Server populations reflect faction imbalance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NOX2097, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. D0n

    Fine in mattherson.
  2. WilsonMG

    I've played every day since launch, all hours. The population percentages on Mattherson are generally pretty even, however, VS is clearly in control during peak hours and have held the continents most often, mostly because TR's largest outfits prefer to fight over worthless territory like The Crown to farm certifications instead of actually attacking/defending locations. NC does alright, and a couple nights back they had all 3 continents. I've only heard about TR managing to hold all 3 once, didn't witness it myself since it was in the off hours, though we have come close at least two other times that I'm aware of, but then the server was reset and it effectively ended both those pushes. VS came back and recaptured everything both times.

    Just from observation it strikes me that, on Mattherson, with a few exceptions here and there, VS always has NC/TR warpgated on Esamir, while NC generally has TR warpgated on Amerish with VS still holding some territory, and TR usually holds the top half of Indar, but still with VS or NC ownership, and NC/VS often both directing their attention towards TR.
  3. Sandman2055

    Nor is it stable at all times of the day. On Connery, I've seen the pops fluctuate between morning and evening players for all 3 factions.
  4. Pat Cleburne

    Sol Tech is dead to me at this point.
    TR are way outnumbered on every continent. The only continent that we have a reasonable presence on is Indar, and both factions are attacking us at once. At this point, I see no point playing anymore as TR on SolTech until something changes.

    Amerish, the lost cause

    Esimir also a lost cause

    Indar has now become pointless
  5. iller

    what the ****