Scattercannon vs Hacksaw

Discussion in 'MAX' started by T0rin, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. T0rin

    There seems to be no shortage of threads about the Hacksaw, but I could not (well I only went through 10 pages of search results before giving up) find any discussion on the Scattercannon vs the Hacksaw. Cert/SC investment aside, it seems they do the same damage per shot, the Hacksaw is fully automatic, they have the same clip size, the refire time on the Hacksaw is .04 seconds faster than the Scattercannon (or 20%), the Hacksaw takes .65 seconds longer to reload (37% slower), the min CoF on the Hacksaw is worse, but the max is better... otherwise everything else is the same.

    Assuming you could manually fire the Scattercannon as fast as it can shoot, is there any great motivation for someone who already has Dual Scattercannon, to get Dual Hacksaws? Is the autofire that important? Seems like the reload time is quite long enough as it is with the Scattercannons.
  2. Ghostfox

    Eh, depends on playstyle really.

    If you want pray n spray, the Hacksaws.. otherwise, if you are perfectly fine with having to click each shot, there is no reason to spend the certs/cash to get the Hacksaws.
  3. Purg

    As you've probably read in those threads, the Hacksaws excel at very close quarters such as a Bio Lab. I use them there exclusively. If you don't fight in Bio Labs often, probably better saving your money and 1000 certs you need to get extended ammo so you don't spend more time reloading them than you do shooting them.

    Any other facility I'll equip my Scatter/Mattock with slugs combo (if I'm going to AI) as the range and the ability to somewhat accurately fire (well, compared to the Hacksaw.. anyway) is a much greater advantage than being able to gib anything within 10 meters. You can still gib pretty well within 10m and gib pretty well outside those ranges if you equip slugs.