Sensitivity with iron, reflex and IRNV sights can not be changed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gheeta, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Gheeta

    For those that do not know what i am talking about when you are using iron, reflex or IRNV sights the "scoped sensitivity" setting does nothing when aiming down sights. This leaves you in a stupid situation where if i want to have proper hip fire sensitivity the aim down sight sensitivity is way too low or the other way around. It makes no sense that i can only change my sensitivity when using certain sights.

    So...What is the deal here, so far i have made about 5 bug reports, multiple threads in the beta, tweets etc and this still is not fixed? And i certainly ain't the only one having this issue, many of the threads went over 10 pages and i was not the only one asking for the fix.

    Three ways to fix fix this

    1. Add another sensitivity slider called "Aim down sight sensitivity"
    2. Add a value to UserOptions.ini
    3. Make the "scoped sensitivity" work with iron, reflex and IRNV sights
  2. Opapanax

    Are you absolutely sure this does not change sensitivity when ADSing? Unless I had a placeebo going this whole time. I think it does change it some.. Maybe not in a big way, but it does slow up some..
  3. TimeyWimey

    scoped sensitivity affects only "true" scopes. It doesn't affect IS/Reflex/2xreflex (not sure on the 2xreflex, but iirc it doesn't affect that either).

    edit: you can easily see this yourself, go to warpgate and pull scoped sens to max / lowest possible setting and try it out :]

    e2: only way to work around this is atm have different dpi settings on your mouse, which isn't that practical. Or just learn to use the current system, which I have myself grown into but which still isn't the right way to do this.
  4. TimeyWimey

  5. Opapanax

    I see...
  6. Gheeta

    I really hope this gets fixed now that the developers are working to polish the game. This issue is extremely frustrating.
  7. Perls

    Bump and yes please. I ride my hip fire sensitivity so freaking high up (old school quake player) that I can 360 twice moving the mouse less than an inch. This kills me for ADS. So I'm forced with slow turning to perform accurate ads. Sucks ***.
  8. Zeekez

    I've been asking for this since early beta, since all I use are the 1x and 2x reflex sights the scope sensitivity slider doesn't do jack for me