several suggestions for better experience

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by chamks, Apr 24, 2018.

  1. chamks

    hello there, here are several things.
    - i want an empire specific liberator belly gun!!!
    with the NC is a big *** heavy shotgun - the air hammer big brother, will it spray tons of pellets of air hammer in one shot and cover a large area? or will it shoot less pellets, but big heavy armor peircing nasty ones? (zypher comparable)

    for the VS is it gonna be the lancer grandfather, shooting a massive large laser beam that tear apart whats underneath (dalton comparable). or the ppa grandmother of a giant plasma orbs that have a huge explosion and can evaporate infantry (duster comparable).

    for the TR lets give a giant mother ******* vulkan - the vulkan uncle. i mean come on a giant rotory gun that spray with insane amount of spead, like 1500rpm. raining death from above.

    - why after 6 years there is still this bug were you cant see other freindlly sunderers from insinde your sunderer. serioslly that is so ******* annoying, having to press "e" to exit the vehicle, like a ******* moron with a death wish, and only than look at the big map, for building your tactics, to see whats going on. there is no other case of this kind with other vehicles, i checked, i can can see all vehicles from inside any vehicles in the map, exept for the most used and most important bloody vehicle.

    - can we make, developer, a path for the auraxium weapon not with 5 different weapons, but with your weapon of choice, having to gain 5 auraxium medals with any weapon you choose in this class. i know that versatility is important, i encourage it, and one should be aware of other weapons. but i hate the other weapons. i decided i want the godsaw. i hate the GD-22, i hate the EM1, i hate the promise. i think they are ****, **** weapons, not because they truly are, but because they making me to play in style that is not me, the GD-22 restrict me from playing how i want, how that i will have fun. im the guy that camping on a choke point with the gausssaw, sniping with it, tear apart infantry from the side. or run inside the enemy take'em down with the anchor like its a chainsaw. other LMG make it sucks for me, i dont enjoy the game because i dont play in the style i want. now, i over exaggerate for passing the point, off-course i love this game. but this is how i like to play.
  2. Campagne

    How about no shotguns or firing delays for all future NC (or any other faction) weapons or equipment?

    No more un-fun weapon mechanics.
    • Up x 1
  3. chamks

    yeah totally agree with you man, although once you get the hang of it with the railjack its ok
  4. Sprant Flere-Imsaho

    When I'm driving a sundy I see friendly and enemy sundy's both visually and on the mini-map (where applicable).

    Do you mix up cloak with invisible?
    Do you suck that much with an ESF, that you need a bigger version of it?
    And why the **** should some 1, who complains about any fraction weapons, get the fraction award for guns? Well if you don't like any besides the gaus, stick to it.

    BTW where is the better experience, besides your interests?