Shotguns are just fine.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SirJollyRoger, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. SirJollyRoger

    Starters this community seems to cry about anything that kills them, instead of finding ways not to get killed by it. Shotguns really are not that bad as people keep posting on, comes out to people just running around like blind turkeys. I feel it is a great balance to offset the guns with low recoil and fast rate of fire. It also offsets the bobbing when you get hit, so annoying trying to hs someone and they just spray you so your shots go above the head. It isn't like TR or vanu don't have good shot guns either. It is more of a play style, some people like to fly, tank, spray and pray or use a shot gun.

    People just need to learn to aim better, burst, and not just spray wildly all the time. If someone is able to get in your face before you can kill them.. they have earned that kill. For the ones that complain about getting shot when rounding a corner try doing a few things like anticipating someone camping there, look down your gun sites and turn that corner or using one of these fine grenades smoke, conc, regular. This isn't always going to work but you can't expect to kill everyone all the time. Yes slugs can two shot a person but there is enough time in between those 2 shots to drop the person, with those fast fire rate guns. I have killed a lot of people that just mindless run toward me thinking they can spray me. I have also been killed many times because I'll miss a shot, do something stupid, or the person just has better aim.

    I can see it is a problem in the bio lab at times but people how much different is it when you run around a corner with multi maxes. run into a rocket, c4, proximity mine, or the xhairs of a sniper. There are things in this game that will kill you fast but hey there is a lot re-spawn timer. So instead of trying to get everything nerfed that kills you look for ways to get around it to kill that user, if you can't than it probably does need a nerf or something needs a buff.

    From what I've read on the forums there isn't enough reasons for it to really be nerfed. I wouldn't mind seeing flak armor reduce slug damage or shot gun damage, or the time in between shots increase a little bit.

    If the shotty is nerfed majorly next patch... why not just nerf snipers that 2 shot up close,prox mines so they don't one shot, cloak on the flash (same concept there someone sneaking up on you and using the fury on your ***), getting run over by tanks etc etc.

    Come on people move more, aim better, use the different grenades. Learn to kill something not just QQ. Games keep getting dumbed down more and more just so people can win and feel accomplished.

    There are things that I dislike too like the aim bob when getting shot or the strikers.. but it is what it is. I just make up for it by finding said strikers and shooting them with my shotty, or missing and dieing.

    Not trying to start up a **** storm just hoping a dev will read this and if they tweak the shotguns make it so it isn't over done.
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  2. Oreo202

    The original shotguns are fine. I have 468 kills with the pump action. It has too much range for a shotgun. The range that it can two shot people is absurd.
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  3. Xind

    I tend to disagree with it having too much range. I chock that up to you having better luck with pellet spread.

    I think the refire rate is too high, it needs to be just a little bit slower than Semi autos, say about 25% more time between semi auto shots for the pump.
  4. jdono67894

    shotguns are near perfect as they are, babbies on this forum want the LMG or carbine to be the ultimate weapon that wins in all scenarios though.

    Don't try to talk sense to them, you may not notice it but your IQ will slowly drain away while trying to use logic in this place, soon your logic will mimic the rest of the forum users and you will have lost your soul.

    forumside is some kind of logic blackhole, and you are approaching the event horizon my friend.
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  5. Pikachu

    I like shotguns. I have ~1200 with piston and claw. :D Even if they were overpowered they are so few people using them that it hardly matters. The OHK thing with pumpies is a rare thing. Does anyone use the flashhammer?
  6. SharpeShooter

  7. ProfessorCrow

    This is such nonsense, especially considering that the public opinion was for pump actions to have better range. I've been using the pump action a lot as well, I don't see where this "range" argument comes from. Remove OHK, increase range/decrease COF, profit from balance.

    Let the semi/full autos be the point blank monsters, and the pump actions a sort of mini-jackhammer with a slow ROF.
  8. FigM

    Shotguns are fine. But Slug ammo should not exist
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  9. Tobax

    The pump action ones are the problem as they shoot too fast and have too much range, the dev's have all the data for everything that happens in game (most of which we can't even see) and can clearly see something is not balanced and decided they need to make a change, they havn't just listened to crying threads. It probably won't even be as bad as people are worried just more spread and slower firing.
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  10. Oreo202

    If it is the public opinion I would like evidence. I could claim that 'ESFs should have as much health as galaxies' is the public opinion.
  11. Jezs

    Slug ammo is so ******* useless, I want my 100 certs back
  12. MilitiaMan

    Shotguns are fine, they are only super amazing if your target is a idiot or a charge hero.

    Shotguns are supposed to be kings of CQC, not LMG or Carbines.
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  13. Paperlamp

    Personally looking forward to the nerfs, base assault and defense is horrible if you don't have one right now. If they're balanced because of range limitation, then automatic TTK is way too high relatively and they're far too inaccurate at range because it's easy to run/jump to cover and use cover to close the gap. Only in open fields, where infantry don't always get to play in due to air and armor spam, are shotguns really all that disadvantaged.
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  14. pR4cs

    I love the shotguns. All of them because they are so rewarding. I think the fire rates are good, but the pump action should have a wider cone of fire if anything. That wouldn't reduce its effectiveness at close range, you would still get hits at longer ranges, but you'd need to fire 3-4 times because most of the pellets would miss.

    The question is just: if the shotguns get nerfed... what the bloddy hell will they be useful for? They are already utterly useless in anything other than CQC.
  15. ent|ty

    Tell the guys I was sniping yesterday with the Thanatos + ExtendedClip + 2.0 Scope + Slugs

    Thing is, there's no reason to use anything else than a shotgun in environmets with lots of close quarters combat. This is especially upsetting for us Terrans, since most of our weapons are designed for close to medium ranges. Yet a Nighthawk/ Uppercut gets that job done just as good if not better. Whether it be at a Tower Battle or an AMP station. Heck even at outposts with lots of cover. It requires little adjustments in playstyle to succeed with a shotgun pretty much anywhere except for true outdoor combat, which moreover is where the Terran weaponry is rather lacking. I mainly play HA/ Engi, sometimes LA and for all I care you could basically remove every Terran LMG/ Carbine except our poor mans EM6 which is the TMG-50 and the default Trac-5, because that's pretty much all you need along with a Shotgun to effectively engage targets at almost all ranges.
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  17. MurderBunneh

    So they are bad at like 20% of infantry encounters? I have a pump it is stupid it takes away from all other gunplay. Refire time needs to be doubled and auto shotties need a 25% rof nerf then they would be fine.

    It is much more difficult to avoid a shotgun then it is to get close and use a shotgun if you can't see this you are blinded by your own ego and feelings.
  18. Jaquio

    I don't mind the relative power of the shotguns, but I think that the TTK is too low across the board. I'd like to see everything a bit weaker, but that won't happen. The less OHK weapons, the better.
  19. LonelyTerran

    The balance is coming
  20. Xasapis

    The slug ammo is the only part of the shotgun that offers some remotely skilled gameplay, since it involves actual aiming.

    As for the comments regarding shotguns in general, they are obviously not fine, otherwise they wouldn't be needing a balance pass. The developers probably noticed via in-game collected data that shotguns (and especially the pump action) vastly outperform any other weapon designed for close quarters combat. Thus they are doing the balance pass.

    Personally I don't want the shotgun to be the only option for CQC, like it is today. I also don't like how the current pump action invalidates all the semi auto shotguns. Something definitely needs to change.
    The main issue with the shotguns (and the pump action in particular) is that they are very forgiving when it comes to missed shots. In the off chance that you actually do miss a shot, the refire rate from this 1-shot kill weapon is way too fast.