[Suggestion] Skull and Crossbones icon decay timer

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Crazybarrel, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. Crazybarrel

    I have a suggestion for the medics and determining when someone can be revived. Currently, when someone dies, a timer starts and within that period of time, you can revive them. If too much time has passed, the dead person can't be revived. The issue comes along when you arrive in a combat zone, see a dead troop and risk your life to go revive them. When you get all the way over there, you find out after attempting to bring them back, that it was a useless attempt and you get murdered in the process.. what a waste.

    Suggestion - When the timer ends when they can be revived, simply remove the skull and crossbone icon from above the dead character and the mini map. If you see a dead person with no skull and crossbones, then you know to not risk your life to bring him back. Thoughts?