Server Maintenance for Game Update August 12th

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Aug 11, 2014.

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  1. Bernd Lauert

    My damn clients also keep complaining just because my service is horrible. Maybe you can do me a favor and explain your eat or die service concept to them.
  2. Raybbo

  3. dood

    If you have a problem with frequent game fixes and, at the same time, you have a problem with frequent glitches, then you have a big problem, and it's not SOE.
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  4. WurbleFlurble

    dont worry, that happens every time servers go down for maintenance.
  5. RenegadeHelios

    Well, that's funny. I still enjoy the game immensely, despite "all the terrible problems" and appreciate that there's bug fixes for stuff almost weekly.

    You couldn't have a glimmer of hope for something like that from some companies. Seriously, they do a lot more than many other companies. Take these guys compared to, say, Ubisoft, and SOE blows the rest out of the water. They've made a game that's perfectly easy to play for F2P'ers, without p2w complaints (except from the kids who don't know what that means, and use it as an excuse), they update problems regularly, they keep original content coming, and so on and so forth.

    Take a title like Ubisoft's Ghost Recon Online / Ghost Recon Phantoms.

    Dear God, I played that game since closed Alpha. For a short while there, proceeding into early open Beta, there was good communication. Then they got a new product director. Didn't get updates on game development or bug fixes for months on end. The game steadily progressed towards P2W, with vastly overpowered weapons that were only available for cash for extended periods of time. Bugs wouldn't be fixed for two years - some bugs still haven't been fixed. The worst part is, they lie regarding their communication with the community, stating in official press releases that "We've worked hand-in-hand with the community to help develop the game...".

    Believe me. SOE is doing a great job. Kudos to the devs.
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  6. sgtjohnbilly

    i dont get why nobody complain about those ****** lags !!
    even the patch seeems not made for it when in the days people have between 400 et 600 ms ping ... i see people on the chat IG angry,
    but still no communication about it. will you let your game running great only at nigth when there is only few players and the server is not laging ?
    will you make your game dying when bunch of new players start and quit your unplayable game ?
  7. Peppermintpie

    And can we get our Charakters back at any time?!
  8. Killjoy97

    I just came back from work... and... Maintenance!!!
  9. DeathBook85

    Can someone please tell me why none of my profiles are showing up when I start the game, its treating me as if I had joined the game for the first time. Someone please tell me!!!

    P.S. please fix the preformance for AMD systems :D
  10. Killjoy97

    They will come back after the maintenance is finished mate... Do I have to say this every time? o_O
  11. DeathBook85

    same thing happened to me
  12. DeathBook85

    then when will the maintence be done?
  13. Killjoy97

    btw is this gonna be one of those 2 hour patches or one of the 45 min ones?
  14. Genesy91

    loading screen doesn`t go over 6%
  15. t31os

    Runs perfectly fine on my *appropriate hardware*, but the system requirements definitely need some more work. I've not found the updates worthless, it's all a matter of what you value. I like hossin, i like the vehicle and aircraft changes, heck i like the latest update to, even with the little frustrations of mass zergs being everywhere at times.

    That's on you, you choose to invest money into the game. I invested money in Dragon's Prophet a while back(£70+), but gave up playing(just lost interest) and decided to focus on Planetside 2 instead. I spent 1 year or so playing PS2 before i put any money into it, but i don't regret a single purchase, nor do i regret my DP purchase despite not evening playing anymore.

    Feedback i can appreciate, when it's constructive and not insulting. You cannot realistically expect anyone to respect your opinion if you insult them whilst doing it. You described alot of the PS2 teams work as worthless, how is that constructive in any way?

    It functions for many people and to varying degrees, there's definitely some issues to be worked out though, sure. Cartridge games aren't really built with the same level of complexity, it's not a good comparison, so i'm not even going to go there. Would you rather PS2 still be in development right now, with noone playing and having to wait to say xmas this year for a release? This is the nature of open and free to play games, they are developed on the fly, the plus side is you get to start playing and enjoying an awesome game much sooner.

    The forums represent a vocal minority(i'd be surprised if it were any more than 2% of the total playerbase on the forums), so which players are you referring to, specifically.

    Last part was a general comment with regard to the forums, not you personally. Apologies, i should have made that more clear.
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  16. Killjoy97

    just asked the same question... ;)
  17. Killjoy97

    That's because the servers are on maintenance
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  18. Killjoy97

    hehe, true...
  19. Genesy91

    OP said "brief"
  20. Killjoy97

    Well the servers a 'locked' so that's a good sign
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