SMG designed to beat the TR MCG?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Halcyon, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. EnviousCipher

    Why you weren't using the MSW-R is beyond me.
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  2. NeverWas

    MCG is joke ?

    try doing this.

    stand 90 meters apart, one using smg whilst the other use mcg.

    mcg user uses ads.

    mcg user won.
  3. TeknoBug

    I use the MCG often on my TR, the MCG isn't a good close quarter weapon and has a big fat COF with hip firing. However it's a good long range gun while ADS because you can land at least 6 bullets in the same spot before it starts to spread.

    The spinup needs to be removed indeed.

    The JH is better than what most people credit it for, such as you mentioned on the stats site, it has waaaaay fewer total hours and still beats out the other guns. I rarely play HA on my NC but the JH is my HA's main gun.
  4. Xind

    Yeah, I own the TAR and TRV, too. I also have the Lynx instead of the Jaguar.

    It doesn't.

    Trust me.

    Of course you run around saying the Sabr-13 is the best weapon in the game these days, so I'm really not inclined to take anything you say seriously.
  5. Nocturnal7x

    The MCG is garbage. That adadad mlg smg inf should have you dead while you spin up. How you didn't understand this, idk. You new here son?
  6. IamDH

    When the opponent is blind
    Can't think of another case
  7. Rhaeyn

    Just out of curiosity: What VS SMG gives you more of the feeling of "Oh, great.. the [ ] of course.." when being killed; the Eridani or the Sirius?
    Because I don't even get upset anymore, when being killed with the Hailstorm for example. It's more of a "What? How did he.. oh, Hailstorm, well okay, nvm then, he killed me in CQC with a powerful CQC weapon, that's okay then I guess".
  8. Heero

    Mid-long range the MCG is badass, when crouched its got SMG rate of fire with Carv damage and has better accuracy than the TMG for 3-5 seconds of fire... Doesn't sound bad to me, just don't use it close-range... we got shotguns for that.

    its ether that or I'm some mega-awesome 1337 MLG status pro for getting 1000+ kills with a "total rubbish" weapon :rolleyes: Yeah right...
  9. Nakar

    Yes, your mistake is thinking the MCG is a close-quarters weapon. For whatever reason, a chaingun is an awesome midrange gun, much like how the JH is awesome outside expected shotgun ranges. Try sniping with the MCG. Yeah, I don't get it either, but it works.

    That said stats aside, neither holds a candle to the Lasher in terms of actually being USEFUL over the LMGs/Shotguns/SMGs you could use in the same slot. The stats just don't quite show the Lasher's dominant traits (not unlike the Lancer, the VS's two best-kept secrets really).
  10. EliteEskimo

    They said they were going to remove the spin up, and just make it fire slower from the start and build up to its full ROF. Then right before the update for it they decided "nah screw it" and decided to leave it as it is now.:(
  11. Citizen H

    Even then it will still be garbage.
    99% of this game is burst damage. Popping out from cover and spraying. Shooting someone first before they shoot you. Turning a corner and being faster on the trigger
    That's why SMGs trump carbines and why shotguns trump SMGs. Upfront damage is what matters. Sustained DPS does not.

    Enemies with carbines will still dump a clip into anyone using a MCG and kill them before the MCG even reaches full RPM.
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  12. EliteEskimo

    Well then it should be very very devastating if you live long enough to get the wind up going at full ROF. If it's going to suck hard before it reaches full ROF, then it should be borderline OP you live long enough to get there.:eek: I want a battle effective hand held Gatling gun dang nabbit.
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  13. Heero

    Yeah the change is more of a nerf if anything, seeing as the bug right now lets you fire it instantly and its far from OP, its nothing more than a cycler TRV with a larger mag(infact the TRV has a faster RPM)...
  14. Rhiaci

    I'd say anything that is designated a Close Quater Gun that has a 1 sec fire delay is a failed concept.
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  15. IamDH

    I beleive the correct sentence is
    TR MCG designed to lose to SMG
  16. Singed

    The MCG is definitely better than a SMG. It also has a much longer effective range. MCG + Bypass spinup + laser sight = a pretty good gun. However the CARV or MSW-R are objectively better weapons.
  17. Tekuila

    They need to increase its Rof to 900 and remove the spin up completely.

    Done, it is now a decent weapon.
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  18. Satanam

    Agreed. That's why I think they should just make the current Mini-chaingun glitch (the one you can make it 0 sec spin-up) a feature, tweaking it to work like what we have now but balancing it. And then buff it a bit (reducing a bit of damage so they add more RoF).
  19. Lord Robert

    HA! Who told you that? You were lied to sir.
  20. Honeybadger

    the hailstorm should not be the default weapon for every TR class. I can't even count how many times that gun has beaten me at 10yards with a jackhammer because I missed one shot