Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by lslogin, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. Astraka

    SMGs are definitely not what I wanted, but it has kept me playing the Infiltrator class and not throwing my hands up in frustration and switching to LA. I am desperately hoping that the Developers take some of the good ideas that are buried here for the badassification (though we have still not been put up on the Roadmap). Even with SMGs my interest wanes every day. There is only so much lone wolf play I can tolerate, and we are not that great in group play at the moment.
  2. GrinNfool

    The point didn't change, the HA has access to weapons for any and all ranges sans sniper ranges. Nitpick the wording if you want but its true. LMG covers a catch all range where it can fight at most any range other than sniping, while not being as good as weapons dedicated to that range. If the HA wants to deal with up close and only up close he can use an SMG or a shotgun... the shotgun/jackhammer would be a far better choice though. If he wants to excel at medium to long range there is the battle rifle. An HA can comfortably fight at any range group and generally more than 1. The reason you see all the LMGs is because HAs want the option to shoot at whatever they see, instead of either trying to keep range or keep close.

    I will tell you though I fear HAs that switch their guns based on distance far more than I fear HAs that just use the LMG regardless. The LMGs only real place IMHO is jumping from outpost to outpost where you are going to be going in and out of buildings. If you are going to be fighting open ground you should have a BR equipped if you are fighting in a tower or other CQ area a shotgun/jackhammer should be equipped. The game is built to reward intelligent weapon selection over catch all weapon classes, while not making it so the catch all weapons cant compete.
  3. Dcrd

    SMG is crap actually. I can't believe how someone can say it's any better then any carabine or an LMG. Playing as a HA I needed like 7 bullets per kill while I had 50 round clip, more stored ammo, much better fire rate and distance. Stock Orion beats this SMG in TTK, effective range, bullet speed, clip size and amount of stored ammo. It'd change my crappy Eridani for an LMG anyday. Hell, even stock sniper rifle is better in CQC then an SMG. And if your target is outside of 10m distance you already need to lead your bullets, even with no silencer and soft point ammo. Hell, you even need to lead it at knife range, but it's barely noticable. With said LMG, however, you don't need to do it at any distances apart from "almost-sniperish", you just point your cross/red dot at your target, click the mouse button and keep this cross/red dot at your target until it dies, which is usually something about 2 seconds or less.

    Plus HA have more health and an amazing active shield ability. There is no way an infiltrator can beat a HA in a 1v1 "outdamage duel". I haven't seen any infiltrator being able to do this to me as a HA atleast.
  4. lslogin

    I do it all the time, that's why I made this thread. The hipfire accuracy on these SMGs is unbelievable. You can move pretty fast when shooting, and that's already a better asset than bullet speed or clip size, which you can cert into giving you an extra 10 bullets. Add soft point ammunition and you make up some of the damage difference. Get a suppresor and you dissapear off the minimal when shooting.
  5. RichardDunn

    Personally I've been getting rocked by NC SMGs at close range. There has been numerous occasions where an NC Infiltrator wipes out a 5 man squad lone wolf. I can empty maybe 3 rounds into the guy if I'm lucky. The damage is actually ridiculously high up close, it seems more powerful than my carbine or assault rifle, not to mention its extreme ROF and high capacity mag.

    I'm usually not one to play the nerf card, but this is getting out of hand. A lone wolf Infiltrator with an SMG shouldn't be able to wipe a 5 man squad so easily. I don't have a problem getting hit by an NC MAX shotgun, it's a freaking MAX and a shotgun, you should die in one shot, but the SMG is turning an Infiltrator into a MAX with a shotgun. I'm down for SMGs and like the idea of an Infiltrator carrying one, but their damage needs to be toned down. I plan on purchasing one for my Infiltrator, but at its current state I'll probably end up using it for all my classes. I use soft point ammo in my carbine and fight up close to begin with, there's no reason I shouldn't be rocking a Gatling Gibber the way I see it.
  6. Astraka

    Infiltrator w/ SMG is now like a Scatmax. You heard it hear first.
  7. Stinneyt

    I've killed high level HA 1v1 with my pistol.
    But most often they get me.

    And I dont have the cert points to spend on an SMG so I use a ASR. Works good enough for me right now.
  8. Manetheren

    ^This. "An infiltrator shouldn't stand his ground against any other class, he should lurk in the shadows waiting for the perfect moment, not be a bunnyhopping-spraying-praying-piece-of-****".
    • Up x 1
  9. Syphers

    I do it when im bored of being sneaky though those opponents are probably average at best, I engage then I take cover and then I suprise rush them with circular hip-fire or a leap and crouch bullet rain. Not easy though, can't really outdamage them in a straight gunfire unless the other guy has poor aim. The infiltrator has the highest skillroof by far while I can do 10 kills and + killingsprees easily on my LA

    Nano-cloak should be a baseline ability minus the duration decrease, we should also have a slightly faster run speed
  10. Syphers

    NC infiltrator can confuse a group more easily because their armor pattern blend so well with their camos that you can't see the blue and yellow. The downside however is that they glow slightly at night lol
  11. TribbleFluffer

    honestly i hate SMG's. every single time i have gone toe to toe with one i am killed before i can even react. between the flinch mechanics and the amount of lead/plasma they hose in your direction even if you fire first unless you have an equaly fast rifle, or something with a HUGE DPS your dead. :mad:
  12. DuckSauce

    Flinch? You mean that annoying skill destroyer that existed up until a week ago?