[BUG] SMG extended mags together with the ammunition belt suitslot.. BUGGED!

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Timeraider, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Timeraider

    SO.. why is this bugged you may ask.. lets do it like this:

    SMG without extended mags or ammunition belt cert (suit slot)=

    150 bullets, which means 6 magazines of 25 bullets

    SMG with extended mags=

    150 bullets, 4,28571429 magazines of 35 bullets so.. extended mags is already unjustified. The magazines did not extend.. else they would have 6 magazines of 35 bullets.. but lets forget this since this is debatable. .. lets continue.

    SMG with ammunition belt rank 2 (+2 magazines)=

    200 bullets, 8 magazines of 25 bullets

    SMG with ammunition belt rank 2 + extended ammo=

    200 bullets, 5,71428571 magazines of 35 bullets.

    So.. whats my problem? easy.. when applying the extended magazine cert to the SMG.. you dont make your magazines bigger.. you simply are able to hold more bullets in the gun.
    It litterally says.. extends your magazines.
    SO in theory you should actually have 6 magazines of 35 bullets.. which is alot more then atm.
    Aside from that also... ammunition belt gives +2 magazines... IF the magazines would be 35 bullets.. a rank 2 ammunition belt would grant you +70 bullets.. atm as expected it grants 25 bullets.

    How can you easily see you dont have bigger magazines in 1 look..

    equip an SMG with extended magazines.. resupply at a terminal. you will see.. 25 bullets in magazine.. 125 left. only AFTER you reload you will have 35 bullets in your magazine.
  2. SharpLight

    Any reason why you post a bug about a gun available for all classes on the Infiltrator sub-forum?

    Plus I just posted about the extended magazine not working for the SMG (on the technical problems sub-forum) and I have no idea what you are talking about.....
  3. WolfBlitzer

    This is the way it is for all extended mag and ammo bandolier certs, so its not a bug. Extended mag only increases the number of rounds in the magazine, not reserve ammo. Bandolier only increases ammo by the size of a non-upgraded magazine.
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  4. Benevon


    Extended magazines are doing just that, extending the magazine to hold more rounds per mag. In order to balance it for the game, you simply carry less magazines (so you still have a reason to cert the ammo belt).

    Now whether there is some other issue with the extended mag for the SMGs, I cannot say. I know when I respawn in my eng or LA loadouts with a shotgun, I have to resupply immediately to make the extended mag apply. So there could be that issue as well for the SMG.
  5. Gadamlu

    the only real problem i see, is that they didnt even out the ammo count with the extended mags, so on the last mag (with no ammo belt)you have a total of 10 rounds in the mag.