Seriously? Who is going to pay 25$ for name change?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ExtremeTech, Jan 11, 2015.

  1. doombro

    Because names are actually relevant.
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  2. Kirppu1

    People need to first think what name they'll pick not whine that their sir Popsiclefighter wasn't good. And further more creating a new char and getting more xp to it is Easy these days
  3. doombro

    Not only that, but it comes with a free KDR reset!
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  4. Kirppu1

    Or they get enough money, otherwise stuff like this would be cheaper
  5. Kirppu1

  6. Danath

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  7. doombro

    I was referring to making a new character :(
  8. Hammerlock

    at next server transfer tokens only for 250$ :rolleyes:
  9. MotionBlured

    Maybe, just maybe, they don't want you to change your name. It's a premium service. It's there if you want it bad enough.
  10. penandpencilman

    Things you can do with 25 dollars.
    Buy a meal, buy more than one meal, buy enough ramen noodles to last you weeks.
    Buy a nice lego set.
    Buy a new water bottle and some socks.
    Buy underwear.
    Buy and SD card for more apps on your phone.
    Buy some nice new CDs
    Buy some case fans.
    Mayhap some steam games?
    Rent a Teamspeak server for buddies
    Take your GF out to the movies
    Buy gas to take your GF out to movies
    Buy a nice mousepad
    Get some decent vino at your local retail store
    Give a nice tip at Applebees
    Upgrade your heatsink on your CPU
    Change your name from penandpennyman to penthepervet.
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  11. TheKhopesh

    I'd be fine with $5-10, but 25 is just a big "F*** no!"
  12. dezusa

    My brother of african decent :cool:
    Totally true.
    Even the simplest patches can go wrong from SoE.
  13. Kirppu1

    Ok, KDR is still irrelevant
  14. Kirppu1

    You do realize how much different is this game compared to bf?
  15. Kirppu1

  16. Tykune

    Doesn't work that way, man. Doesn't work that way.
  17. Bindlestiff

    And then drop another $25 because you still spelt it wrong ;)
  18. penandpencilman

    That's the beauty of it all.
  19. Auzor

    I would have expected something like a once-a-year namechange to be included in the membership.
    I think it is pretty hilarious people paying 10-15$ a month for a year don't get a name change included.

    <-- not a member, fyi.
  20. Crator

    It's new right? I'm guessing they will most likely come down in cost over time. Gotta get the whales first who don't care how much it is, then let the fodder at it next...