Sensor shield 4 is gonna protect players from detection when sprinting

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Skeith, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. Skeith

    yep seems like it's pretty much it,now those poor heavy assaults will have a chance to fight with infiltrators even when sprinting, god forbid that a class with less health a cloak that even a blind bat could spot and a grenade that drains all the enemy abilities BESIDES heavy assault it's gonna have an advantage over it

    my question is

    are you guys at soe really this stupid? the infiltrator is alredy a subpar class that is barely needed on the battlefield, the only substantial reason to bring one was because of the recon aspect, and now it's gonna be COMPLETELY nullified by a ******* implant.

    in the meantime you are not addressing the plethora of bugs that are afflicting the class, most of them are in the game since launch

    you are not addressing the lack of terminals or hacking options in general despite you clearly said that you where going to do that 1 year ago.

    and you are not addressing the fact that the cloak is so pathetically easy to see, even when crouchwalking

    but most importantly you are not addressing the fact that we serve no freaking purpose in this game

    so yeah thanks a lot for ripping from us the only Useful thing that we where able to do

    but hey it's fine as long we have a good K/R

    sincerely screw you.
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  2. TraatAdmiral

    EDIT: Whoops, I'm wrong. Sorry.

    Yeah, that's gonna change stuff a bit. It'll be interesting to see how many people actually exchange that for a more combat-oriented one, though. Everyone besides Infiltrators usually has bigger problems.
  3. Jac70

    Seems to me that they misjudged the energy management for their implant system. I always thought it was a clear cash grab and that's why they pushed to introduce implants into the game over things that people actually wanted. I'll bet they've sold practically no energy chargers or implant packs because they are so readily available.

    So their solution is to introduce improved implants with I would assume higher power drains, hoping that people won't be able to run them 24/7 without buying chargers with real world money.

    As for sensor shield 4 - I use sensor shield myself on my close-range assault Infiltrator so am in two minds about this. It's not a widely used implant so not sure if this will make a huge difference.
  4. Brenold

    wow. really? you make it sound like they can start cloaking or something.
    sure the implant nullifies the recon tools, but that same heavy can just choose to walk to avoid detection anyway
    the implant would be so situational (and being higher tier, a huge energy drain) that I would only use it if I was consciously planning some sneaky tactics and expect enemy recon. Most probably on an LA or infil.

    I don't think this will affect you as much as you think... and I dont think you'll see enough people using it to make a real difference.

    If only I could have a squad that could all had similar implants, oh that would be a sight...... imagine a squad dropping from cliffs on indar without needing jetpacks... or everyone having clear vision and spamming concussion/flash, or emp shield and spamming emp....
  5. Jac70

    So can we clarify what shows up on the radar and what doesn't because even after more than a years playing I am still never sure.

    Is is the case that only sprinting or jumping enemies show up on the minimap when there are recon tools in use? What about an LA using a jetpack?
  6. MajiinBuu

    The implant sounds like it would be most beneficial for infiltrators. You'd no longer have to crouch-walk to avoid radar. The cloak is useless if the enemy knows exactly where you are from the minimap.
    P.S. I don't know what sensor shield does, I'm just guessing it hides you from radar.
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  7. Kubin

    Yup, hides you as long as you don't jump and don't move at sprint speed or faster (so sliding down hill really fast and generally falling still shows you on radar).
  8. Skeith

    sensor shields hides you from radar unless your sprinting at level 3, at level 4 it's gonna hide you even if you sprint

    i see no purpose in having this on my infiltrator since our cloak, decloak noise it's gonna alert anyone from our presence past 250meters and our cloak at close range, serves as a big "shoot me" disclaimer.

    just to clarify something, this wont be a huge deal if the class wasnt so alredy plagued with problems, this is just another big fk you from SOE after we asked for more advanced hacking options or heck even more terminals, or to fix the plethora of bugs that are affecting the cloak.

    what makes me sad is that a lot of infiltrators like Munstarde who are good at the game, think that this is acceptable because they make killstreaks left and right and forget that as actual infiltrators we are extremely crippled right now.

    dont believe me?, go to play ps1 for 10 minutes as infiltrator
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  9. Brenold

    it would be handy for stalker cloakers who dont have to cloak/decloak unless they want to.

    i personally think the implants negating/weakening effects of emp, concussion/flash, sensor tools, thermal optics are too situational so we really wont see a lot of players running around with them unless it was deliberate.

    some battles it doesnt matter if you have the implant because if you aren't detected then one of your allies will.

    anyway, I feel for you (the cloak just got a new bug today lol) but the implants really only give slight advantages when compared one-on-one but in the big picture it doesnt really change much.Except I get a lot less tank mine kills since EOD HUD came out....
    And i've died from tank mines maybe twice since then as a passenger.
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  10. MarkAntony

    I'm OK with this. Will be useful on my stalker build.
  11. Vaphell

    it sounds very useful on the offensive if you are an aggressive cqc infil or a stalker, but makes the defensive job, which is something i did all the time to shut enemy infils down, completely unreliable. Unreliable detection = no need even for that 1 infil in the organized tryhard squad.
  12. iller

    It's the pay to Win precedent all of this is setting that concerns me the most.
    I'm also worried they're going to try to duplicate these sorts of items in EQN too.

    Mechanically speaking.... this addition doesn't necessarily invalidate all infiltrators, and if anything, it could make Stalkers a lot more necessary to spot these shielded players manually. Meanwhile If you ask a lot of top players who play for kill-streaks, they've said that the Spotting warning implant is a lot more useful to them than the SensorShield generally is, since most players in this game don't even pay attention to their radar in the first place but they do spam the spotting key a lot.

