Scythe woes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Moridin6, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. Moridin6

    So did some flying tonight, and its the same as it always in versus reavers and mossys, i come up behind dump a whole mag of rounds into them they turn and ONE CLIP me, have most of their health.

    time after time

    never mind making the damn things spin on a dime all while landing rounds on me, i Guess theyre just that good ?

    im talking about putting my cannon up their butt and letting loose. hailstorm or default, either way the damage i do i pitiful.
    then their gun goes vrrrraaapp, and i burst. 100percent from single source, 1.5 seconds at most. this in an max comp armored scythe.

    wtf is going on? it is set like this, are our guns that much weaker? or do i just have the pleasure of attracting all the scumbags cheaters?

    multiple scythe were shooting these guys(there were a few but in this example it was 4 scy vs 1 reaver) and they would eliminate each scythe with nary a worry, 3 scy before me burst fighting him i engage and BOOM im dead and all the rounds put at him combined, i had MANY hit markers and saw rounds landing from the other 3 scy, effectively took a forth of the reavers health....

    4 scy landing rounds, i hit with Most of a full mag, the gdman paint was scratched . .

    what gives
  2. IcEzEbRa

    There are a few, but not many esf pilots, that have, and are actually trying to win 1 v 4. I've only seen mossie's and reavers pull it off, not a scythe, actually. I'm now working on my scythe "shoot me fiber", and have already done reaver and mossie. I love that in the game there are such unique and subtle differences for each one, and then 3 diff airframes. One thing scythe has going for it is ability to keep it's nose-gun on target, ofc that's also aim. Letting a rotary+fuel hover reaver, or even default nose+fuel+hover mossie close is generally not a good idea. I don't find that the scythe does not have the vertical thrust of other two, but kinda slides easily at strange and bkwards angles, while also being able to stay stationary, but spin and get nose on target.

    I don't think comp armor does anything for air nosegun dmg, only ground, dunno, might have changed. Think a lot of pilots are running stealth and fire supp, what I usually run. You also don't get to see all the sources that kill you as air, only the top 2 at most on death screen, so think sometimes might be misleading. I've also asked pilots that have killed me abouth their vehicle hp showed on death screen, I'm seeing a lot but they say they have a lot tless than I see.

    A few thoughts anyway
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  3. Rts Marshall

    First of all Composite armor only protects against Flack and small arms fire on the esfs(look in desc). it does not protect against anything else.

    Second reavers are built for more damage due to their faction specific specs

    Third the scythe has 2 weaknesses and that's the fact that its a pancake, it may be thin in some areas but if they can hit the wide areas you will loose health fast, even if they are not using a high damage gun.

    Finally I don't know the situation you was in during the one vs four fight to know if cheating is involved (situation is everything in this game), all three esfs are situationally designed so that balance can happen.

    they are designed as fallows

    Mossie has superior speed, smallest esf body size, has lager magazines and fire rates
    reaver has superior hover, superior Afterburner, largest body size, and more weapon damage
    Scythe has superior dogfighting, a pancake body, faster reload speed, and reduced bullet drop(on specific weapons like the Saron)

    consider them carefully......

    since the reaver was the one that you claimed was against you and 3 other scythes, based off of what I see it will win.
    due to the fact that their guns do more overall damage and have superior hover here is my guess to what happened. you dealt with a reaver with hover 4 airframe(superior hover + hover 3) rest of them I cant figure out without more info, he had a rotary or a airhammer, and he had after burner fueltanks as secondary. I am making this guess because usually when other esfs vs scythes they try to get as close and personal as possible because the roterys and the airhammers are only affective at close range. Finally he hit all your scythes on their flat sides causing all bullets to hit with minimal misses. leading to one clipping, and the defeat of your scythes. Since I don't know your loadout or your other scythes loadouts I cant say if he was cheating or not, but if you had composite armor as you say it offers no protection against Esf nose guns or secondary's.
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  4. zaspacer

    The ESF game is fairly non-intuitive. Your best bet is to "improve your knowledge" by getting the best info from either (1) Top Pilots in game, or (2) feedback from people on this forum. Some will say that feedback on this forum isn't close to perfect, but while that may be true, it's a LOT better than anything short of talking to a Top Pilot... and it can still help you.

