Scoreboard is broken -> outfit base capture will be broken too!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by x2cygnus, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. x2cygnus

    The scores displayed at the scoreboard are very broken!
    - Many times have I seen where people kill stuff, but it is not reflected in the scoreboard.
    - In most extreme cases, I have seen people contributing a lot yet having a score of 0
    - Many times I have seen people coming from another hex and bringing their score together with them.

    If outfit base capturing will be based on that, it is going to be very broken as well. Expect a lot of complaints!
  2. Udnknome

    Not sure this is necessarily the case. Just because the scoreboard is broken, doesn't necessarily mean your score is broken. There will be complaints because the scoreboard doesn't reflect the outfit tag that is awarded, but I don't think it will be the other way around.

    Can only see the top 10 contributors on that board anyhow, how do you know there wasn't 300 666th guys that in total outscored the others but didn't get on the top 10. (Connery).
  3. Teneth

    I think this is a valid argument seeing how inconsistent scoreboards are and could definitely affect outfit base capture. I hope their calculations for base capture are more consistent but I guess we'll find out...

  4. Dhabu

    I see this as a valid concern, and I would love to see some reassurance/details about the system. Obviously SOE can correctly track stats (since they track everyone's personal stats seemingly accurately), but that scoreboard is often way off the mark.