Skyguard/Flak doing too much damage to liberator

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Grrrumble, Dec 9, 2022.

  1. Grrrumble

    This is not in line with the intended damage model. The skyguard has never dealt this much damage to a liberator. These recent changes have upset the balance significantly against air. If the air game gets killed, I feel like this game will die completely within 12 months.

  2. TR5L4Y3R

    ... ok ... now go and use it on live instead of VR ...

    the result will be
    1. Lib turboboosting out of the area and comming back for another run (why the heck does a heavy gunship have a default permaincluded passive turbo in the first place !!!)
    2. you getting the tankbuster+dalton combo to your face ...

    and every non skyguard AA platform still will lose out worse
    heck even lockons with their slight recent buff get basicaly negated through stealth and decoy flares ... (and imho it should not be possible to equip ESF engagement radar as passiv with vehicle stealth, either one or the other for defensive slot but NOT both, i even think that level 1 stealth should be the default equipment over engagementradar for newer players ...)

    overall the same thing still applies as it did before ... you need 2 platforms minimum to have a chance at actualy threatening Aircraft
    3 to actualy quickly finish them off ...

    ANTs and lightnings need radar, infantry don´t get anything regarding reconaisence and if they don´t constantly look into the sky (which next to no one does in actual combat) chances are an AI ESF, daltonlib or Valk will basicaly jump on them at 20m to 15m because the avarage player looks for clues on the minimap than constantly scaning the sky ... even then any non lock on dumbfire (lancer included cause of limited chargehold) and wire guided missilelauncher is too slow to be anywhere near reliably used against aircraft when not used against sitting ducks for pilots ...
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  3. Grrrumble

    Clearly, you have not pulled a skyguard lately. This recent update will kill the air completely. If that happens, it will upset the balance of this game which means armor will die too. I give this game 12 months if they don't fix this ASAP. The majority if the INFANTRY outfits that I play with have started playing other games. Bookmark this thread and come back to it in 12 months (if the site is still here) and let's talk.
  4. TR5L4Y3R

    right, see next year then o/
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  5. JibbaJabba

    I don't see a problem here.

    That skyguard has no use against other vehicles. It can kill no infantry really. It has only one job: kill air. And you've just shown a video indicating that it cannot do that.

    The gunnery was perfect and it hit every shot. The "pilot" just sat there, took no evasive action, didn't pop repair and didn't fire back (go video record a demo of the dalton vs a lightning :p ) and it still survived.

    The liberator remains ungodly overpowered in this game. I think you'll be ok.
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  6. lemurwrangler
