Sigh... Hackers again

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cpmartins, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Cpmartins

    After 30 minutes of an entire platoon reporting the same guy and getting slaughtered with a Gauss SAW and nothing getting done about it by the "Spy Drones" I decided to come here and report him, see if it does the trick. Name of the hacker is Deadfreak.
  2. Pr0ph3tx

    what server are you on? Trying to decide if I actually want to play tonight
  3. Cpmartins

    Mattherson. Also he killed me with the SAW again. Inside a Prowler...
  4. Pr0ph3tx

    wonderful. I can see the operatives are watching very carefully.
  5. Morpholine

    That's not a hack. You're bugged and have an avatar copy idling somewhere (likely a vehicle terminal).

    While technically he's exploiting the bug, it's sometimes hard to tell if it's a bugged avatar or just someone AFK.

    Also, Naming/Accusing is one of the forum ToS no-nos (Section 2, first set of bullet points), as a heads-up for the future.
  6. Cpmartins

    So it's a bug how he cleared 10 guys with a clip? Please.
  7. Quake
