Shotgun damage nerf

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by MrIDoK, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. Jaedrik

    This nerf is ********.
    Please, for the love of. . . MAKE SHOTGUNS SKILL BASED, that means less spread, no headshot multiplier, less forgiving if you miss, harder to use, but DO NOT DESTROY THEIR KILL CONSISTENCY, instead, increase their range, GREATLY, and make it so people who aim good are not penalized for using a crappy weapon class.

    Boom, no more crutch weapon and we're all happy. Except of course the people who get dominated because shotguns would actually be viable for someone who has incredible skill.
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  2. Tekuila

    Overall it wouldn't affect it much if they restored the previous nerfs.
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  3. Goretzu

    They are going to have to do something, otherwise the NC AI MAX weapon are just going to be a tier below TR and VS ones in performance and effectiveness.
  4. MrIDoK

    They could easily keep their damage low but make them more effective at range and with more ammo. Their strenght would be in burst damage, not in enormous power at close range and no power at all at mid and long range. This goes for every shotgun, really...
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  5. Liewec123

    did you read my post testing hacksaws at 10m?
    it now takes 5 shots (ATLEAST) of the 6 shot magazine to kill a single infantry, so tell me how that is balanced versus a Mercy / [insert_any_vanu_AI_here] max who kills faster at any range that is'nt point blank (where things die instantly to any max weapon,
    (even bursters have a ttk under a second at point blank.)

    this nerf is totally unwarranted, its just $oE preparing to sell us flamethrowers which we wouldn't have bought if they didn't ruin our shotguns.
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  6. Frosty The Pyro

    the ammo count is going to be the biggest change honestly, 134 and 125 are both 8 hit kills, its primarly just going to change the interaction with nanoweave (and what levels increase the pellet hits needed, though both are 10 at nano 5), and the max fighting potential. Against other infantry i doubt you will notice the difference in the damage.
  7. Goretzu

    The problem is this "enormous power" that they supposedly have comes down to a 0.3s TTK advantage at 0m.

    Which is functionally the same when you consider lag, clientside hit detection and human reaction times.
  8. PS2Freak

    i saved my certs up for buying Nighthawk auto-shotgun for my tr char.. but now i dont know, with the nerfs incoming, would it be "better" to go blackjack ( bruiser for nc) instead?
  9. Frosty The Pyro

    to be honest, auto shoties even currently are realy only preferable for engies, between the spread (being quite large), the bloom, and the fire rate, you tend to waste a lot of shots. A PA or the large mag semi0auto will generaly be better for everyone else.
  10. Lowback

    I'm ticked off.

    I'm not a shotgun *****, by any means, and I do rage when I get oneshot to the face... but you know what? After I put my bigboy pants on and stop being pissy, I realize it's balanced. A shotgun user is screwed any further out.
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  11. ikillyou1990

    I want my station cash back....I literally just bought my Claw a couple weeks ago...
  12. khornedwarf

    In my opinion, NC max needs mag capacity, extended mag cap nerf reverted and reduce reload time. That would bring NC AI max into line. Leave damage redux and reduced rof. As is on test NC AI max will need a reload after 1 or 2 kills, those kills being at 2-8m, then a long reload as a sitting duck. With increased resource costs the NC AI max is not worth the pull as it stands on test now.

    This is test, so hopefully they will tweak things before release. Sony does have the stats, so they are basing changes from real numbers; however if this goes through as it is now I will not be buying flamethrowers- trend being they too will get crushed n 2-3 weeks.
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  13. Liewec123

    the flamethrower is likely the reason they're purposefully breaking our shotguns.
    after all, why would we buy the flamethrower if we already have CqC weapons?
    its a prime $oE tactic, they did it before with falcon, nerfed to the ground so they could sell us Ravens.
    its the lamest of the lame, money grabbing thievery.

    and they don't realize the impact it has on the game to nerf the weakest of the 3 maxes even further just so they can **** our credit card.
    (before anyone replies with how we're not the weakest, do some tests, TTK for TR and VS is identical to NC within the 10M area, and their TTK far exceeds ours outside of it, plus they can sustain their fire for alot longer.)
  14. Goretzu

    It certainly needs some sorf of counter-buff, as it's already behind the other AI MAX statisically since the last set of nerfs.
  15. DoctorXqY

    You mean, the same amount of skill as it takes to use regular weapons now, where you put the crosshair... on the enemy... and pull the trigger?
  16. Goretzu

    The must know the statistics (with NC AI MAX being at the bottom currently).

    I just can't see how they are being this daft, I can only hope they have something else to come along to buff them.
  17. RobotNinja

    Another "Up yours NC" patch? Oh need to call it that. That's implied by the word, "patch." least you're not NC. I have a feeling that after they're done nerfing all the shotguns they're going to come out with some *NEW* shotguns in the cash as in having the exact same stats as the old shotguns before they were nerfed.

  18. MrIDoK

    They reverted some of the nerfs in today's patch.
    All shotguns that did 125 damage in the previous patch now do 130, autoshotties do 125 instead of 112, mattocks are still nerfed for whatever reason, the pumps still have 1 shot less than on Live.
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  19. Torok

    i can confirm, the values have been adjusted, and the jackhammer is sick :)
  20. Anonynonymous

    Boycott the flamethrowers when it comes out, only get it with certs. Don't let SOE con you out of your station cash this way.