Should I Bother With The Vortex?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by NoctD, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. NoctD

    Just wondering - I do see a decent number of VS MAXes running them, but I'm not convinced they're worthwhile. I truly hate the Lancer, can't stand it, don't care for the charge-up nonsense, so I'm guessing the Vortex is probably just going to frustrate me to no end too.

    Its 2000 certs - which I have but I'm not sure if the experience is going to be worthwhile. Am happy with the performance of dual Comets in general, I think the Vortex might just help with some longer ranged situations.

    So what do you say? To Vortex or not to Vortex? Its the only MAX AV weapon in game I haven't unlocked/played with.
  2. patoman

    I first used vortexs now almost allways comets, or the gun that shoots two shots of plasma.

    both don't have falloff but I like the latter gun for killing both infantry and vehicles. Its got more of a instant alpha punch, just shoot and duck.

    The vortex is basically the lancer but you can't zoom in. Its olny redeaming characteristic is that it does have no falloff and fast projectictiles, you don't have to charge it up and can opt to use it like a giant sixshooter or max pistols for use against infantry and tanks.
  3. DoomFruit

    The Vortex is the best long-range anti-MAX weapon in the game. Fast projectiles, large magazine, no drop and AV-type damage. Only problem here is that you never really face enemy MAXes on the open field·
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  4. MAXArmar

    I love Vortexes. I never even consider taking out Comets anymore, except in Biolabs when I'm defending and camping a spawnroom.

    Comets are nice and all when you begin firing at enemy armor, but as soon as that armor starts moving and manages to create some distance you wish you'd have Vortexes so you could've kept hitting it. Up-close you can spamm Vortexes which gives them (I think) pretty competitive dps.

    Also, Vortexes can reliably shoot at Liberators and Galaxies and hovering ESF's. For infantry-work they kind of suck, but if you're accurate and can work around the ridiculus recoil it's not that bad. They're deadly vs enemy MAXes, both at close range and long range.
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  5. Shiaari

    Comets are going to provide better damage at close range than Vorteces, especially with ZOE. At long range, however, the Vortex out performs Comet vastly.

    With Comets and ZOE, along with kinetic armor, you can walk toe to toe with an NC ScatMAX and make him regret spending the nanites. Comet hits that hard up close.

    But with Vortex you can snipe that same MAX out at max render range, just don't think you're going to be useful up close.
  6. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    One thing to note is their damage factors:
    Charged Vortexes don't deal much more base damage, but are significantly better against most vehicles.
    With dual Vortexes, 5 salvoes should be enough to waste a sunderer, at several hundred meters and moving, to boot.
    You trade any reasonable efficiency against Infantry for very long range and the ability to reliably peg Aircraft (takes practice) and eviscerate MAXes close in with shot spam.
    While Comets will kill just about everything faster at close range (maybe with the exception of MAX suits, due to reload), you get a lot of utility out of that extra range.
    But yes, it's very close to a Lancer. For once a MAX weapon that is comparable to the Infantry equivalent.
    I don't know if it would be worth the certs, I just don't ask myself that question anymore, nowadays.
  7. MasterTater


    Nevertheless - no comparison to the overpowreed RAVENs - which got almost 5 times the dmg per magazin and are wireguided to hit even evading targets on massively long ranges. Better nerf the NC RAVEN either in DMG / Range or remove Wireguide to get it on par with the FKN BS that the other factions received.
  8. Cyrek

    I've been using these for a couple of hundred kills so far, you'll need some sort of "DPI on the fly" mouse that can change your mouse sensitivity, it has helped me a lot, I am not sure if this has been said before but it really works.
  9. Krinsee

    I have duel of both vort and comets. For close range I use the comets, for heavy Air (Libs and Gals ) and medium to long range armor I use the Vortexs. They are a good Distance weapon, But they have no Zoom and their damage degrades fairly fast the further out they go. But they have fast travel speed. So in the end they are a very situational weapon.

    It all comes down to your play style.