[Suggestion] Since we're redoing the MAX weapon models...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kriegson, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. Kriegson

    ..why not the functions as well?

    For the TR miniguns, increase the RoF to MAXIMUM DAKKA (900 or so) increase capacity and reduce damage to compensate, at least for select weapons. More variation like signifigantly higher capacity on mutilator, and significantly slower firing but accurate and higher damage mutilator, etc. I'm not talking a few points here and there, I'm talking the difference between various infantry weapons. Miniguns should never be below some 700 RPM, needs more BRRRRRT.

    For the NC shotguns, why not make the mattock the only one capable of firing slugs, but increase movement accuracy significantly. I mean that's really all people tend to use it for anyhow, so why not make it official?

    Hacksaw could have a MUCH higher pellet count, but lower damage per pellet and wider spread. Let's face it, if you're point blank with a max you're probably going to die regardless. Turning the hacksaw into a storm of buckshot that can easily damage multiple targets, albiet a bit less [damage] would be a nice niche.

    For the VS, more disco or something idk.
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  2. Devrailis

    Whatever gets done, just don't give the Hacksaws anything resembling a buff.

    They were bonkers and had to be nerfed multiple times to be brought inline. And some folks still hate getting killed by them.
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  3. QuakerOatsMan

    I'd like sound revamps as well
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  4. JohnWindRunner

    dont even buff the Vs please they are a pain to fight now with the long range AV max and the i dont even want to bother AI they have just make them shine more so it easier to fight them at nigh :p
  5. Bindlestiff

    Wow, the nerf VS threads are back today, and in numbers.
  6. _itg

    They may not need a net buff, but Hacksaws do need a clearer niche. Right now there's almost no reason to use them over Grinders. Practically the only scenario where they'd be superior is a situation where you want to dump your mag as fast as possible and then retreat, but you'd actually die before you could fire 10+ Grinder rounds per arm.
  7. TheMercator

    And than the Hacksaw would still be the better option. On the VS and TR side it is the same thing. Nearly no reason to take the standard guns or the high capacity ones. You either take the fast firing ones or the accurate. The NC also use the grinders, because the magazine sizes are so small.
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  8. stalkish

    Wheres your Alec Guinness meme for that?
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  9. NinjaTurtle

    If they touch the sound of the Ravens I will have the biggest nerd rage ever.

    SCRREEEEEEE is the best sound in the game. I never even use them but I love it as the NC sound track. Suits the weapon perfect

    Leave the Ravens sound alone :mad:
  10. KnightCole

    I cant wait till they start redoing LMGs and other infantry weapons.
  11. stalkish

    Agree totally, not sure why anyone has a problem with them tbh.
    Although i tend to just ignore the sounds, sure ill hear them and differentiate whats what and whos attacking me but as far as 'liking' them goes i couldnt really care either way.