Server Status

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by zenki, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. zenki

    Is there a separate place that we can see what servers are actually up? if things are down that's fine, but its always nice to be able to see the status of when we can get back in

    That would be a useful tool to have.
  3. martin

    Open the Launcher, press the wrench icon on the bottom left, press Servers in the list, and there you have the server status :)
    • Up x 1
  4. Garbolek

    +1 for server status display.

    EDIT: never mind :p
  5. L33T-T3CH

    open the launcher click on the config icon go to server status. those are all the servers that are up right there.
  6. lPaladinl

    Your PS2 Launcher displays the server availablity. However, it is not 100% accurate, as it only tells you when servers are UP or DOWN, but not if they are LOCKED or under Maintainence.
  7. Ender

    Launch game client, click Wrench button in bottom left, click Servers.

    *edit* not quick enough I guess :)

  9. Dorgo

  10. Imezruez2

    nice nothing like an intuitive place to look for it. *sarcasm*
  11. Twist

    The launcher can show you this as others have mentioned, however we need to make it much more visible and not have people go looking for it when the servers are down, we are addressing that soon.
    • Up x 4
  12. zgunner

  13. RobotNinja

    Yes, it does need to be more visible! Otherwise, every single time you guys lock down the servers there's gonna be a hundred G37 threads.
  14. Rago

    Yeah would be better to Color Down in RED,
    UP in Green

    And the State´s different.The Servers are Down now ? Why ?

    According to the given timeline, servers should be coming up pretty soon (5-15 minutes).

  16. Mike Hammer

    Well, the Webpage and the Launcher seem to both say they are up. However, when I get into the game it shows all servers down and I can't connect to any. How is that possible?

    Any assistance would be appreciated.
  17. RainQQ

    The server status tool (wrench on the login screen) simply doesn't work. It'll say Connery is up, yet try to login, server is either down or locked, as it is right now.
  18. KnownForLead

    Everybody calm your jimmies. I myself went to make a new character and on the screen you can actually SEE the GM's going around testing the new hotfixes and it will be up in minutes no doubt judging from how fast they are popping around.
  19. KnownForLead

  20. Gavyne

    I honestly just want to know when servers are down, when they're up, so I don't sit here keep trying to login via launcher...only to wait for it to crash me out, and have me try again, and have it crash me out again due to servers being down. Most other MMO's SOE has allow you to see the server status rather than just crash you, because you select the servers to play before you even login to a server. The way this game has it is sort of backwards, it just crashes me without letting me see whether a server is up or down.

    So if this is the way the game is designed, then please do make a post when servers are down, and update that post when the servers are up. It's a common courtesy so I don't have to keep trying blindly.