Scout Radar going to be changed to spot only moving enemies.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ravenorth, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. Ravenorth

    Just found this on reddit:

    "Scout Radar detects hostiles at a range of 200 meters." changed to "Scout Radar detects the movement of hostiles at a range of 200 meters."

    As someone who uses scout radar flash a lot I think this is a good chance, not only for stalker cloakers but also for general game play. Now you can actually be outside of bases using the terrain as a cover to hide from vehicles without having to fear that some random scout radar ESF will come lolpod you simply because trying to hide from them has been always useless.

    I dont use stalker cloak, but I always felt e a bit cheesy when revealing them with scout radar, simply because they had no way to counter it. Now they can actually rely that they are 100% hidden instead of "probably" hidden, its surely going to be a bit more challenging to hunt them down, but I like challenge.
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  2. MarkAntony

    Agreed 100%. No sensors should pick up on non moving or crouch moving targets imo.
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  3. lxELeSSaRxl

    About time, it was very overpowered, pretty much a maphack.
    A question, detects fast movement targets or moving targets in general? (you know, you can avoiD darts and motion spotters if you crouch walk)
  4. JP_Russell

    Great news.

    I'm still of the opinion that there should be more tools on the ground to use to counter/track down stalkers with the removal of scout radar, though. Motion sensory is no good if the stalker is smart (and will soon be even more hampered when implants come out), which leaves only dark lights and lucky explosive/EMP tosses to pinpoint them, which I think is pretty insufficient unless the stalker is just sitting at a capture point nonstop or giving his position away with callouts repeatedly. Everything we have outside of scout radar is only really useful if you know pretty specifically where the stalker is, so I'd like to see some additional (balanced) infantry countermeasures that try to address that.
  5. MarkAntony

    So long as a skilled infiltrator can counter those counter measure by being smart I am open for ideas. But I still don't get why infiltrators are the only class that has a multiple direct counters to it's class ability.
    At least make EMP grenades reset the energy on heavy shield, medic aoe heal, Jumpjets and max charge. (don't know what it could do to the engy)
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  6. Ravenorth

    Needs to be tested before I can say anything for sure, but I think it would be pretty fair if it detected all movement, even crouch walking. After all its vehicle mounted radar, you have sit on your vehicle for it to work and especially on the Flash you are really vulnerable while you do so.
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  7. lxELeSSaRxl

    honeslty, stalker cloack is perfectly balanced. Any veteran player can deal with a stalker easilly. Even if you get killed once, the chances of you getting killed again are pretty low. WHy? if you dont have an infiltrator, you have: more HP and a better weapon, since stalkers can only carry a secondary. Plus, honestly, hunting stalkers is pretty easy. I just equip my SMG infil loadout with a darkflashlight, place a motion spotter and just drop an emp grenade to the area in which the stalker was last detected, you not only lower his shields and drain his cloack, but also, since you have an infiltrator to, you caught him with his pants off. EZ kill. Even easier if hes just runing around while being detected by the motion spoter.
  8. MarkAntony

    I agree. Darklight flashlight cant be avoided and is bad mechanic.
    But with this change and sensor shield implant things are looking up. If only slightly.
  9. lxELeSSaRxl

    Yep, at least they should fix the interaction of the darkflashlight and walls, since the light goes through walls :l
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  10. OldMaster80

    This was absolutely needed. Good change.
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  11. Atis

    So what is difference between scout and proximity radar now?
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  12. Ravenorth

    Much better range and it also shows enemies for your team, so its obviously a more suitable for scouting.
  13. Jalek

    Good news for those who like to watch the zerg go by and then hack turrets and terminals behind enemy lines far from lattice proximity just to be annoying and play peek-a-boo for hours.
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  14. Atis

    So doesn't worth siting in flash or ESF in 99.99% situation. Its good I didn't maxed it, would be total waste of certs.
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  15. Ravenorth

    Yeah, because revealing every moving enemy to your team within 100m/200m range is totally useless.
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  16. p10k56

    Congratulation Infillobby QQ has won again. Now annoyators will be another reason for many players to quit.
    Nice played really. First infillobby create atmosphere that everyone one is using radar. That everyone is being spotted.
    But it will only serve good to infils with their superduper long range riffle.
    If anyone is thinking it will help LA also you are wrong cos as LA you must go near enemy to kill and this means moving.
    When for unknown reason you will be unable to cap point or point will recap and your darklight will not help, you will be not able to tell if you are trolled by hacker or its bug cos nothing will be able to detect not moving target.
    Also many not moving infantry crying to be haedshoted by our heroes is nice bonus to this change.
    This change will only help hackers and number of situation when you are sprinting full speed and suddenly infiltrator happens with SMG and of course from behind will rise.
    Buffing infiltrator is same stupid move as buffing liberators it will only make more people to rage quit and attracts shady character all around internet. As the straight bolt was not enough:(

    Nice now cert refund will be nice SOE for useless radar;)
    And now for darklight buff what about darklight laser for spotting as upgrade of flashlight with tighter cone but longer range.
    It will be nice way to invest our refund SOE:cool:
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  17. Zenanii

    So... how are we now supposed to smoke out stalker infiltrators from bases with multiple cap points and lattice links?
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  18. GhostAvatar

    I would rather have seen this turned into an implant, than an outright nerf.
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  19. MajiinBuu

    Scout radar nerfed?
    Well that was certs well spent :mad:
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  20. Mxiter

    Infiltrators won the war: rambo>teamwork.
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