Should Weapons have Weight?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheBloodEagle, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. TheBloodEagle

    Should weapons have weight? What if weapons did have weight? What if, unequipping a weapon/object gave you a speed/mobility gain depending on the weapon/object? Would you do it? Would you use that for different situations? What if it was similar to Adrenaline Pump?

    Random Examples:

    Unequip Primary, only use Pistol = 10% faster
    Unequip Rocket Launcher = 5% faster walking speed, 8% faster running speed
    Unequip grenades & medic/repair tool = 6% faster walking, 4% faster running

    The numbers could be anything reasonable really. But would you do it? Would it be interesting?
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  2. Akeita


    Assault Rifles : 100% mvm speed
    Pistols : 110% mvm speed
    Carbines : 100% mvm speed
    Sniper Rifles : 95% mvm speed
    SMGs : 110% mvm speed

    Engineer's Tools/Toys : - 5% passive
    Medic's Nanites : -5% passive

    LMGs : 90% mvm speed
    Rocket Launchers : 80% mvm speed
    Shield : Reduce to 15% mvm speed because people whine

    Light Assaults & Infiltrators : +15% Passive speed, option to upgrade to 30% mvm/sprint speed for suit slot would be nice
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  3. andy_m

    When you say "unequiping," do you mean going to a terminal and switching a weapon?

    Or do you simply mean that, when you are a heavy for example, you switch from rocket launcher to pistol?

    Trouble is, as I see this, you are still carrying that weight, regardless of what is in your hands at the moment, so I don't think it would be a weight issue as such.

    You could argue, though, that the shear bulkyness of a rocket launcher, or sniper rifle, compared to a pistol (or even a knife [coming soon]), then, yeah, you should be able to move a little bit faster.
  4. KnightCole

    No lol, he means literally going to a terminal and clicking in that can literally unequip the thing...I found out by accidently cliking my rocket launcher spot a time or like lolwut!?
  5. TheBloodEagle

    I mean completely removing it from your inventory, the same way you unequip attachments. At the terminal you would unequip it and nothing would be in that slot. Then you gain the mobility bonus.
  6. andy_m

    Wow! I never realised that... A heavy without a rocket launcher? Scary :eek:

    I'll have to watch out for that in the future :)

    So, if that is the case then, yes to the above, but I couldn't really think of a situation where I would want to do anything without my main, whether medic, engi, HA or whatever... Say I was a medic and was only really concerned with healing/rezzing peeps, I would feel rather naked without my PDW. On the other hand, it would prevent me from trying to heal peeps with it, like I did last night :rolleyes:.
  7. KnightCole

    "healing" with a it.
  8. TheBloodEagle

    Haha, done similar too.

    It's more of a choice, just like so many other things are in PS2. You might find yourself in a situation where you don't even use your pistol, especially if there are a lot of Engies around, so you'd prefer to have a bit more speed/mobility. Or maybe you're in a Bio Lab and don't need your rocket launcher and but want more speed to get to those cap points & gen. Or you really want to challenge yourself to get that Pistol Auraxium'd, so you give up your Primary for more speed so you have a better chance to position yourself.

    I tend to like things that give players more personal choices that they can take instead of being really stiff / lack of options.
  9. andy_m

    LOL, fortunately I am a really bad shot so it wasn't a fatal incident, and I topped the guys health back immediately ;)

    Plus one to that :)
  10. NCstandsforNukaCola

    In reality, sprinting with rifles can never be easy work to do
    But in game.. I guess it does not need to do so
  11. JudgeDeath

    No. None of that kniferun bs please.

    What next ?