Shotguns past 2m - explain the balance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by perspicacious, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. perspicacious

    so right now, with my mauler S6, over a merc carbine, I'm paying all ability past 2m for a 75% chance of winning anything inside of 2m. Please explain the balance and logic behind this, especially when CQC carbines easily beat me at the stunning range of 5m.

    I can unload a full clip, ADS, into a person at ~12m and not even take out their shields.
  2. Phyr

    It's a shotgun, that's the balance.
  3. Kommissar Klose

    Get slugs + mag size upgrade
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    I wouldn't bother with a shotgun unless you're LA, in which case they're amazing. Don't bother with ADS either. Get close and hipfire. if they're past 10m, you're not picking your fights correctly for a shotgun.
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  5. QuantumMechanic

    This. Slap a 3.4 sight on that shotgun and you can be effective at medium range with it too. It can be a very versitile weapon.
  6. Galium

    Well, that's what you trade for one of the fastest TTKs in the game. 'Twould be nice if spread was a little tighter, but eh. LA can best take advantage of shotguns. People just don't look up.
  7. Panzerdraco

    Are you kidding.
    I roll as a LA with the Nova shotgun, plus extended magazine. I get 12 rounds in a mag. Usually I can jetpack into a room and wipe out three people with that mag before they know what's going on, by which time I'm already fleeing while I reload and come back at a different angle to finish off the rest.
    The shotgun is very powerful in a room. Just learn to control your fire, keep on the move, and know when to run.
  8. Borderline

    From what I could tell, hip fire or ADS made no difference with the mauler.
  9. MarthKoopa

    First they were nerfed to utter garbage beyond "in your face" when Infiltrators had them, then they were taken away from infiltrators without being adjusted accordingly. SOE doesn't know how to balance stuff properly.
  10. Beef Castle

    Shotguns should have the option of underbarrel grenades.
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  11. MilitiaMan

    Mauler is crap, go with the Piston.

    Piston is the AA-12 of Planetside 2, you need extended mags though.

    That gun is a BEAST!

    Only use slugs when you're going to range or snipe at infantry and medium range, they are way harder to use at close range and at close range the normal buckshot is better because it does nice damage plus hits multiple enemies.
  12. AnnPerkins

    get slugs. A guy in my outfit is crazy about the shotty now that he has slugs. He actually prefers using it to any carbines for ranged engagements.
  13. Vreki

    Shotguns are fine, people that try using them at 12m are not.
    I use the Mauler on all classes I play, just the plain buckshot version.
    It murders anything short of a MAX, and I have taken a few stupid MAX down with it too.

    But you have to be smart yourself. Hug walls and corners, move form cover to cover. And only engage when the range is to your advantage, otherwise run away.

    Shotguns are not a shortrange carbine.
  14. perspicacious

    The thing is, If I dump 6 rounds into a guy at 10m, I should actually get the kill, not have him turn around and magdump my face.

    also, serpent carbine beats out shotguns, and is effective to 100m+...

    Also, if you know ANYTHING about buckshot shotguns, you'd know that one shot can be lethal at 25m with a closed choke.
  15. Luft

    Asking for realism in a game where there exists a gun that shoots lightning, disco balls, and glitter. Uh-huh.
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  16. Vreki

    Yes, you are getting nowhwere with that kind of arguments. If you want to kill at 10m-25m, use a carbine.
    The shotguns are for those who like the really close kind of CQB.
  17. Luft

    That was my point.
  18. PieBringer

    I think he might've been agreeing with you, aiming the "you" and everything after it to the OP. I can't be sure, though, I don't read minds.
  19. Achmed20

    if you wanna know what original shotguns back in beta were like, get a shotgun underslung.
    that thing is onehit and it also has like 50% less spray.
    i get that it shouldnt be a oneshot, but the spray is rediculous and not even close of beeing realistic.
  20. Blitzer

    Step 1: Choose light assault
    Step 2: Equip sweeper (or the corresponding 8 round shotty for TR, VS). Piston is too bullet wasteful and more rounds per magazine is better than faster reload (Mauler).
    Step 3: Destroy everyone indoors and still be highly effective outside as long as you use terrain for cover for closing the distance.