    And I swear, if someone tries to say P2W only ever means a "win" that nonpayers can't get, I WILL GO OFF ON YOU FOR BEING A STUPID MARKETING BRAINWASHED MILLENNIAL who doesn't understand what the word advantage means.
  13. CuteBeaver

    That is terrible logic. The only reason Sensor Shield (T3) wasn't used allot was because most players value their ability to sprint. Your out of your mind if you honestly think a better version of SS won't sway people over to widespread usage. It has the possibility to be another clear vision. Depending on what other popular choices exist will dictate how many equip it often. The only drawback which might save the day is energy cost.

    Stalkers gain the LEAST from SS implant. Think about it. we have the luxury to pick and choose when we move, and how we move. We can afford the extra time and attention to check our mini maps for pings and enemy spotters and act accordingly. Its the other classes like LA's and HA, which are going to enjoy this the most, and possibly SMG infils who must remain sprinting in order to keep breathing. One the same token its the SMG infil who is going to suffer most. They will no longer be able to determine flanks without a higher margin of error.

    Again the Stalker can sit pretty and visually determine whats actually going down. We will all be affected by this change but its going to be most frustrating for higher paced activities.

    I don't know what the Devs are trying to do. I really don't understand. Knife revamp and mobility nerf making an escape based on human reaction time almost impossible. As a stalker you need to plan an escape since low ammo, lower damage, and overall clip size in comparison to your target. Which is statistically most likely going to be a HA. (Again not sure if the mobility issues on test are going to stick.) I don't want to complain but knifing and hit detection/reg has been terrible lately. Then we had those issues with player jitter and also when people scoped in they were looking in the opposite direction then what was actually being seen on their client. So you had stalkers running up and trying to ambush people whos backs were turned only to wonder why they were taking damage when the target was firing into the wall spraying tracers out of his ***.

    Then SOE goes ahead and give us scopes on the COMMY and UBOSS completely out of the blue. Thats awesome, good change but again appears to be no concern on how those changes affect our class. It almost feels like an accidental buff, or possibly compensation for something.

    Either they have some grand vision planned or they really have no interest in how these changes affect our class. Expecting us to just adapt instead to a new set of rules and circumstances. To this i say "fine" but they had better expect a waterfall of hate, and then have to work to adjust our stealth abilities in order to regain the opportunities which were removed. If their intention is to limit radar usage and then decrease our cloaks viability that might be a good trade-off. Of course we don't know exactly what they are thinking, it could just be all about the money.
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  14. REZistance

    Yeah, I won't be using this as a Stalker. I value my Regen 1 too much. What I don't like about it is that it completely nullifies the one main reason we are valuable in a team context - recon.

    Damn, I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me. You think you've got the jump on a guy, his back is turned to you... you make your move.. BAM, dead. On the death screen it's the guy who had his back to you.. what the - :confused:
  15. Jac70

    It's all about the money, clearly implants were introduced to encourage people to buy chargers but they must have put a zero in the wrong place somewhere because I am a free player and I've got chargers coming out of my ears.

    That said I also think that there is too much detection in the game already. People use it as a crutch and as an alternative to general awareness. Although in this game when threats can come from any direction and TTK is so short I don't feel bad for spamming my recon darts like a madman.

    Perhaps another implant that increases footstep noises could be introduced, that would gel well with the Stalker Inf.
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  16. CuteBeaver

    I could see myself functioning just fine in a world where Max Units could not equip SS. Therefor motion spotters could still be useful for detecting Max Crashes for your team. That being said the ambiguity of knowing where our targets exist for flanks will hurt SMG users. However they could be used better offensively with SS.

    There have been times with [3GIS] where I leave my spotter with them, and have to go to establish a connection at the adjacent base "blind." Stalker cloak functions fine without radar, in fact you actually avoid detection better until bodies hit the floor, or the point flips. Once people start looking for you its a different story. The point I am trying to make is Infil's can function without radar. Its more risky but (at least with stalker - not having the cloak sound going off all the time) you actually feel stealthy.

    Stalker Infiltrators can still get somewhere elevated and spot. At times I have dropped a spotter for Alpha and then spotted for Bravo squad because the motion didn't cover the southern side. Its very effective but also rather annoying to do. I don't think infils will be completely removed from squad play because of these changes.

    I think Audio Amp was actually a thing the first time Implants were proposed. I could be wrong since it was so long ago.
  17. K2k4

    Will lvl 4 implants be based on RNG? I can't see lots of people acquiring this. Still it's as bullship as emp shield was. Hmm.
  18. Foxirus

    They are doing this because the energy is not being drained fast enough. Right now if you run with a standard zerg, You get enough chargers and disposable implants to keep completely cap your energy by the time you get down to 20k energy levels while running T3 implants. Right now, I have 3 super chargers just sitting there collecting dust because my energy does not burn fast enough. I ALWAYS run T3 implants.

    With them doing this, It allows them to force people to burn energy faster without making it look like a direct nerf to implants. I am not complaining though, I will kill to be completely invisible on the radar while I am an infiltrator.

    I will just have to pray to the RNG gods that I get a T4 Sensor shield early on in the blend.

    Edit: Be glad they are doing this. This way is a thousand times better than them just coming in and saying "Well... Implants are not burning enough energy because noone buys ultrachargers.. So we are just going to increase the cost of all implants by a small margin."
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  19. Moz

    Its not a widely used implant because other classes CANT take the hit to thier movement speed in order to make use of it.

    Now that this is being removed, I think you will see a big jump in useage. A lot of people (not so many on here) actually understand how minimap info is make or break. Yes people its THAT important!
  20. STR1D3R109

    If Sensor shield 4 does get released, then well looks like it will be pretty damn easy to get Auraxium shotguns! lol

    They should make some of these implants Certain classes only. that would be better.