Small useful tips you may not know

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CaligoIllioneus, Sep 7, 2013.

  1. CaligoIllioneus

    This thread's objective is to list small, situationally useful things that people may not know. If you have some to share or you want to comment on previous ones do so below.

    I shall can get on Tech Plant rooftops without the need to drop pod and without playing Light Assault. This is useful to deal with those annoying drop podding enemies killing your engineers repairing the turrets below. It can serve to get even ZOEs on the roof or something like that... be creative. This can be achieved two ways:

    1) Find a destroyed turret, jump on the blackened remains, and from there jump to the roof

    2) If there are no destroyed turrets, position a "live" one parallel to the roof, pointing down, as shown in the screenshot below, then exit it, wait until the turret moves down (due to being empty) and then you can jump on the turret getting access to the roof as well

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  2. DFDelta

    You don't need any turrets at all. Just jump up there.

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  3. CaligoIllioneus

    Oh I was not aware of that, nice, thanks you.
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  4. Sordid

    I posted this in another thread in response to a question and was very surprised that several people chimed in saying they didn't know about it.

    You can tell which firing mode your gun is in by the little icon next to your ammo count:

    Full auto:


    Single shot:

    No need to fire your gun just to find out which mode you're in! :D

    The grenade icon below that also shows you the type of grenade you currently have equipped. The one in the pictures is a flash grenade.
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  5. Bill Hicks

    switching to VS or TR will raise your kd by 1.0
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  6. DFDelta

    You can also jump onto the aircraft terminals and use the same combination of run and jump to get up.
    It is a little harder that way, but there is no risk of missing the tip and falling to your death.
  7. WyrdHarper

    When playing as an engineer you can press "b" with your ACE tool equipped (the turret) to turn it into a placeable ammo pack (and b will also turn it back), so you can equip a utility like mines as well. Amazing all those who don't know this.

    Also, in a shameless attempt to get more traffic to the ARID site ( we are recruiting btw), I do a Tip of The Day thread there that has lots of these tips. Some are more strategy focused or outfit-specific, and some are outdates, but I've tried to gather good stuff. The link for that is:
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  8. Rohnlex

    1) You dont need the Ammo box in your loadout, you can still place ammo boxes with your turret by pressing the letter "B".

    2) You can zoom in and out the minimap (dont remember the default keys)
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  9. WorldOfForms

    I saw the video on how to do this, and tried it myself, and couldn't get it to work. I must have jumped like 50 times. What's the trick? I got on the terminal, moved until I was on the very center, which appears to be the highest point you can reach, and tried to "double jump" onto the roof, but no success.
  10. DFDelta

    There is no trick really.
    Stand on it and try to find the highest point, then run forward and immediately jump.
    You should land directly on the tip.

    No need for duckjumps/crouchjumps, doublejumps or any other of that fancy stuff.

    Using the "rail" like I showed in the video is more useful though. Its much faster and you don't need repaired terminals.
  11. Bill Hicks

    Stop whining, NC are fine. We just need a unique hat.
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  12. Giggily

    Take your turret out as an engineer and press B...
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  13. vincent-

    Yea here is a better one and it is the same thing the spot were the air terminals are at get on ledge of the corner and on the tip of the air shield the protect anyone trying to get a vehicle you can hop on that and be on the roof.
  14. Paqu

    By touching those "elevator" pads you gain short immunity to fall damage. Doesn't matter if its the upwards or downwards lift. Very usefull on tower bases when you need to go down as non LA.

    By using this trick you can even jump down from the Tech Plants highest tower without taking any damage. I usually jump on top of one of those silos which are behind the Tech Plant and from there I get access to the second floor of that SCU building.
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  15. Angry Scientist

  16. Lueyja2

    Another way to use this is to spawn at a tower under heavy attack as any class. Go up the lift to the top floor and then immediately jump off the tower onto the ground for an easy 2-5 kills from the attackers huddled at the base of the tower

    My tip would be: if you are light assault, you can halt your momentum after taking a jump pad with your jetpacks. Useful for places like the traverse as you can take the jump pad and land in the middle of the bridge. Be warned: it takes a lot of fuel so you probably should have a semi upgraded jetpack
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  17. Campagne

    If you're ever playing as an infiltrator, in particular a sniper, stay cloaked as much as you can and don't trust cover in any scenario. You never know who is watching you. Trust me, it will really help you stay hidden and alive. (Especially from enemy snipers)
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  18. TheBloodEagle

    You can safely get down from almost all buildings & landmarks (cliffs, etc) by hug-walking the sides.
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  19. Rodinvac

    These are more general, but still good to keep in mind.

    Never stop moving and always move in a slightly erratic pattern: that will make you immune to 99.5% of the bolt-action snipers out there, since they will be too far away to shoot at you accurately anyway. Just moving will make you immune to 70%+ of the bolt-action snipers out there.

    Vehicle and equipment terminals can be hacked by an Infiltrator walking up to them and holding the use key for a while. That means that when one is defending a base that is being attacked, blowing up your own vehicle terminals will prevent the enemy from hacking them and spawning Sunderers (with which to spawn an endless supply of enemies) and tanks (with which to shoot you). Repairing them is just asking for an Infiltrator to sneak in and hack it.

    The Infiltrator cloak does not make you invisible, just harder to see.
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  20. ToothpasteEater

    This game has custom voip channels, that are hidden by devs with evil intentions of distrupting cross-platoon cooperation and flooding com chat.

    Just type /voice join (Chan name) (Chan password)

    Now you can speak with another PL without all SLs of your faction knowing that you're going to drop on Hvar in five minutes. Now you can speak with your squadmate in vehicle without flooding squad chat. Now you can spread the word about this amazing feature to your outfit and friends.
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