Skilless Instantkill Claymores and n00btubes/Rockets are going to turn PS2 Skill FPS into COD/Campin

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ImGladUmad, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. SkepticJerry

    Fully certed into, you can place 5 AT mines or 3 Bouncing Bettys.
  2. Krona

    Dude have you ever USED the grenade launcher?

    That thing is easily the most balanced underbarrel I've ever seen, the splash is terrible, and you're lucky if you kill 1 guy with it. It has to be a dead on hit to kill him, plus you lose out of different rail attachment to have it.

    The only thing I can think of to change it would be to make the splash normal grenade sized, and lower the damage so it doesn't 1 shot, but can be used to soften up an entire group of infantry.
  3. Tuco

    yay it carries 1 whole grenade.

    Back in PS1 you could load up the punisher with 10-20 grenades.
  4. ThePackage

    I'm fairly certain the OP made this post after me and my squad decimated their zerg into Allatum. They resorted to shield camping and weren't intelligent enough to realize the explosion goes through the shield.

    I specifically remember killing him a good dozen times with proximity mines.
  5. Hodo

    The word is INSTANT. Not sure what you were trying to say.
  6. Ryekir

    I'm not suggesting that you have to crawl around and check every inch of the map for mines, but just use a little common sense and check areas that are likely to have mines (such as outside spawn rooms or in front of generators and capture points). And even in your jump pad scenario, that mine is only going to kill the first person that uses it.

    They're not going to get "spammed", because you can only place 2 at a time (or 3 if you spend thousands of certs to fully upgrade Utility Pouch and forgo any of the shield upgrades), so you're not going to see mine fields like were possible in PS1 (Engineers could place up to 20 mines). You would have to be constantly running back and forth to the equipment terminal to replace your mines and your mines (which isn't worth it), and you'll likely get killed trying to place the mines during the middle of a firefight and/or getting blown up by your own mine as soon as you place it. They also have a resource cost, so this wouldn't really be sustainable either.
  7. Tasogie

    Interesting, I didnt know that. good to know thanks.
  8. ImGladUmad

    Yeah I guess I have to hope it kiled somebody else when I use a jump pad.

    Already proven people can carry 3 bouncing betties so hopefully the person isn't camping.

    Planetside 1 was way slower game pace, you could actually see where the mines were and they could only be put outside if I remember correctly except for boomers...I use to shoot at them all the time

    Im already seeing people trying to get cheap kills with Rockets.....and yes once in a while it does work, I tried it...It works specially against campers...Some even use their rockets first then pistol combo.

    My point is that people are going to spam anything that doesn't evolve skill if they suck, trust me is going to happen.
  9. Madd0g

    To be honest right now ps2 is on the same skill level as COD if not lower.
    While the TTK is slightly higher(and i really mean slightly)and there is some recoil(still it's like 1/5 of the recoil of guns in bf3)the gun play of the game is super broken.
    I cant remember the last time i played a game where you are so limited in terms of mobility.
    I honestly feel like i have 2 tons of weights strapped to my ancles.
    You also stuck and screen shake 90% of the time on the most rediculous objects.
    Not to mention the fact the game should be called Perfomanceside 2,because gun fights are ENTIERLY determined on who has the better performace(people playing with I5 or I7 CPU have pretty much god mode turned on in this game,i play bf3 with 50 frames on high and here i get 10-15 frames on low,seriosly SOE...)
  10. ImGladUmad

    LMFAO....Have you even played bf3?...

    The TTK is so low, it caters to campers...All you have to do is camp in some bush/corner AIM your gun and you get kills.....Sorry that game is not skillful at all compared to PS2.

    In PS2, you can't camp in a corner by urself and kill somebody ASAP unlike battlefield 3......In this game the ttk is high enough to fight back.

    Not to mention the hipfire in this game is actually good unlike BF3....You can actually use hipfire twitch skills to fight some camper ADS.