    Also, you should check out MattiAce's videos. He is one of the best ESF pilots in the game, and even his old tutorial vids are still great:

    MattAce's ESF

    Now, with regards to ESF Loadouts, MattiAce's vid info on that is probably old, so let us address that for you here on the forums. As has been said, most Top Pilots currently run Fire Suppression and Stealth (if you are not using these, why not? They are currently *that* good). Many Top Pilots run Hover Airframe while some run Racer Airframe (I was a Racer, but I switched to Hover). High Skill A2A pilots often run Fuel Tank, while Lower Skill A2A pilots often fly in packs ("gank squads") and use A2AM. Fully Certed Mag is a MUST for A2A Noseguns, it is one of the biggest factors in improving your ESF's performance for A2A: bigger Mag means more trigger time for damage on target.

    Most TR and VS ESF pilots currently use the Default Nosefun (Needler and Saron) for A2A. And either an A2A Wingmount (Fuel Tank or A2AM) or a A2G Wingmount (Rocket Pods or Hornets). Some do use AI Nosegun, but it is harder to hansle A2A with them, so fewer do so unless they feel safe from enemy Air. The NC ESFs can run Default Nosegun, Vortek, or Air Hammer.

    When putting Nosegun damage on enemy ESFs, remember:
    1) trigger discipline (stop firing when you are not on or fall off target, start firing as you get on or get back on target)
    2) reload discipline (know/learn when to best eat the trigger lock downtime of reload and get your Mag back to full; know what evasive or closing/setup moves to make during this downtime)
    3) range discipline (know when to starting hitting targets, in order to maximize accuracy and range damage and pursuit options, while minimizing the opponents evasion or turn-and-engage you options)
    4) after burner management (know/learn when to use it and how)

    If you have 4 ally ESFs, you can use A2AM to beat 1 Top Pilot ESF. Just back off from each ally, and use A2AM when he engages one of you (the other 3 use A2AM on him from their backed off distance). Do not try to just Nosefun the Top Pilot, he will do evasion that ruins your accuracy, and then he will 1-by-1 pick you apart. But if you keep distance from each other and use A2AM, there is nothing he can do: if he engages one of you, the others can get him with A2AM from a range that his evasion will not break their A2AM locking process.
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  5. TheRealNattyIcePS4

    So instead of making excuses calling them cheaters or assuming your noseguns are weaker than theirs show us some gameplay and we will tell you why you suck and you can fix the problems. Pretty sure its just your aim, and you probably dont dodge either.
  6. ObiVanuKenobi

    It's broken game, OP weapons and cheats.
  7. chuck105

    The key advantages of a scythe are it's thin front profile and it's quick transition to hover. I try to use cover as much as possible, since I've switched back to the Hailstorm, which is inferior to the other rotaries in a hover battle. One thing I've found that helps is switching to 3rd person, in fact you should learn to always turn and locate the enemy in 3rd person, since it offers a wider field of view, and gives you a better sense of your attitude. You can even "hip fire" in 3rd person, so you can dodge more easily, with similar advantages and disadvantages.
    My feeling is the scythe is by far the weakest of the 3, just like most VS weapons, in inexperienced hands. It doesn't fly like a plane, it turns tighter, but slower than the other 2, and is only at an advantage while hovering at range.
    I got tired of the Sauron because I'm just not accurate enough, and it felt like in order to have an advantage in a 1 on 1, against a competent pilot, I needed to be at such a range that we both had trouble killing each other, and by the time I got them smoking, I'd get ganked by something else. The rotary may not be the best choice for the scythe, but it kills fast enough, especially against inferior pilots, that you can quickly escape when outnumbered.
  8. apcr01

    Actually there is no FPS online game without cheats just because they all client side + aim is something that you cant protect from cheating. So problem is not cheats but F2P model.
  9. apcr01

    For me scythe is OP 1 v 1. Hard to land shots on it and hard to turn that fast. Scythe just reverse maneuver around your tail and nothing you can do. Only bring more reavers with A2A.

