[Suggestion] Separate Heal/Revive Button

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Tipper, Jun 29, 2013.

  1. Tipper

    This has probably been mentioned before, but it would be a really easy change for SOE, and a really useful one. Make an option to bind the heal and revive functions of the medi tool to separate keys (ex left and right mouse buttons). This would help eliminate at least some of the annoyance that happens when you're trying to revive in a crowd of people and end up trying to heal full health soldiers. There's no downside, as if you don't like it, you can have them bound to the same key.
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  2. Robert Patrician

    I really like this idea. It's annoying when trying to revive someone in a doorway but the heal beam keeps latching onto someone at full health nearby.
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  3. IamTheRyaN

    Please, add this.
  4. Mostadio

    This would be so nice... it's pretty frustrating to try to revive a fallen max or w/e and have my jesus beam tag some guy that's adadadading on the guy's body.
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  5. Kcalehc

    Brilliant idea, completely agree.
  6. Cemdan

    This would make being a proper, mending medic much more efficient. Would you kindly implement this sooner rather than later!