Simple solution to the Rocklet balance issue. . .

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by entity009, Dec 25, 2016.

  1. entity009

    It seems really obvious to me that the solution is to move C4 to the tool slot also so that u simply can't have both C4 and the rocklet rifle equipped at the same time. It leaves me to wonder how it made it off of PTS with such a simple solution being overlooked. This solution would require nothing to be nerfed and would leave each LA with around the same destructive potential as before. You can either drop explosives or shoot them, not both.

    I have been loving the addition of the rocklet rifle due to being able to run with medkits and still retain some anti-vehicular capability. I don't really see having no medkits as a balance to carrying C4.
  2. Movoza

    My question is this: why is the addition of the Rocklet rifle so powerful and isn't this just a problem of learning to counter a novelty?

    I agree that there is incredible power in the rifle if used well, but so far I'm not sure that the addition of the rocklet rifle warrants further changes.
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  3. FieldMarshall

    A solution requires a problem.
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  4. Scr1nRusher

    The Rocklet Rifle is fine.

    C4 is the problem. It does a WAY TO MUCH DAMAGE per brick.
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  5. Movoza

    So for progress of the C4 discussion, lets make it exactly 50% of an MBT per brick. Would this be a better brick?
  6. Scr1nRusher

    Its not just about Tanks(which C4 does around 15% more damage to then Tank Mines), its about all Heavy Armor vehicles.
  7. entity009

    Most of the concern was not about the rocket rifle or C4 doing too much damage individually it was that the LA could carry both at one time. Limiting the LA to one or the other would keep both loadouts around the same destructive potential.

    C4 has been griped about since the dawn of ps2. I am not talking about balancing the C4 but rather the fact that the LA received double the AV killing capacity.

    If LA were forced to chose which to carry you would see much less RR spam and no C4+RR 1 man sundy kills.
  8. Scr1nRusher

    C4 does most if not all of the work in the C4 + AV weapon combo's.
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  9. Movoza

    Yes. So baseline MBT 50%. Would that be a good change for C4.
  10. entity009

    correct but prior to the RR the LA could only look at that heavily damaged he can finish it off. Prior to the RR one LA could not solo kill a sundy.

    My point also stands that this change would lessen the sheer number of RRs in play somewhat lessening the AV storm that greets vehicles now.
  11. Shadowomega

    If C4's had its effectiveness vs vehicles cut down but remained a good tossable satchel charge as it is now the devs would likely introduce a new explosive device that would be great vs armor but not so good vs infantry. The best example of such a weapon is the M2 Slam or the Krakatoa (Note these 2 systems both us C4); However people will still complain about either option.

    The best option would be to introduce what I pointed out in my Armored warfare overhaul a couple years ago. This would be in the defensive slot item called Reactive armor would reduce damage of c4, HE, manpad rockets, ESF rockets, Hornets, and Grenade Launchers; it didn't affect HEAT, AP, AV secondaries, mines or AV grenades. The idea here was either you picked an armor that was made you better vs infantry attackers or an Armor that was better at defending vs tanks.
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  12. blackboemmel

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  13. Pat22

    Incorrect. Prior to the Rocklet Rifle being added, a Light Assault could finish off a heavily damaged sundy with Underbarrel grenades and explosive crossbow bolts.
  14. LaughingDead

    While yes, lights could finish sundis beforehand this required several things of the light assault:
    1. Lose a secondary slot to a utility item (being the crossbow). Rocklet bypasses this as a tool.
    2. Require the utility item to always be C4. Rocklets actually have enough damage in of themselves to kill a sundi as fast as a heavy, I and many people think that the most mobile class should not kill vehicles as fast as the AV class.
    3. Required more time. The crossbow does indeed cut the time down killing the sundi by a lot while it's burning, but rocklet simply combos out a win, without anyone near the sundi being able to react.
  15. Pat22

    I agree on this point. Especially with Typhoon rockets. I'm surprised it can rival a Rocket Launcher in killing power.

    Let's get one thing straight though, Heavy isn't the AV class, it's the Everything class. I don't think the Rocklet Rifle should be as powerful as a Rocket Launcher, but I also don't think that overall AV potential should be constantly compared to the Heavy as a point of reference.

    After all, it's not Heavies that tankers complain about getting killed by all the time.
  16. Movoza

    I have no idea why people see the HA and the engineer as the AV classes and not the LA.
    HA means Heavy Assault. That means the HA gets heavy weapons, and he does. He's got LMGs, RLS, a category called heavy weapons and the staying power due to the shield. Engineer has mines and turrets and all the other stuff of an Engineer. Why shouldn't the LA get light assault stuff? Light doesn't mean weak. It is a classification of the way they operate. Seeing their arsenal, it is high mobility coupled with short ranged weaponary, which if used well can be powerful. As an assault class they are fully capable of eliminating tanks. Their large advantage over the HA is mobility, making it possible to more effectively engage tanks.

