Server Maintenance for Game Update July 9th

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Jul 8, 2014.

  1. SlickJ

    Really should fix that loadout bug for weapons like the medic/CME with advanced FG. FWIW, you can switch to another attachment, equip, then switch to the FG and that seems to fix it.

    Also, what's up with my player camo going blank all the time when I deploy? I think it's continent switches. The weapon camo stays, but the character camo is blank.

    I'm sure these have been mentioned before so flame away.
  2. Kozlovsky

    So when are bouncing drop pods and other game breaking bugs going to be fixed? You know the ones; the ones that have been in the game for months for ***** sake?
  3. Alizona

    Why do you say that? Did Sony imply there wouldn't be any more "free to play" double XP weekends?

    Or did you just mean the July 4th double XP is over now (since Sunday night)?
  4. RammyRamsden

    Yeah know what you mean, it happens when you send an invite to someone instead of them sending an invite to you. But something needs to be done about it, should have a way of cancelling invites, pressing deny does nothing

    Please fix!
  5. Subassi

    I played ps2 and it said something with maintenace in the chat and i got randomly logged out of PS2 and when i log in i lost my characters :eek:. Please answer...
  6. Arisso

    another useless patch. planetside need a server performance hotfix, immediately! since hossin is the server-client connection horrible.
  7. DJStacy

    Mine are from the last big patch when the outfit management went live. I have a dozen applications from players I cannot accept or deny because when I view the application it states it has been sent to me by myself :confused:.

    These are making accepting the real applications from players rather hard work.
  8. niquedegraaf

    They better patch every month instead of every week. Down times for this game are the most horrible i've ever seen in Gaming history.
  9. hugin_q3

    Oh! Then they are gone forever!

    Joke, sure they will be back on when servers are up again, if not, we both lost our characters hehe....
  10. DJStacy

    The 2x Exp that started 4th july actually never stopped until today ......hope you never missed out !! thx SOE
  11. RammyRamsden

    yeah know what u mean, have the same thing myself i have 135 waiting lel not sure if it happens when u invite someone who already is in a outfit, just have a play about and hope they fix it
  12. Stormsinger

    Agreed, still being able to thermal through those obnoxious shields is the one part of the new shield-opacity I liked.

    Why is a change being made that encourages people to stay in spawn rooms when camped...? This seems... somehow counter productive.
  13. Subassi

    Oh Okey :) Thanks for answering btw
  14. hugin_q3

    How long are the servers usually down?
  15. DatVanuMan

    Think about it. Not being able to play a polished, working game for 30 minutes to two hours every week isn't as bad as playing a broken game all the time. I don't really mind the downtimes. Let them fix Auraxis!
  16. hugin_q3

    Np, as long the client cant connect to the server the client will not get any info about your stats and characters ;)
  17. DatVanuMan

    Probably 30 minutes to 1:30, 2 hours. 2:30 at max:)
  18. Pootisman

    Still no fix for tank controls? How long does it take to fix elements of core gameplay? :confused:

    I just wanted to start the game and grind some CERTs to finish my infantry loadouts. Without double XP, this will take ages :(
  19. hugin_q3

    okai, thx man :)
  20. RammyRamsden

    or sometimes 2 days :)
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