Server Merge = Mega Lagfest?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pootisman, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. Pootisman

    Can anyone explain to me how the servers are supposed to handle the server merge? There are around 1200 people online on Cobalt right now (according to and the game feels sooo laggy.
    • Ping is going crazy, varying form 60-300.
    • I often take damage/get killed 1-3s after jumping in cover
    • Enemies do huge damage with only a few bullets, sometimes i even get 1-hitted by low DPS weapons, like LMGs.
    • Render range is like 10m in big battles. Whats the point for having battles with hundreds of players when i can only see ~20?
    I know average population has declined and we need more players, but when i look at the current lagfest on Cobalt ... no thanks, Ceres can keep its ~1100 players. Just think how bad the lag will be with twice as many players.

    How is the lag on Emerald? Was server hardware upgraded for the merge?

    To prevent "UPGRADE YOUR RIG NOOB" and "GET BETTER INTERNETZ" posts, my specs and conenction:
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  2. ajma

    It's absolutely horrible.
  3. Scudmungus

    On the plus side, SOE saves some cash.

    Something we can all be grateful for.

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  4. DeRikalus

    Emerald has been total garbage for me since the merger. Waterson was consistently decent for me but now performance/hit reg are just trash.
  5. Pikachu

    Why are lag problems worse these days when the game was lower populations than ever? Early 2013 all servers had even more pop as Emerald today.
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  6. Tommyp2006

    Even when Emerald has been hitting the near 3000 player mark, I haven't been having too bad of issues, except for the occasional hit detection issues.
  7. Robertooooo

    I have character on Emerald and it's not to bad performance. It's actually barely any difference except I have higher ping, and that's because I live in Sweden.
  8. Captain Kid

    The European servers have always been less good then the US ones. Because we are second rate citizens according to SOE.
    I fear the merge will bring back all the issues we had 6 months ago (when there were 50% more players) with massive fluctuating ping and ping spikes.

    Emerald is not to bad and it's ping is more stable then Ceres NOW.
  9. Simferion

    I fully agree. The performance is in a bad state now. We need optimization, then we can think about a merge. Otherwise the net effect will just be a reduction of players.

    And please, start to lock Hossin. It bogs down my computer because it's poorly optimized.
  10. Tyrant103

    Ceres, consistently ranging from 80 to 110ms (it should be 50ms) during prime with huge spikes.

    I started playing on Emerald with a 140 ping (spikes to 300 now and then) but so far, I have no reason to go back to EU servers if I'm only getting 30 more ms and battles EVERYWHERE, I LOVE EMERALD.

    Vanu outfits in Ceres are horrible too. Another reason why not to go back.
  11. DatVanuMan

    I'm doing perfectly FINE on Emerald, and have even been experiencing INCREASES in FPS lately. No idea why, but hey! Smiley face:) Let's hope the devs work on optimization and increasing FPS amounts in larger battles.
  12. volth

    After each patch my ping be higher and my fps be lower.

    I guess I going to get 400ping when they merg Ceres and Cobalt.

    In Tribes ascend I get 50 ping on their Amsterdam servers, on Ceres server I get 120-300ping lol.

    It's the same ping I got on Perfect World's US servers.
  13. LIKE A BOSS!

    I get on average 130-150 MS on ALL US servers and I live in the U.S. the servers are crap. SOE failed to realize some people don't live on the East coast OR West Coast. They should've made a central US server at release.
  14. Lazaruz

    My usual ping in other games (including SOE's other titles) is around 60-90ms, but since Planetside 2 is... well... special, it's always at least twice that. And I don't expect it to improve in the near future, to be honest I think I'm lucky if it stays on the current level.
  15. Tyrant103

    I can't seem to edit my post, Anyway Character Creation says my ping to EU servers is 40ms and to Emerald it's 90.

    When what I'm really getting is 80+ in EU and 140+ in Emerald ingame.. what? This is excluding prime time, and the huge spikes which are frequent.

    My internet speed and quality is fine, better than average if I may say.
  16. LibertyRevolution

    Emerald hit detection feels off for me.
    There is also a noticeable increase in kill trades and dying behind cover.
    My ping is 60-70 on Emerald, Mattherson was like 60-70, so no change there. (Waterson was always 50-60 not sure why)

    I think the servers can't handle all the simultaneous processing and delivery of the data quick enough...
    (insert "Upgrade Now" meme)
  17. Axehilt

    Emerald's been fine for me since the merger. Barring Comcast nonsense, that is.

    It's a weird thing to discuss though, since the game developer side of my mind understands the need for games to work on low-end systems, and the gamer-jerk side of my mind is just like "time to upgrade out of the stone age; 5 years between computer upgrades is not acceptable." But the competitive side of my mind then points out that if everyone has competitive framerate then the game is much more interesting since it measures actual skill rather than gaming rig performance.
  18. Atis

    Cuz project had less poorly implemented content but more people in dev team.