    But thats the point! In the military, you aren't necessarily weak because you have the designation "light". Your weapons simply are less bulky and powerful, but easier to wield and if used well can cause devestation all the same.
    The worst part of saying HA should be better at AV is that it has more implications. Heavy Assault should also be better at killing infantry because it is heavy and not light? Why should that one class be better at everything?! I think the classes have shared roles but different weapons and abilities to do so. One thus earning "light" due to short range weapons and high mobility, the other due to high mag weapons, range and a shield for staying power.

    Engineers and HAS have a range advantage. Their RL and turret have gimmicks to make them effective on long range, besides access to mines and C4. The LA can only match the damage if he magdumps, which needs close range to hit the side of a sunderer.

    Also, I think many of these things are over the top. Having a Spitfire can already ruin the attack on a sunderer, if not one person looking out for an LA. Having a shield already makes a sundy impervious to the attack, as it was designed against the all powerful engineer who was able to down a sundy in no time at all. If an LA can do it, the engineer can do it faster. The LA can use flight, but this locks him in flight with very limited quick maneuver possibilities during, which makes him incredibly vulnerable.

    Additionally, why are vehicles so easy to approach? Because people don't pay attention! I had one person last week who knew what he was doing. He was camping hard all alone on a hill, but he had both a Spitfire and a radar to scout. I deemed him impossible to kill as he reacted with nearly no hesitation as I came within range. As this is possible with relatively little effort I think people are up in arms because they want to have it easy.
  17. Eternaloptimist

    I suspect this is partly the novelty factor - everyone trying it out. Same thing has happened with other new weapon releases and then the volume dies down. Tbh, if an LA has got time to C4 a sundy and then fire at it again (whether with RR, crossbow or UBGL) then then I suspect that sundy has not been guarded or protected well enough.

    The RR has reignited an old, old complaint from tankers that they really want to be almost invulnerable infantry farming machines, given that other infantry carried AV weapons have such long TTK against them. But how about this for an idea - increase protection against C4 but remove vehicle radar a well? Then a weaker infantry may stand a chance of stalking and ambushing them.
  18. LaughingDead

    Light doesn't mean it should do as much damage as heavy. Heavy ordinance should be a requirement for even damaging armor, it's not like the basic infantryman should be able to destroy a tank solo, and even then what light lacks isn't that he didn't have an AV role, he lacked impact in the infantry setting. He basically is a roof top camper picking off everyone that's outside, but the thing is that everyone plays inside, where all of his mobility is rendered useless. With the carbine buff, they allowed him to engage enemies while moving, this helped a TON, being able to fight back while using your main skill is important to flankers and should've been focused on more than simply slapping an AV tool.

    Ah so light infantrymen have access to tank destroying weapons for the sake of mobility. That makes absolutely no sense at all. If anything lights SHOULD be the flankers, the forerunners, the breachers, not the AV.

    I've killed sundis at 40 meters with bursts. How far do you think vehicles can effectively operate? Or safely operate for that matter? And even if he does magdump, that's faster than the heavy can cycle rockets, lights are doing more damage to armor than heavys at the effective ranges that vehicles operate on sundis.

    You throw 10 tank mines under a deploy shield bus and it wont die to the burst. In fact even 3 tank mines won't kill a deployshield bus but then we turn to the light and suddenly that deploy shield bus is actually a pretty easy kill. And sure, an engie with 4 C4 and kill one, but that requires a specialized suit slot while lights can operate freely with just the tool and C4.
    Mentioned it before; carbines have gotten a buff in which light assaults can fight back with great hipfire accuracy. Calling them incredibly vulnerable is an incredible stretch.
    Also, spitfires....really? You think that's going to stop light assaults solo?
    Ah so blame the vehicle user. Welp, I ran with a C4 gal and nuked a prowler with prox radar and well out of spitfire range. in fact if I remember correctly I was about 80 meters up.
    I mean if you want people to always pay attention straight up then I guess snipers are valid as well, why didn't you pay attention to the faint shimmer about 200 meters away? Or how about why didn't you pay attention to the mine around the corner?

    Playing the blame game when you're saying people should be gods of awareness is a really stupid argument when it comes to risk of being a tank verses risk of being an infantryman.
  19. Pat22

    6 tank mines go right through a deployment shield. So do 6 C-4. No timing or spreading required, just toss the lot at the Sundy and detonate.
    On top of that, anyone can technically bring 4 bricks of C4 with them to an objective if they but load the first two on to a Flash and the second two in their pockets.
  20. Daigons

    Well after a rather full weekend of driving & gunning vehicles this weekend, we were taken out by C4 several times and ZERO times by Rocklet Rifle. If this is a deployed Sunderer survival issue, than stop abandoning your cert machine and guard it with AI weapons.
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