[Suggestion] Skyguard Ajustment

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Clipped!, Aug 22, 2018.

  1. Smoo

    And yet the Mag has less damage options than the Prowler, and WAY less soaking ability than Vanguards. And it's maneuverability gets it killed sometimes. Last I saw on Oracle stats, it led the way in MBT suicides, by a large margin.

    I see plenty of Vanguards used as tanks, leading pushes, backed up by troops. It seems to work just fine.

    Magriders tend to kill people who try and repair them, and strafing is NEGATED by multiple tanks. Vehicle shield WORKS JUST FINE with multiple tanks. Magriders in a push... tend to die. Magburner in a tank column does not help.
  2. LaughingDead

    Second in damage above the vanguard, has manuverability over raw firepower and durability. You know why magrider hesh was nerfed far before any of the rest? Because they could get on top of mountains. Their advantage is one up to the creativity of the user. I'm sure plenty of prowlers would love to get on top of any mountain they want.
  3. Smoo

    The Prowler gets TWO SHOTS per reload. Plus whatever the chamber time is for the second shot. Plus Barrage.

    The Mag gets ONE shot, for a little more damage than one Prowler shell, then a reload. An afterburner on a tank is useless in slow armor situations. Strafing is useless in short range or busy combat.

    The Vanguard gets one shot, for yet more damage. But it ALSO gets a shield that ALMOST ALWAYS allows the tank to live at least until the effect expires.

    2 things are bigger than one slightly larger thing. I've tried to simplify that concept, so you can try and grasp it, but I don't think there's much of the chance of that.

    This puts the Magrider firmly at the bottom in terms of damage.
  4. LaughingDead

    Did you ever actually do the math on the turrets? I can firmly tell you that the vanguard is dead last with the least amount of damage, prowler is top tier but each shell does not equal a magriders or vanguards shell iin terms of damage
  5. Smoo


    The Vanguard shell is literally 100 more damage than the FPC shell, on the AP tank guns. For 0.5 seconds longer reload. 100 damage can be the difference between a target retreating behind cover and repairing to full, and a kill.

    Two TR shells is 450 more damage than a VS shell. And you can walk your shots and maybe get half damage. Or blast something at close range. And Barrage.

    If two tanks come around a building and start firing at each other at close or medium range, the Magrider WILL lose, given an even fight.