    As for the performance of the game....Yes it sucks, I agree and hope they fix it...I hope the screen shaking stops too.

    But PS2 takes more skill than Campfield 3.

    inb4 u mention stalemates as being camping...When I mention camping in BF3, I mean the camping in the corners by urself or in some bush which happens a lot.....You can't do that in this game because the TTK is higher and hipfire is better.
  11. Kimeni

    Or, you could just watch your step.
  12. HawkyGaming

    Let them nerf something that is doing it's RIGHTFUL PURPOSE. LOGIC.
  13. ImGladUmad

    Yes....Fun/Skill> Instant skilless kills.
  14. Chenjesu

    Guys, guys. "ImGladUmad" is himself, MAD, and he doesnt like it.

    oh the irony.

    Well, we are glad you mad hahaha ^_^
    im gonna go have FUN in planetside now cya!!!1oneoneelveln
  15. Dcrd

    Holy **** that's one colorful post.

    I see you have enough skill to control your gun (which is not harder then controlling your dick), but not enough of it to look at the ground and notice the mine.
  16. Syrathin

    I like having the AP mines, Makes people think twice about doing the blind sprint into gen rooms or hopping from tower to tower using the jump pads. With the resource costs and running back and forth to resupply they can't exactly be spammed since you can only carry and place two...or three if you want to drop over 3k certs to get the third one.

    Though I think once people start to use them a little more frequently we'll be hearing a massive QQ from LA's and Infils who like to sprint around amp stations when there are only a few defenders overloading generators. But as a lot of other have said just keep an eye on the ground, Let that be part of your uber epic awe inspiring skill set.
  17. CorticalHomunculus

    AP mines are perfectly valid. It discourages sloppy play. For soothe, you actually have to be careful when you're moving somewhere! If it discourages people from fighting from spawn to spawn campers, all the better too. It's a meaningless resource funnel for both teams that is based on being able to point at a door.

    If laying down mines means those players will redeploy and actually make a tactical difference elsewhere, I would be so pleased.
  18. Superdano

    I don't mind the claymores, they're supposed to be a trap and extremely damaging. Rocket launchers should hurt, but I agree they shouldn't one shot a person. My biggest problem with PS2 is the Air to Air rockets. Some of the worst pilots in the game just lock on, and can shoot down any air craft in their path. It takes very little if no skill at all to use, and is incredibly over powered. I would rather see 3 shots to take down a fellow fighter, and maybe even 4 if they are fully upgraded with Composite armor. Also, how about a cooldown on A2A rockets? Maybe 15 secs before you can shoot a second missle?? Right now A2A rockets are ruining the game for me.
  19. Madd0g

    TTK is lower in bf3(trust me i am no fan of low TTK,take for example my fav game:section 8 prejudice)but a good player can do MUCH more in that game than you can in ps2(talking about good inf player.Air **** on ps2 is a different matter).
    Why you would ask?
    While TTK is lower in bf3,mobility is much higher.Bf3 gives you a much higher chance to fight back because you can quickly jump to cover,go prone or take a deffensive actions,while in ps2 you are a slow moving target that can hardly move around corners quickly and you have way less chance to react(the awfull hitdetection,lagg and horrible performace dont help either).

    Dont get me rong,i even think TTK should be higher than it is right now,all i am saying is the mobility,the low recoil/high spread gunplay and the horrible performace are a really game breaking factors.
  20. IshanDeston

    Not to mention the Infantery Ressource Cost far outweights the gain of a single kill. Mines or explosives in general are no substitude and you are always going to be at a loss for using them.

    Yeah, you could in theory, have 40 saved up, and then maybe by 10 more with your infantery ressources, but even so after 50 kills you are all out of explosives and there isn't much you can do. Does it boost your exp gain? Sure it does, but there are easier ways to get that many kills. Rocketspods, Liberator or even Tanks with anti Infantery loadout will much more reliably get you amount of kills.