Servers are down ? ... Watch some air combat above Mao :) [High Def. Video]

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Davelantor, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Davelantor

    Greetings from Miller server

    I hope you will enjoy this video :)

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  2. GigaClutch

    Another damn good defense. Its always fun to have a challenge, good work DWG.

    Ps: I'm quite glad you didn't include our encounter, that was just embarrassing...
  3. Davelantor

    Near Zurvan amp ?
  4. GigaClutch

    Thats the one. :oops:
  5. Davelantor

    I think you would have had me there if you had the default or rotary.
  6. GigaClutch

    Oh really? Well I must disagree with you. Depends on if you know how to use it or they know how to counter it.
  7. Zer0range

    What kind of chassis do you use?
  8. Turel2

    Nice video. Also Hi from Miller too.
  9. Davelantor

    Speed 3, just because i like speed :)
  10. Brainpan

    I'm so jealous of pilots who make it look easy. Everytime I pull a Scythe, I crash the freaking thing. Last night, I wrapped a tree like a horseshoe at full speed and blew myself to pieces. n.n;;

    Thanks for the video during the maintenance downtime.
  11. Davelantor

    But thats how we all learn, you cant do it without braking a few bones here and there :)
  12. Tigga

    Good video. Another one to go against the "air is bad" brigade. As always when watching people flying rocket pods I'm amazed at how quickly you rip apart tanks in the rear armour.
  13. Melfarion

    Wow these are some amazing flying skills you show off there! I'd like to learn how to fly like that...but im very very bad at it xD Think i need to train hard :p
    Thanks for sharing!
  14. Brainpan

    Just watched the entire video again. I'm just glad you're in the VS, even if not on the same server. I would fear for my life with you overhead gunning for my sunderer otherwise. Those are some amazing aerial manuevers you and the NC pilots were pulling off. Partial loop-de-loops into stall drops and reversals. I salute you and your dogfighting wingmen and opponents.
  15. allattar

    I had racer3 then swapped scythes with a friend who had dogfighting 3. I wss converted instantly.
  16. JohnnyMaverik

    Would you say that's the best choice? Dogfighting doesn't seem to do anything particularly useful and IDK if I want more hover. Been thinking about getting speed especially after hearing people saying it's great on Reavers, but I didn't want to do it only for somebody to go "OMFG why speed on a Scythe!? You nub...". Which has happened before :( (put racer on the Magrider)
  17. VoidMagic

    That is one hell of an entertaining clip. Odd lack of lockon spam on Miller it seems.
  18. Davelantor

    I hear hover is better for dogfighting, specially if you are using reverse flight ... but speed does give a longer afterburner ... while dogfighting makes you more agile in turning. Essentially it comes down to your own style
  19. GigaClutch

    This is very true. You need to find one that works with your playstyle to perform efficiently. It all comes down to the individual.
  20. Winfield

    I know I'll get a lot of hate for this, but this video just really makes me feel like ESF rocketpod damage should be nerfed against tank rear.

    Having one lucky(or skilled) pilot fly behind you and instagib you through the vanguard shield is ridiculous.

    Nice vid though, Davelantor!
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