[Guide] semi auto scout

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by ZeroErrorz, Jan 1, 2014.

  1. ZeroErrorz

    so i hear most people said that this gun need some damage buff for some reason, if you are one of these people asking it let me tell you guys a something: your doing it WRONG

    this thing isnt made for medium range its made for cqc range but still able to be used at medium, the problem of the damage only come when you try shooting at medium range without aiming for head shot, i had this problem too when first using it, but now i have to say its more less better than an smg due to its versatility, in cqc this thing is an infil slug shoty stick it with a laser sight, silencer and IRNV, try hipfiring with this gun in cqc to semi medium its really acurate, and the high damage output will down a target in 3-5 shot (depend where it hit) ,due this high damage capability and infil capability of closing the range quickly make this weapon as my favorite when i dont know what im up against.

    so people stop crying for a buff unless you guys want a instagib gun (latency remember...) and if your looking for a cqc gun with a decent price get this this rifle, once you know how to use it its problably gonna be your go to weapon, and for the most part the reason i made this post is that i dont see a lot of infil using it now not knowing the true potential this gun have.
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