shut up about rocketpods... please

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ZoSoGetsu, Dec 5, 2012.

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  1. ZoSoGetsu

    Its explosive ordinance landing on your head. Deal with it. It can not penetrate ceilings, so take cover. If you and your squad are all crowded around a sundy in the middle of an open plain and the enemy has air around, that's on you. I play as infantry more often than I fly, but when i do I want pods that act at least something like their realworld counterpart. If i get rocketed i should have taken cover, and I accept that. They are already weak enough when it comes to realistic comparison, and if you are near cover there is time to get away. If you are in the open in the middle of a warzone, you are asking for death. They are rocketpods, not cuddle beams. Jesus, if they decided to put carebear stares in the game i guarantee somebody would still cry nerf. You are playing a massive scale vehicular fps. Take your death with poise and dignity.
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  2. Maximilious

    its quite hilarious because it doesnt take 1 rocket to kill infantry, I swear it takes about 3-4 HITS with pods to kill infantry fully shielded. I have only killed infantry with 1 rocket when I used my nose gun on them and didn't get the kill (since its AA gun)

    It doesn't take 1 salvo to destroy a tank, it takes 2 salvos to destroy A STATIONARY TANK. If you are not moving then you are an idiot.
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  3. Curze

    me too

    so lets make them only usable on the libs, who ever heard of bomber jet planes?

    and while we are at it, lets make them only usable at max speed and max height, because honestly, who ever heard of bombers that could hover like choppers?

    so a minimal miscalculation on your part and you will miss your target by 5 their real world counterpart, you know.

    then bombing would take skill....oh the horror!!!
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  4. WileeDarklight

    +1 to Maximilious.

    ESF pilot here, Rocket Pods are not as OP as you'd all like to think, just because it killed you while you gallivanted around out of cover...
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  5. Naix

    Wrong. An MBT dies in less than 1 salvo when hit from the back.
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  6. rGlory

    Shut up about shut up about rocketpods please.
    You are missing one "small" point: existance of XP farming machine in this game ruins value of mine XPs, which are not easy to get as infantry.
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  7. Thardus

    There's nothing OP about rocket pods. People just whine because air combat is something that most ground troops have no part in, so they can't really fight them. This is a team game though, so live with it.
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  8. Xizwhoa

    Lol. I love it when q spamming esf's find me hiding just under the ridge line in some crevice going to an objective and I get bombarded. I can't run, hide, or survive. Skilless things like 3d spot spamming and rocket pods need to be toned down. Sorry if you disagree.
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  9. RomulusX

    Remove rocketpods, Lib is A2G, ESFs are Antilib Antifighter, dogfighting comes back, problem solved.
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  10. rGlory

    Wrong. If air would combat to each other and would not be able to combat ground, nobody would give a s..t
    So have your own air combat, do not affect ground and we are fine.
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  11. Judicator Wombat

    So rocket pods are fine because IRL rocket pods are even more powerful, okay, if this were a war sim then I'd be okay with that. But if this was a war sim then a single direct hit from a flak shell would destroy a plane, a single homing rocket would destroy it, a single headshot would kill infantry, and sunderers, lightnings, and MBTs would have about half the health and probably all die from one rocket to the rear.

    You can't dismiss rocketpods as being okay because they're realistic and simultaneously be okay with everything else in the game not being realistic. Not to mention this isn't a war sim in the first places.
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  12. Kenny007

    I've yet to have a problem with rocket pods myself. They're pretty hohum in my hands, but I'm admittedly a bad pilot. I don't get killed any more often with them than I do any other ordinance, and when I do, it tends to make sense (generally caught out in the open). I seldom if ever get killed by them as infantry though, it is primarily when I'm lumbering around in a tank of some kind.

    AA in general feels a tad weak, but rocket pods don't seem to be OP in my book, on either side of the coin.
  13. Aerius

  14. WilsonMG

    I have a solution... Two types of rocket pods for ESFs:

    HEAT for anti-armor purposes (similar to the M247 warheads for the modern day Hydra 70) that has very little splash and only light damage to infantry.

    Flechette for anti-personnel purposes (similar to the M255E1/A1 warhead) that does little damage to vehicles.
  15. Drippyskippy

    This is false information. I have been in a building capping a point while air fires rocket pods at the side/ceiling of the building and died before. Explosive shells from tanks also go through walls. This is 1 of a number of reason why air is op, because the 1 place you are supposed to be able to hide from then isn't entirely effective. SoE coders need to learn how to make explosions not go through walls. Game was released to early.
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  16. Curze

    so what you are saying is that ESFs should just have 2 rockets total, and once you drop them its time to go resupply?
    fine by me.

    also, max speed max height etc etc etc...your link showed planes, not helicopters
  17. Thardus

    So, basically leave Rocket Pods exactly how they are, but give them the option to make them actually effective against infantry? Because right now, as infantry, rocket pods don't scare me at all. I'm too fast, I'm too small, I can find cover too easily, and I'm only one target and there's generally juicier targets than me.

    Rocket pods can kill infantry, but they're not effective against them. At all.
  18. TheEvilBlight

    Or we could have destructible buildings. Enemy hides in tech plant. Destroy load-bearing components. Collapse entire building onto enemy. Eat bacon.
  19. roeloftjerk

    do you honestly think that a rocket meant to punch through tank armour won't melt infantry?
  20. Ky3217

    The aircraft in this game are VTOL jets. Not choppers
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