't respond. All he can do is run away. And that is the real reason you want OHK. You don't want balance. You just want to take away only way of defense against sniper (short of getting sniper yourself, which is the only viable counter).

    And how does it differ from medic, engineer, and light assault? Unless you have C4 / mines you can't do squat, and still you have to take RISK by going in contact with enemy vehicle to use it. (except for engy AV turret, but that thing firing from behind render range is matter for another thread).
  14. TheFullCologne

    you clearly have no idea what a sniper is supposed to do/be. this is not infatryside, its combined arms, by your reasoning we should get rid of Dalton libs because they can OHK and a poor carbine person like yourself cant do anything against it. each class has pros and cons, you fail to see the cons of a sniper and focus on "oh noes a carefully measured 250 metre ohk shot to the head is too easy to do on a moving target, OP OP OP". if you say you cant do anything against a sniper you r just not trying hard enough. sniper rifles are good at long range, bad at CQC. PA shotties are good in CQC, bad in long-range. DING DING THERES YOUR BALANCE! but wait a sec, pa shotties ohk and snipers only sometimes.... hmmm

    HOW DOES IT DIFFER FROM LA MEDIC AND ENGIES??? oh wow.. just leave this thread. its not like LAs are known to lolc4 vehicles, and engies with their ghost av turrets...brrrr... lets not forget about medics who can carry c4 and do just fine by sneaking up to vehicles. by this stage almost everyone on their main character who has played this game for some time has mines or c4. snipers have SQUAT against vehicles. which to me, is ok. BUT at least give them ohk headshots. although, nano 5 (1000 certs) could possibly deter this. not at lv 2-3.

    Sniper rifles do feel more and more useless. 2 shots to the body/1 shot to the head should 90% of the times kill someone. lately, it hasnt because everyone goes gets cheap nano 3 survive

    you said byebye to this thread a few days ago, why r u still here? to prove a point? you are not proving it...
  15. TheFullCologne

    it just deters people from buying bolt actions... i got auraxium with my bolt driver and im reluctant to buy the longshot (probably will in time though). nothing worse than landing a 200 metre headshot and then get a hit market instead.. 3 TIMES IN A ROW
  16. Shoza Nakh

    I use flak for my engineer and medic and sometimes I get killed by snipers, it's fair, just trade off for avoiding 50% explosion damage.
    I use nano for my heavy and get killed by landmines, grenades, rocket pods, HE rounds from vehicles, even HA rocket launcher splash, but I will not die to snipers in one shot, it's fair again. This is the point of having Nano 5 certed and used.
  17. Nephera

    If my bolt actions no longer kill in one shot to the head on an average target i'm just going to stop using them in favor of my semi auto and engage at a closer range. The shots are too difficult to make (from a considerable distance) and too punishing on a miss for them not to kill with a headshot, why bother.
  18. illgot

    what is this moove thing you speak of and where can I purchase it?

    if you keep moving most snipers will miss or on rare occasions body shot you. You don't even have to cert moving, just press 'A', 'W', 'D', 'S' often.

    Because I used to primary a sniper, I know how difficult it is hitting a moving target at 300 meters.
  19. Nephera

    oh right not to mention they sold us those rifles under the pretense that they would kill with headshots from long range.
  20. illgot

    they still can, on new players.

    Even if SOE deliberately lied in their cash shop, they have the power to tell you to "f*** off" and it would have almost no impact on them.