[Suggestion] Shields at facilities should go down at different % other than at 75%

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Warnarl, May 24, 2013.

  1. Warnarl

    Shields at facilities (other than vert/horz) should go down at different % other than at 75%, as well as more options on how to take a particular facility.

    Actually, having at 75% for shields to go down for this facility is the only one to make sense for. Before the patch, when the vert/horz gens went down, it was nearly always GG going to the attackers win. Now it gives a chance of a defender to regroup and take the facility back by storm! So no changes needed here.

    Amp Station
    While the change made it more difficult to take the amp station, and it needed it, it now takes way too long for an enemy force to take it and limits the attackers options in order to take it. Without the tank gens to help not only distract the defenders but also allows the attackers tanks and other vehicles to come in and help out, makes it extremly hard to take the amp station now. Heres my suggstions to not make it easy, but to balance out so that its fair to all sides:
    -Have the tank and SCU shields come down at different % of the cap
    -50% for SCU
    -75% for Tank
    -make it so that it takes 2.5-5 mins for the SCU shield gen to self destruct.
    -Takes 2wice the time to repair it as compared before patch 09.
    -Add a shield gen(or 2) tied to the SCU on the outside if the main building. This gives the attackers additional options to take the base and more places for the defenders to defend rather than just 2 points.
    -place the gen at a random location
    -increase SCU Self destruct time to 5 mins. This makes the SCU room as a battlegound that it was back in beta, rather than just a forgone conclusion when an attacker takes the point.
    -SCU takes 2wice as long to repair as compaed to the other ones at the other facilities.

    I think that we all can agree, taking a biolab is nearly impossible now. It was hard before, but now its almost neaver taken by the attckers unless they have 2.5X-3X+ the amount of players that hte defenders have (or are nc with scat maxes :) ). The primary winning strat to take the biolab was taking and holding the SCU shield gen down to take it out, then blow up the SCU was the ONLY way to win the vast majority of the biolab fights. Now with that gone, its nigh impossible to take them. This is what needs to be down:
    -Bring back the SCU shield gen back
    -make it so that it takes 2.5-5 mins for the SCU shield gen to self destruct.
    -Takes 2wice the time to repair it as compared before patch 09.
    -Tank shields do down at 15% cap
    -SCU shields down at 25% cap

    These changes are needed to help balance the facilities. The flat 75% cap shield drop is not fair nor balance since each facility is balanced. And having no shield gen for SCU at all for all the facilities does not make sense since it is most needed at a biolab to win majority of the time. While at amp station adds another way to take the base that was not there since waaay back in beta! These changes will improve the game overall.
  2. HadesR

    Which was flawed design
    It meant you could ignore most cap points but concentrate all your forces on taking out the SCU shield and SCU and thus remove any opposition you had to the cap points. It regulated the cap points to secondary objectives.

    Now it's how it should be .. You want to capture a Base you have to hold the " primary " goal of the " capture " points .

    And the current 75% is about spot on.
  3. Warnarl

    the biolab was not easy to take anyways before the patch. Now either it takes doulble the time to take it as compared to before the patch or can not be taken at all!

    As to the amp station, the suggestion i made the defenders can place a sundy between the spawn building and the wall or another building. Or placed anywhere within the amp station. The defenders can do this because the tank shields will still be up until 75% capped, so the attackers still can't get the majority of their vehicles in from the outside of the amp station.
    Besides, having a SCU shield gen adds another goal for the attackers to go for raher than the vert/horz shields. So the defenders would still have the sundy ams inside to defend the scu and for the SCU shield gen can at times be a hinderence in terms of taking the amp station since the attackers focus would be split. Also, if the defenders have the scu room locked down, makes that room a deathtrap to the attackers focusing on it only and bogging them down.

    Though now that i think about it, the SCU shield gen needs more time to self destruct compared to the reg shield gens. About 5 mins sounds about right for both amp and bio. However, it should take 2wice the time to repair it as well. 5 mins + 2:30-5mins it takes to take down a SCU should give plenty of time for defenders to reinforce a facility. I mean if they cant get there within 5-7mins to defend it, then they should lose it.

    Only the tech plant does the 75% rule works well for. Not for the other facilities....
  4. Warnarl

    One of the times when my platoon was taking a biolab:
    It was late at night and the vs were cut off from allatum and we got the cap to nearly 75% and had the vs there locked down when they got reinforcements via a sundy below. They maxed crashed in and pushed us out, leaving us feeling cheated since we had to not only wait for the cap of the facility but to also insure that we would have won if we did not have to wait 7:30mins to get into the gen while also defendoing the cap points.

    Having a shield gen for the scu or taking the gens down at 25% would make it so that an attacker can secure and take a base in a reasonable amount of time but still give time for the defenders to call for reinforements. But those reinforcements would need to get there asap rather than by the time the facility is neary capped.

    Another rule I would suggest to add to the SCU for biolabs is that it should take 5 mins to take down IF the shield gen for the SCU is still up. When the cap is 25% on a biolab, the shields go down but the shield gen for the scu should act like a source of resistance for it to go down in terms of self destruct.
  5. Warnarl

    Actually for the biolabs tank shields to go down, they should go down at about 50%-75% caped. And perhaps add another teleporter that goes in another part of the facility that is not easy to camp.
  6. Hellhammer

    /bump this ish
  7. RonnieBoy

    This shields go down at 75% thing is killing Biolab fights for me. You need to go into a Biolab with overwhelming numbers now, more so than before. Even if you meet little resistance, you need to keep your platoon(s) there till 75%, basically sitting around doing nothing. If your enemy is on the ball, and they see the biolab is being taken, they can literally swarm it with numbers and there is nothing you can do about it, except try and get faction support so you have more people.

    At least before, you could pop the SCU and send most of your platoon on to do other things. You can still defend against it even when the SCU is down, with a massed gal drop or spawning at the adjacent territories. It gives the attackers some kind of warning rather there suddenly being platoons in the spawn when for the last 5 minutes it was just a few guys.