  10. Moridin6

    again, full mag up their butt all i can see is their hull nothing missed. they flip around one clip me, there was nothing to do with aim excepting that they aimed wel once they flped around. i snuck up on him got a full mag into him, JACK SHT

    and sorry i dont hinder my system to record just i can have a somehow Better conversation about something. have real input or get lost ;)
  11. ObiVanuKenobi

    Would your video look like this?
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  12. Stigma

    That's literally impossible. All anti-air noseguns one-clip ESFs at close range, even without magazine upgrades - and the default noseguns have an even wider margin of error for this. Feel free to test this in VR.

    As for differences in guns, all the AA guns are fairly similar. The NC vortek rotary is the only one with significantly higher DPS (but the VS guns have higher velocity for significantly easier aiming, and the TR ones have some more ammo in the mag). There simply does not exist any huge discrepancy in the guns that comes anywhere near to explaining what you are describing in the original post.

    I'm not sure what sort of input you are expecting - some sort of verification that the game is massively biased against you and how this explains why you lost? It sounds overwhelming more plausible that you simply aren't hitting as much as you think you are, and that you subsequently have gotten turned on by more experienced pilots who retaliate efficiently.

  13. Moridin6

    i mean if big red Xs on the screen mean im possibly not hitting them then yeah you maybe correct.
    and i guess im not sure what im looking for here, maybe advice, maybe similar stories, or maybe i just wanted to vent and looked for those who felt similar?

    really im just super frustrated that even catching One of them unaware and moving to within a ships distance nothing got accomplished. me, them, cheats, game? i dunno. it sucked. its that simple
  14. Stigma

    I'm not trying to be antagonistic here. I'm just saying that occams razor likely applies.
    As far as hitmarkers go while flying you have to remember that it takes a lot of sustained fire and consistent hits to drop a targets health fast. You can often get the impression from hitmarkers that you are hitting a larger percentage of your shots then you really are just because even 20-30% hits will still feel like "a lot" of hitmarkers. Having tracers that you can judge by (ie. particles at medium or high) helps considerably with this.

    In the stupid amount of time I've put into PS2 so far I've only seen about 2 instances of clear aimbots in aircraft, and once there was a bug for a few days where ESFs could randomly become immune to damage, but that was fixed pretty quick (a bug, not a cheat). Such things are unlikely to explain what what you experienced, especially if this is common and involves different players.

    I don't know what advice to give you except to say that practice always pays off - and you will gain a better intuitive feel for how well you are hitting the more experience you get.

  15. Moridin6

    yeah i kept at it for awhile cant say i did any better lol was 20 negative on the kd and my spm was terrible, so i had to go do something else, i hate loggn off negative

    i was so close to him, no room to see the traces, so i dunno, its not like this game hasnt Fd me before. it just felt sooo underpowered.

    ill keep trying , and trying to not buy the A2A lock ons out of spite lol
  16. Seagulkawkaw

    Sounds like learn to play issue, probably just vastly superior pilot with better aim. If you can post some footage would make it a lot easier to see what happened/give some useful comments
  17. Moridin6

    im not disputing that thyre better lol

    but when my gun is UP THE POOTY and hailstorm goes pewpewpepwpewpwepew youd think id do more than mar the decal on the side :)
  18. Seagulkawkaw

    Footage would help a lot here then, I think it's 35 close range hits with hailstorm for a kill barring no firesupp or autorep coming into play, so yeah if you're certain you dumped a full mag into them without misses at point blank then maybe something else is going on. Scythe is definitely not disadvantaged in 1v1 situations though, both saron and Hailstorm are solid noseguns and your paper thin hitbox gives you a pretty solid advantage in a hoverfight.
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  19. Moridin6

    yeah ill try again sometime soon, see if anything is different.. i eventually got a pack of vanu to come with me, i Think someone got them, sure wasnt me lol
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  20. TheRealNattyIcePS4

    Just give us one video as an example or you are just a salty bad pilot.