Servers down... primetime briggs

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by FlowerPot, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. FlowerPot

    SOE, please.... stop with the "maint" of the servers during Friday Night Primetime for Briggs. We do not mind you doing any patch 5 hours later.

    When we are not playing.
    When we could be buying items... and cosmetics... making you money

    So fix it
  2. (-)IONS

    **** is it down right now? I was just about to log on! So much for Friday night OPs!
  3. MartinsL

    U know SOE is located in USA so it's the best time to do maintenance so US players shouldn't have to wait
  4. Kadesh

    And Aussie players, playing on the Briggs server, just have to suck it up??
  5. Dignity

    We got maintenance 6 mins before an alert ended
  6. Pronam

    It was prime time for Waterson as well, 2 territories for TR left on indar linked to their bonus. Best fight since a while.
    Maintenance always happens if something happens in TR's bad side, but we'll get lesser lag in return :).
  7. Brainwayne

    and no maintenance announcement (except ingame)... instead some thread about buying game cards... *sigh*
  8. DefenderX1

    Ya, they're on west coast USA, it's 6am at the moment but Briggs is a AU server though, can't exactly justify it that way.

    The other part that burns me is why the hell was there no notice? Even if it wasn't planned, when they knew they WERE going to take them down, post something!
  9. (-)IONS

    they should look for a happy medium like say in another 4 hours time when its early morning here and early afternoon there or vice versa.
  10. Pronam

    Fair enough, would be nice if they'd make a maintenance announcement on the forums as well.
  11. haldolium

    The one on Esamir?
  12. Acceleratio

    Yep that was VERY annoing indeed. And this whole "its an US game so therefore suck argument" it is incredible ignorant. What speaks against updating the EU servers later? There are I think even more EU players than US players.
    Why cant we find a time where both side dont have their primetime cut.
  13. Menelek

    How long is this maintenance going to last anyway ?
  14. Rigonet

    I'm assuming it will be brief, that's why they didn't announce it prior to it. We'll just have to wait. :(
  15. Rasp

    Since Briggs is about 10% of PS2 pop (thats a guess) how about 1 in 10 updates/maintence are NOT done during our prime time? You know share the burden.. Its only fair. I am so tired of getting into a good friday night of PS2 then the servers go down.
  16. Sliced

    Well what is the best time for one, is not the best time for another. Keep that in mind.

    However it would be best if they updated the servers one after another. So America at 5am for instance, then 5am local time for Europe, then 5am local time for Japan / Australia and so on.
  17. slipnitz

    Dude it's friday night here....and I play on brigs...and of course there is a maintenance, it's like expected for me...they should set the maintenance schedule on a Monday!
  18. DefenderX1

    Exactly, they should stagger the maintenance. Keep them to off-times for each region.
  19. MrK

    If the maintenance goes along a client patch which must keep with the server version, then they must patch all servers at the same time. That's the only reason I see for them not to schedule maintenance at proper regional hours
  20. Headcapper

    5 hours later? You realise it's 15:00 here right now? That would make it around 20:00 for EU players.

    They just need to make different releases for different timezones so everything is able to work together at the right times, instead of this crap :S At least separate EU from US...